L. Traver
Adaptive-threshold neural spike detection by noise-envelope tracking
A new method for adaptive threshold setting is implemented and used in two threshold-based spike detectors: simple threshold and nonlinear energy operator. Detection quality assessment is performed using both a set of artificially generated signals and a real neural recording. Receiver operating curves are obtained and results show that, compared to fix threshold, adaptive threshold setting yields performance improvement.
UWB Channel Measurements for Hand-Portable Devices: A Comparative Study
On-body UWB signal propagation is analyzed using two different types of UWB antennas. For the study, measurements of the frequency response by means of a VNA (vector network analyzer) are performed at 2001 discrete frequency points in the 3 to 6 GHz range. Separated measures are taken for four different transmitter positions on the head and six receiver positions on the body. Channel estimation parameters, such as mean excess delay, delay spread and path loss are obtained. Results are similar for both types of antennas regarding path loss exponent and average power delay profiles.
Bluetooth throughput measures for cardiomyocyte extracellular signal telemetry
In this contribution the suitability of the Bluetooth transmission system is analyzed for its application to the realtime transmission of cardiac signals captured by micro-electrode array sensors. The required data rates for this type of cardiac signals are calculated to be 180 kbps for every single micro- electrode. The mean throughput value varies with the selected packet size: for packet sizes less than 1000 bytes the mean throughput is smaller than 180 kbps while for packet sizes greater than 1000 bytes the mean throughput saturates at around 230 kbps. This mean throughput value is guaranteed for over 80% of the time. Compression algorithms running on the sensor array allow the reductio…
UWB Channel Measurements for Measures for Hand-Portable and Wearable Devices
On-body UWB signal propagation is analyzed for propagation channels surrounding the body in an usual office environment for an application requiring the transmission of signals recorded from the head to a device such as a mobile phone or a PDA carried by the subject or also from the transmitter on the head to other devices located along the body. For the study, measurements of the frequency response by means of a VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) are performed at 2001 discrete frequency points in the 3 to 6 GHz range. Channel estimation parameters, such as mean excess delay, delay spread and path loss are obtained. Results show that for the transmitter located on top of the head best average pe…
Bandwidth Resource Management for Neural Signal Telemetry
Recent advances in modern neurocomputing have shown the utmost necessity of wireless communication systems that allow real-time (RT) monitoring of neural signals meeting several requirements such as source compression and high fidelity of the received signal. Neural recordings require multielectrode probes with up to hundreds of electrodes and transmission of signals wirelessly over a limited bandwidth (BW). In this paper, a RT resource management algorithm is proposed so that adequate source compression is applied to each channel in order to fit them into the available BW. Performance of the algorithm is analyzed using dynamically changing BW and neural recordings with different neural act…