Sumit Ghosh


Driving spin chirality by electron dynamics in laser-excited antiferromagnets

Optical generation of complex spin textures is one of the most exciting challenges of modern spintronics. Here, we uncover a distinct physical mechanism for imprinting spin chirality into collinear magnets with short laser pulses. By simultaneously treating the laser-ignited evolution of electronic structure and magnetic order, we show that their intertwined dynamics can result in an emergence of quasi-stable chiral states. We find that laser-driven chirality does not require any auxiliary external fields or intrinsic spin-orbit interaction to exist, and it can survive on the time scale of nanoseconds even in the presence of thermal fluctuations, which makes the uncovered mechanism relevant…

research product

Unified topological characterization of electronic states in spin textures from noncommutative K-theory

The nontrivial topology of spin systems such as skyrmions in real space can promote complex electronic states. Here, we provide a general viewpoint at the emergence of topological electronic states in spin systems based on the methods of noncommutative K-theory. By realizing that the structure of the observable algebra of spin textures is determined by the algebraic properties of the noncommutative hypertorus, we arrive at a unified understanding of topological electronic states which we predict to arise in various noncollinear setups. The power of our approach lies in an ability to categorize emergent topological states algebraically without referring to smooth real- or reciprocal-space qu…

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