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Tutkitun tiedon puolesta
Selkosten Proust taipuu moneen : Iijoki-korpus ja digitaalisen tekstilouhinnan mahdollisuudet
Kulttuurin arvo elämystalouden aikana
Planetary well-being : Ontology and ethics
This chapter elaborates the ontological and ethical underpinnings and implications of the concept of planetary well-being. We illustrate how planetary well-being can contribute conceptually to transformative thinking and discussing well-being, and to organizing human societies in more life-considerate ways. The chapter focuses on two themes: First, the ontological grounding and implications of planetary well-being, and second, the central ethical underpinnings and ramifications of planetary well-being. We demonstrate how planetary well-being is positioned in the broader ontological and ethical-theoretical landscape, owing to its process-oriented perspective and morally inclusive (non-anthro…
Posthuman(ist) Feminism, Feminist Posthumanities
Ideological, Institutional and Affective Practices of Interpersonal Violence
The first chapter presents the book’s point of departure as well as its central concepts and structure. It outlines the current understandings of and theoretical approaches to the intersections of violence, gender and affect. The starting point is that gendered violence and violating practices are embedded in social structures of power and in inequalities, institutions, regimes and the symbolic order. They are manifested in human interaction as well as in cultural discourses and representations. The chapter also gives an overview of the abundant research and various perspectives involved in analysing the intersections of violence, gender and affect as well as the continuities and interconne…
Ehdotus ihmistä suhteellistavaksi sanastoksi
”Ehdotus ihmistä suhteellistavaksi sanastoksi” käsittelee ja esittelee teoriasuuntausta, joka tunnetaan ”posthumanistisena”, keskittyen erityisesti sen käsitteisiin ja termeihin. Posthumanistinen ajattelu pyrkii käsitteelliseen uudistamiseen, jotta tunnistaisimme paremmin ne suhteellisuudet, joiden varassa ja lomassa ihmisten elämä ja merkitykset muotoutuvat – ja ne historiat, joissa ihminen on muotoutunut erilliseksi. Ehdotamme sanastoa, joka suhteellistaa juuri tätä käsitteellistä, kartesiolaisen humanismin ihmistä. Yhtäältä seuraamme käsitteellisen ajattelun muotoutumista erilaisten kontekstien paineissa, toisaalta pysähdymme tarkastelemaan tiettyjä, työskentelyssämme tärkeitä käsitteitä…
In-Between: Genre and Gender Hybridity, and Pirkko Saisio's NovelPunainen erokirja
This article discusses intersections of genres and genders and their theorization in the contemporary literary scene and suggests a queer reading of a short-listed contemporary Finnish novel, written by the well-known author and theatre figure Pirkko Saisio. The aim of the article is to present feminist genre theories, influenced by Bakhtinian conception of genres, Foucauldian and Butlerian theorizations of genders and sexualities, and the critical discussions in queer studies. The article reads Saisio's novel as a demonstration through an adaptation of a theoretical concept, namely genre hybridity, combined with another concept adaptation, gender hybridity. The article concludes by suggest…
Stoalaisella asenteella?
Vain muutos on pysyvää
Väkivalta koskee ja koskettaa
Learning to Read Equine Agency: Sense and Sensitivity at the Intersection of Scientific, Tacit and Situated Knowledges
The aim of this essay is to address the challenges and problems in communicating with horses and interpreting their communication in everyday handling and training situations. We seek ways to learn more about equine communication and agency in the prevention of cruelty against animals and in enhancing animal welfare. We ask how it would be possible to learn to read the subtle signs of equine communication and agency in a sensible, sensitive, and ethical way to increase the health and wellbeing of horses that humans interact with. We have placed this theoretical examination in a multidisciplinary framework that consists of humananimal studies, feminist posthumanities, cultural and literary s…
Kotimainen kirjallisuus ja yhteiskunta - kuka lohduttaisi maailmaa?
