Hiromichi Nakazato
Estimation of the Repeatedly-Projected Reduced Density Matrix under Decoherence
Decoherence is believed to deteriorate the ability of a purification scheme that is based on the idea of driving a system to a pure state by repeatedly measuring another system in interaction with the former and hinder for a pure state to be extracted asymptotically. Nevertheless, we find a way out of this difficulty by deriving an analytic expression of the reduced density matrix for a two-qubit system immersed in a bath. It is shown that we can still extract a pure state if the environment brings about only dephasing effects. In addition, for a dissipative environment, there is a possibility of obtaining a dominant pure state when we perform a finite number of measurements.
Analytic estimation of transition between instantaneous eigenstates of quantum two-level system
AbstractTransition amplitudes between instantaneous eigenstates of a quantum two-level system are evaluated analytically on the basis of a new parametrization of its evolution operator, which has recently been proposed to construct exact solutions. In particular, the condition under which the transitions are suppressed is examined analytically. It is shown that the analytic expression of the transition amplitude enables us, not only to confirm the adiabatic theorem, but also to derive the necessary and sufficient condition for quantum two-level system to remain in one of the instantaneous eigenstates.
Distillation of entanglement between distant systems by repeated measurements on an entanglement mediator
A recently proposed purification method, in which the Zeno-like measurements of a subsystem can bring about a distillation of another subsystem in interaction with the former, is utilized to yield entangled states between distant systems. It is shown that the measurements of a two-level system locally interacting with other two spatially separated not coupled subsystems, can distill entangled states from the latter irrespectively of the initial states of the two subsystems.
Heat Capacity and Entanglement Measure in a simple two-qubit model
A simple two-qubit model showing Quantum Phase Transitions as a consequence of ground state level crossings is studied in detail. Using the Concurrence of the system as an entanglement measure and heat capacity as a marker of thermodynamical properties, an analytical expression giving the latter in terms of the former is obtained. A protocol allowing an experimental measure of entanglement is then presented and compared with a related proposal recently reported by Wie\'sniak, Vedral and Brukner
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and dipole-dipole interactions affect coupling-based Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg-Zener transitions
It has been theoretically demonstrated that two spins (qubits or qutrits), coupled by exchange interaction only, undergo a coupling-based joint Landau-Majorana-St\"uckelberg-Zener (LMSZ) transition when a linear ramp acts upon one of the two spins. Such a transition, under appropriate conditions on the parameters, drives the two-spin system toward a maximally entangled state. In this paper, effects on the quantum dynamics of the two qudits, stemming from the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) and dipole-dipole (d-d) interactions, are investigated qualitatively and quantitatively. The enriched Hamiltonian model of the two spins, shares with the previous microscopic one the same C2-symmetry which onc…
Bounds on mixed state entanglement
In the general framework of d 1 ×
Dissipative effects on a generation scheme of a W state in an array of coupled Josephson junctions
The dynamics of an open quantum system, consisting of three superconducting qubits interacting with independent reservoirs, is investigated to elucidate the effects of the environment on a unitary generation scheme of W states (Migliore R et al 2006 Phys. Rev. B 74 104503). To this end a microscopic master equation is constructed and its exact resolution predicts the generation of a Werner-like state instead of the W state. A comparison between our model and a more intuitive phenomenological model is also considered, in order to find the limits of the latter approach in the case of structured reservoirs.
Time evolution of a pair of distinguishable interacting spins subjected to controllable and noisy magnetic fields
The quantum dynamics of a $\hat{\mathbf{J}}^2=(\hat{\mathbf{j}}_1+\hat{\mathbf{j}}_2)^2$-conserving Hamiltonian model describing two coupled spins $\hat{\mathbf{j}}_1$ and $\hat{\mathbf{j}}_2$ under controllable and fluctuating time-dependent magnetic fields is investigated. Each eigenspace of $\hat{\mathbf{J}}^2$ is dynamically invariant and the Hamiltonian of the total system restricted to any one of such $(j_1+j_2)-|j_1-j_2|+1$ eigenspaces, possesses the SU(2) structure of the Hamiltonian of a single fictitious spin acted upon by the total magnetic field. We show that such a reducibility holds regardless of the time dependence of the externally applied field as well as of the statistical…
Solution of the Lindblad equation in Kraus representation
The so-called Lindblad equation, a typical master equation describing the dissipative quantum dynamics, is shown to be solvable for finite-level systems in a compact form without resort to writing it down as a set of equations among matrix elements. The solution is then naturally given in an operator form, known as the Kraus representation. Following a few simple examples, the general applicability of the method is clarified.
Diffusion and transfer of entanglement in an array of inductively coupled flux qubits
A theoretical scheme to generate multipartite entangled states in a Josephson planar-designed architecture is reported. This scheme improves the one published in [Phys. Rev. B 74, 104503 (2006)] since it speeds up the generation of W entangled states in an MxN array of inductively coupled Josephson flux qubits by reducing the number of necessary steps. In addition, the same protocol is shown to be able to transfer the W state from one row to the other.
Analytically solvable 2×2 PT -symmetry dynamics from su(1,1)-symmetry problems
A protocol for explicitly constructing the exact time-evolution operators generated by $2\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}2$ time-dependent $PT$-symmetry Hamiltonians is reported. Its mathematical applicability is illustrated with the help of appropriate examples. The physical relevance of the proposed approach within gain-loss system scenarios, like two coupled waveguides, is discussed in detail.
Analytically solvable Hamiltonians for quantum two-level systems and their dynamics
A simple systematic way of obtaining analytically solvable Hamiltonians for quantum two-level systems is presented. In this method, a time-dependent Hamiltonian and the resulting unitary evolution operator are connected through an arbitrary function of time, furnishing us with new analytically solvable cases. The method is surprisingly simple, direct, and transparent and is applicable to a wide class of two-level Hamiltonians with no involved constraint on the input function. A few examples illustrate how the method leads to simple solvable Hamiltonians and dynamics.
