Mark Singer
Canonical Neutral Current Predictions From The Weak Electromagnetic Gauge Group SU(3) X U(1)
A straightforward SU(3) x U(1) model in which there is effectively one new neutral-current parameter (denoted by R) is shown to give the canonical neutrino neutral-current predictions for all values of R. For small R the ''low-energy'' theory is essentially SU(2) x U(1) while for R of the order of one it has a much richer ''low-energy'' gauge-boson mass spectrum. Even in the latter case, the predicted e-d asymmetry agrees with experiment. It is interesting that the atomic-physics parity violation depends sensitively on R.
Lepton-number violation with quasi-Dirac neutrinos
We investigate lepton-number violation in weak interactions with massive Dirac neutrinos. In the framework of a simple $\mathrm{SU}{(3)}_{L}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\mathrm{U}(1)$ electroweak model we find that neutrinos naturally acquire only Dirac masses at tree level, and for an odd number of lepton families, one neutrino remains massless. After a spontaneous breakdown of symmetry we find that the SU(2)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}U(1) effective theory has lepton-number-violating currents which couple to the standard gauge bosons. Flavorconserving $|\ensuremath{\Delta}l|=2$ processes such as neutrinoless double-$\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay are forbidden in the simplest model,…