Heteronormeja vastustavan tyttöyden kompensaatiot Siiri Enorannan Surunhauras, lasinterävä ja Maria Turtschaninoffin Anaché: Myter från akkade -nuortenfantasiaromaaneissa
Pohjoismaiseen lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuuteen on rakentunut lähes normatiivinen kuva vallitsevaa sukupuolijärjestystä murtavasta vahvasta tyttöydestä, joka on näkyvissä myös suomalaisessa 2010-luvun nykytyttökirjallisuudessa. Vuosituhannen vaihteen jälkeen kirjallisuuden tyttökuvat ovat kuitenkin moninaistuneet, eikä tyttöhahmojen tarvitse olla enää kaikkivoipaisia. Tyttöyden esitysten moninaistumisen myötä aiemmin liki säännönmukaisesti heteronormatiivisten tyttökirjojen päähen-kilöiksi on noussut myös heteronormeja vastustavia tyttöhahmoja. Artikkelissa tarkastellaan Siiri Enorannan Surunhauras, lasinterävä (2015) ja Maria Turtschaninoffin Anaché: Myter från akkade (2012) –nuortenfanta…
Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman : Striving for More Ethical Cohabitation
As Donna Haraway (2015, 160) argues, “[i]t matters which stories tell stories, which concepts think concepts. Mathematically, visually, and narratively, it matters which figures figure figures, which systems systemize systems”. The time has come for human cultures to seriously think, to diligently conceptualize, and to earnestly fabulate about all the nonhuman critters we share our world with, and to consider how to strive for more ethical cohabitation. peerReviewed
Vedenpaisumus tornikamareissa : sukupuolittavaa väkivaltaa purkavat naisruumiin kokemukset ja eettinen lukeminen
On the Borderlands of Queer Representations : From Downtown to Neon City, Lapland, and St Petersburg, Russia
Tämä kaksikielinen ”Borderlands of Representation / Representaatioiden rajaseuduilla” -teemanumero käsittelee tunnistamisen ja tunnustamisen rajoja sekä representaatioiden ja tulkinnan politiikkaa sukupuolen, seksuaalisuuden ja ueer-tutkimuksen konteksteissa. Millaiset erot ovat näkyviä, kerrottavia tai luettavissa ja siten avoimia tulkinnoille tai väärintulkinnoille (olivatpa ne tarkoituksellisia tai tahattomia)? Miksi niistä tulee merkityksenantoprosessien ja representaatioiden politiikkaa koskevien kiistojen paikkoja ja jopa poliittisten valtataistelujen areenoita? Miten representaatioiden näkyvyys ja merkitys muuttuvat suhteessa aikaan ja paikkaan, tulkitsijan tarpeisiin ja toiveisiin s…
Introduction to interdisciplinary perspectives on planetary well-being
This chapter gives an overview of the objectives of the book, presents its structure, and summarizes the content of each section and chapter. It introduces planetary well-being as a novel cross-disciplinary concept coined to foster global transformation to a more inclusive and equal expression of well-being for all. The chapter describes how researchers from different human, social, and natural sciences apply and reflect on the concept of planetary well-being in this book, demonstrating its value as an interdisciplinary and cross-cutting driver of change. The Introduction concludes that sustainability science and policy need a concept of well-being that is built on systemic and non-anthropo…
1970-luku : uudenlainen poliittisuus
Gendered Violence Online : Hate Speech as an Intersection of Misogyny and Racism
Social media has been adopted by radical right populists and alt-right demagogues as a platform for circulating misogynous and racist hate speech and affectively mobilising supporters. This chapter examines hate speech as a form of gendered and racist violence, focusing on social media posts by two influential right-wing populist politicians: Jussi Halla-aho, the leader of the Finns Party, and Donald Trump, the president of the United States. It demonstrates how these politicians intertwine misogyny and racism in blog posts and tweets that target women in particular. Their affective online communication is interpreted as a new form of violence. This digitally mediated violence, although a r…
Wild Things Squeezed in the Closet : Monsters of Children’s Literature as Nonhuman Others
Children and monsters share a similar position in the world dominated by human adults: both are typically represented as animalized, alien creatures that are to be tamed, protected, abused, or repelled. In other words, children and monsters are constructed as different and “other” from the hegemonic standard that is the full-grown, healthy (and typically white) human. Children’s literature thus opens a space where the ethical relationships between humans and nonhumans can be radically reconfigured: the different forms and genres of fiction aimed at infants and youngsters offer wads of intriguing, underutilized material for examining the construction of nonhuman otherness and its complex con…
Johdanto: Lukemisen etiikkaa ja politiikkaa - sukupuolen ja väkivallan risteyksessä
Vielä kerran väkivallasta, sukupuolesta ja seksuaalisuudesta
Towards cultural transformation : Culture as planetary well-being
Culture covers myriad aspects of human life. Most often it is understood as intellectual or artistic practices, but in a broader view, culture covers the habits, lifestyles, traditions, beliefs, values, and worldviews that shape human lives and societies. Culture also undergoes continuous change and is affected by human actions. Current ecological and well-being crises caused by destructive cultural practices and actions pose an existential risk to both humans and nonhumans. This chapter argues that when challenging, preventing, and changing such destructive human practices and actions, the role of culture is indispensable. Building on and rethinking cultural sustainability, the chapter out…
Katse kohti sukupuolta - katse kohti väkivaltaa?
