Claudia Bode

The shortest-path problem with resource constraints with -loop elimination and its application to the capacitated arc-routing problem

Abstract In many branch-and-price algorithms, the column generation subproblem consists of computing feasible constrained paths. In the capacitated arc-routing problem (CARP), elementarity constraints concerning the edges to be serviced and additional constraints resulting from the branch-and-bound process together impose two types of loop-elimination constraints. To fulfill the former constraints, it is common practice to rely on a relaxation where loops are allowed. In a k-loop elimination approach all loops of length k and smaller are forbidden. Following Bode and Irnich (2012) for solving the CARP, branching on followers and non-followers is the only known approach to guarantee integer …

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In-Depth Analysis of Pricing Problem Relaxations for the Capacitated Arc-Routing Problem

Recently, Bode and Irnich [Bode C, Irnich S (2012) Cut-first branch-and-price-second for the capacitated arc-routing problem. Oper. Res. 60(5):1167–1182] presented a cut-first branch-and-price-second algorithm for solving the capacitated arc-routing problem (CARP). The fundamental difference to other approaches for exactly solving the CARP is that the entire algorithm works directly on the typically sparse underlying graph representing the street network. This enables the use of highly efficient dynamic programming-based pricing algorithms to solve the column-generation subproblem also known as the pricing problem. The contribution of this paper is the in-depth analysis of the CARP pricing…

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Cut-First Branch-and-Price-Second for the Capacitated Arc-Routing Problem

This paper presents the first full-fledged branch-and-price (bap) algorithm for the capacitated arc-routing problem (CARP). Prior exact solution techniques either rely on cutting planes or the transformation of the CARP into a node-routing problem. The drawbacks are either models with inherent symmetry, dense underlying networks, or a formulation where edge flows in a potential solution do not allow the reconstruction of unique CARP tours. The proposed algorithm circumvents all these drawbacks by taking the beneficial ingredients from existing CARP methods and combining them in a new way. The first step is the solution of the one-index formulation of the CARP in order to produce strong cut…

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