Extraction of a squeezed state in a field mode via repeated measurements on an auxiliary quantum particle
The dynamics of a system, consisting of a particle initially in a Gaussian state interacting with a field mode, under the action of repeated measurements performed on the particle, is examined. It is shown that regardless of its initial state the field is distilled into a squeezed state. The dependence on the physical parameters of the dynamics is investigated.
Distillation by repeated measurements: Continuous spectrum case
Repeated measurements on a part of a bipartite system strongly affect the other part not measured, whose dynamics is regulated by an effective contracted evolution operator. When the spectrum of this operator is discrete, the latter system is driven into a pure state irrespective of the initial state, provided the spectrum satisfies certain conditions. We here show that even in the case of continuous spectrum an effective distillation can occur under rather general conditions. We confirm it by applying our formalism to a simple model.
Synchronizing Quantum Harmonic Oscillators through Two-Level Systems
Two oscillators coupled to a two-level system which in turn is coupled to an infinite number of oscillators (reservoir) are considered, bringing to light the occurrence of synchronization. A detailed analysis clarifies the physical mechanism that forces the system to oscillate at a single frequency with a predictable and tunable phase difference. Finally, the scheme is generalized to the case of $N$ oscillators and $M(<N)$ two-level systems.
Classes of Exactly Solvable Generalized Semi-Classical Rabi Systems
The exact quantum dynamics of a single spin-1/2 in a generic time-dependent classical magnetic field is investigated and compared with the quantum motion of a spin-1/2 studied by Rabi and Schwinger. The possibility of regarding the scenario studied in this paper as a generalization of that considered by Rabi and Schwinger is discussed and a notion of time-dependent resonance condition is introduced and carefully legitimated and analysed. Several examples help to disclose analogies and departures of the quantum motion induced in a generalized Rabi system with respect to that exhibited by the spin-1/2 in a magnetic field precessing around the $z$-axis. We find that, under generalized resonanc…
Oscillations of the purity in the repeated-measurement-based generation of quantum states
Repeated observations of a quantum system interacting with another one can drive the latter toward a particular quantum state, irrespectively of its initial condition, because of an {\em effective non-unitary evolution}. If the target state is a pure one, the degree of purity of the system approaches unity, even when the initial condition of the system is a mixed state. In this paper we study the behavior of the purity from the initial value to the final one, that is unity. Depending on the parameters, after a finite number of measurements, the purity exhibits oscillations, that brings about a lower purity than that of the initial state, which is a point to be taken care of in concrete appl…
Generation of multipartite entangled states in Josephson architectures
We propose and analyze a scheme for the generation of multipartite entangled states in a system of inductively coupled Josephson flux qubits. The qubits have fixed eigenfrequencies during the whole process in order to minimize decoherence effects and their inductive coupling can be turned on and off at will by tuning an external control flux. Within this framework, we will show that a W state in a system of three or more qubits can be generated by exploiting the sequential one by one coupling of the qubits with one of them playing the role of an entanglement mediator.
Governing Survival Probability to Distill Quantum States
A quantum system interacting with a repeatedly measured one undergoes a nonunitary time evolution pushing it into some specific subspaces. We deeply investigate the origin of the relevant selection rule, bringing to the light its connection with the survival probability related with the two-system interaction. The possibility of inducing an effective dynamics in the distilled subspace just during the distillation process is demonstrated.
Influence of dissipation on the extraction of quantum states via repeated measurements
A quantum system put in interaction with another one that is repeatedly measured is subject to a non-unitary dynamics, through which it is possible to extract subspaces. This key idea has been exploited to propose schemes aimed at the generation of pure quantum states (purification). All such schemes have so far been considered in the ideal situations of isolated systems. In this paper, we analyze the influence of non-negligible interactions with environment during the extraction process, with the scope of investigating the possibility of purifying the state of a system in spite of the sources of dissipation. A general framework is presented and a paradigmatic example consisting of two inte…
An example of interplay between Physics and Mathematics: Exact resolution of a new class of Riccati Equations
A novel recipe for exactly solving in finite terms a class of special differential Riccati equations is reported. Our procedure is entirely based on a successful resolution strategy quite recently applied to quantum dynamical time-dependent SU(2) problems. The general integral of exemplary differential Riccati equations, not previously considered in the specialized literature, is explicitly determined to illustrate both mathematical usefulness and easiness of applicability of our proposed treatment. The possibility of exploiting the general integral of a given differential Riccati equation to solve an SU(2) quantum dynamical problem, is succinctly pointed out.
Steering distillation processes through quantum Zeno dynamics
A quantum system in interaction with a repeatedly measured one undergoes a nonunitary time evolution and is pushed into a subspace substantially determined by the two-system coupling. The possibility of suitably modifying such an evolution through quantum Zeno dynamics (i.e., the generalized quantum Zeno effect) addressing the system toward an a priori decided target subspace is illustrated. Applications and their possible realizations in the context of trapped ions are also discussed.
Exactly solvable time-dependent models of two interacting two-level systems
Two coupled two-level systems placed under external time-dependent magnetic fields are modeled by a general Hamiltonian endowed with a symmetry that enables us to reduce the total dynamics into two independent two-dimensional sub-dynamics. Each of the sub-dynamics is shown to be brought into an exactly solvable form by appropriately engineering the magnetic fields and thus we obtain an exact time evolution of the compound system. Several physically relevant and interesting quantities are evaluated exactly to disclose intriguing phenomena in such a system.