Planetary well-being
Tensions between the well-being of present humans, future humans, and nonhuman nature manifest in social protests and political and academic debates over the future of Earth. The increasing consumption of natural resources no longer increases, let alone equalizes, human well-being, but has led to the current ecological crisis and harms both human and nonhuman well-being. While the crisis has been acknowledged, the existing conceptual frameworks are in some respects ill-equipped to address the crisis in a way that would link the resolving of the crisis with the pivotal aim of promoting equal well-being. The shortcomings of the existing concepts in this respect relate to anthropocentric norma…
Kohti planetaarista tuntua : feministis-posthumanistinen uudelleenkuvittelu ja etiikka ihmisen jälkeen
Niin kutsuttu antroposeeni eli ihmisten valtakausi on aiheuttanut lukemattomia globaaleja ongelmia ja kriisejä, jotka ovat herättäneet kysymyksen ihmisten kyvystä elää eettisesti muiden lajien ja ympäristönsä kanssa. Esitämme, että feministisellä ja posthumanistisella teorialla on annettavaa taidetta ja tiedettä yhdistäville keskusteluille, joissa kuvitellaan toisenlaisia, ei-inhimillisiin toisiin eettisesti suhtautuvia todellisuuksia. Havainnollistamme tällaista uudelleenkuvittelua valikoimalla suomenkielistä nykyrunoutta, jossa rakennetaan ihmisen jälkeistä etiikkaa. Ehdotamme, että feministinen posthumanismi ja nykyrunous voivat haastaa meitä kuvittelemaan erilaisia t…
Planetary well-being
Tensions between the well-being of present humans, future humans, and nonhuman nature manifest in social protests and political and academic debates over the future of Earth. The increasing consumption of natural resources no longer increases, let alone equalises, human well-being, but has led to the current ecological crisis and harms both human and nonhuman well-being. While the crisis has been acknowledged, the existing conceptual frameworks are in some respects ill-equipped to address the crisis in a way that would link the resolving of the crisis with the pivotal aim of promoting equal well-being. The shortcomings of the existing concepts in this respect relate to anthropocentric norma…
Tietoa toukkien syntysijoilta
Planetary activism at the end of the world: Feminist and posthumanist imaginaries beyond Man
We are currently experiencing a planetary crisis that will lead, if worst comes to worst, to the end of the entire world as we know it. Several feminist scholars have suggested that if the Earth is to stay livable for humans and nonhumans alike, the ways in which many human beings – particularly in the wealthy parts of the world, infested with Eurocentrism, (neo)colonialism, neoliberalism, and capitalism – inhabit this planet requires radical, ethical, and political transformation. In this article, we propose that feminist theory, particularly feminist posthumanities, and Black feminist and decolonial thought, together with creative practices such as writing, have much to contribute to tra…
Työtä töiden joukossa? : seksuaalisuus, kaupallisuus ja toimeentulon pakko kotimaisessa nykykirjallisuudessa
Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjallisuudentutkimus yhdistää monialaisesti esteettisen ja poliittisen
Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjallisuusoppiaineen esittely
Alma materin isoveli valvoo
Kaltio, muisti ja sananvapaus
Kaltion 70-vuotisjuhlavuoden kirjoitussarjan ”Kaltio, muisti ja sananvapaus” päättää nykyisen päätoimittajan edeltäjien teksti, joka ruotii tutkimustiedon vastaanottoa nyky-Suomessa. Sanna Karkulehto ja Johanna Ylipulli päätoimittivat lehteä vuosina 2009–2010. nonPeerReviewed