Piia Haakana
Exercise for fitness does not decrease the muscular inactivity time during normal daily life
The time spent in sedentary behaviors has been shown to be independent of exercise in epidemiological studies. We examined within an individual whether exercise alters the time of muscular inactivity within his/her normal daily life. Quadriceps and hamstring muscle electromyographic activities and heart rate were measured during 1 to 6 days of normal daily living of ordinary people. Of 84 volunteers measured, 27 (15 men, 12 women, 40.7 years ± 16.5 years) fulfilled the criteria of having at least 1 day with and 1 day without exercise for fitness (total of 87 days analyzed, 13.0 h ± 2.5 h/day). Reported exercises varied from Nordic walking to strength training and ball games lasting 30 min–1…
Muscle Inactivity and Activity Patterns after Sedentary-Time Targeted Randomized Controlled Trial
Purpose: Interventions targeting sedentary time are needed. We used detailed EMG recordings to study the short-term effectiveness of simple sedentary time-targeted tailored counseling on the total physical activity spectrum. Methods: This cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted between 2011 and 2013 (InPact, ISRCTN28668090), and short-term effectiveness of counseling is reported in the present study. A total of 133 office workers volunteered to participate, from which muscle activity data were analyzed from 48 (intervention, n = 24; control, n = 24). After a lecture, face-to-face tailored counseling was used to set contractually binding goals regarding breaking up sitting periods …
EMG, heart rate, and accelerometer as estimators of energy expenditure in locomotion.
AB Purpose: Precise measures of energy expenditure (EE) during everyday activities are needed. This study assessed the validity of novel shorts measuring EMG and compared this method with HR and accelerometry (ACC) when estimating EE. Methods: Fifty-four volunteers (39.4 +/- 13.9 yr) performed a maximal treadmill test (3-min loads) including walking with different speeds uphill, downhill, and on level ground and one running load. The data were categorized into all, low, and level loads. EE was measured by indirect calorimetry, whereas HR, ACC, and EMG were measured continuously. EMG from quadriceps (Q) and hamstrings (H) was measured using shorts with textile electrodes. Validity of the met…
The acute effects of massage on muscle tone and perceived recovery
Haakana, Piia 2008. The acute effects of massage on muscle tone and perceived recovery. Department of biology of physical activity, University of Jyväskylä. Bachelor’s thesis. 47 pp. The physiological effects of massage have been controversial in previous studies. There is one previous study on effects of massage on muscle tone but there were no effects during one month intervention. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlations between subcutaneous tissue and rectus femoris muscle thickness and muscle tone. The differences on muscle tone between groups that received massage immediately or one day after the resistance training were examined. The effects of massage on perceived…
Exercise for fitness does not decrease the muscular inactivity time during normal daily life
The time spent in sedentary behaviors has been shown to be independent of exercise in epidemiological studies. We examined within an individual whether exercise alters the time of muscular inactivity within his/her normal daily life. Quadriceps and hamstring muscle electromyographic activities and heart rate were measured during 1 to 6 days of normal daily living of ordinary people. Of 84 volunteers measured, 27 (15 men, 12 women, 40.7 years ± 16.5 years) fulfilled the criteria of having at least 1 day with and 1 day without exercise for fitness (total of 87 days analyzed, 13.0 h ± 2.5 h/day). Reported exercises varied from Nordic walking to strength training and ball games lasting 30 min-1…
Naisjääkiekon lajianalyysi ja harjoittelu
Piia Haakana 2006. Naisjääkiekon lajianalyysi ja harjoittelu. Valmennusopin jatkokurssin seminaarityö, liikuntabiologian laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto, 34s. Jääkiekon lajianalyysi perustuu pelissä tapahtuviin jatkuvasti muuttuviin tilanteisiin, kuten esimerkiksi kiekonriistoihin, laukauksiin ja kaksinkappailuihin. Lajin ominaispiirteet rakentuvat jään tarjoaman nopeuden päälle, sillä jäällä liikkuminen tekee jääkiekosta erittäin nopean pallopelin jossa tilanteisiin on reagoitava nopeasti. Pelitaktiikka perustuu roolijakoon, josta karkein malli on pelipaikkajako, hyökkääjäpuolustaja- maalivahti, kun taas tarkempi jako määritellään joukkueen pelitaktiikan myötä pelitilanteiden mukaan roolijako…
A test of the effort equalization hypothesis in children with cerebral palsy who have an asymmetric gait.
Healthy people can walk nearly effortlessly thanks to their instinctively adaptive gait patterns that tend to minimize metabolic energy consumption. However, the economy of gait is severely impaired in many neurological disorders such as stroke or cerebral palsy (CP). Moreover, self-selected asymmetry of impaired gait does not seem to unequivocally coincide with the minimal energy cost, suggesting the presence of other adaptive origins. Here, we used hemiparetic CP gait as a model to test the hypothesis that pathological asymmetric gait patterns are chosen to equalize the relative muscle efforts between the affected and unaffected limbs. We determined the relative muscle efforts for the ank…
Muscle Activity and Inactivity Periods during Normal Daily Life
Recent findings suggest that not only the lack of physical activity, but also prolonged times of sedentary behaviour where major locomotor muscles are inactive, significantly increase the risk of chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to provide details of quadriceps and hamstring muscle inactivity and activity during normal daily life of ordinary people. Eighty-four volunteers (44 females, 40 males, 44.1±17.3 years, 172.3±6.1 cm, 70.1±10.2 kg) were measured during normal daily life using shorts measuring muscle electromyographic (EMG) activity (recording time 11.3±2.0 hours). EMG was normalized to isometric MVC (EMGMVC) during knee flexion and extension, and inactivity threshold o…