Pablo Vera
Assessing the effect of emergent vegetation in a surface-flow constructed wetland on eutrophication reversion and biodiversity enhancement
Abstract A free water-surface constructed wetland (F4-unit) was created in a Mediterranean protected site to treat eutrophic inflows to the Albufera de Valencia lagoon, and enhance biodiversity. In 2013, the F4-unit was divided into three subunits and planted with different compositions of emergent macrophytes (Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus, and a mixture of several macrophytes: F4-Reed, F4-Iris and F4-Mixed subunits). Two nine-month periods were monitored after planting, and water quality variables were measured in the inflows and outflows. Waterfowl occupation and plankton biomass were analyzed to evaluate their role in eutrophication reversion. The low removal efficiencies relat…
Unravelling diet composition and niche segregation of colonial waterbirds in a Mediterranean wetland using stable isotopes
The role of charophytes in a Mediterranean pond created forrestoration purposes
A small, shallow basin was created and flooded with groundwater in a Reserve Area in Albufera de València Natural Park (AVNP) under the scope of a restoration program intended to mimic typical environments such as freshwater springs, abundant in the past but currently suffering from deterioration (desiccation, pollution, etc.), with the ultimate goal of increasing local biodiversity of submerged macrophytes, particularly charophytes. In this study we have monitored, from April 2009 (a few months after its first flooding) to September 2012, the dynamics of charophyte growth and related physical, chemical and biotic variables to highlight the factors determining charophyte success. Just after…
Effects of Rice Field Phenology on Breeding Parameters of Heron Colonies in the East of the Iberian Peninsula
Habitat Preferences for Territory Selection by the Endangered Eastern Iberian Reed BuntingEmberiza Schoeniclus witherbyi
Summary. Given the 80% decline of the eastern Iberian reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi breeding population in recent decades, our aim was to identify the habitat components selected during territory establishment and to characterise the vegetation features that are positively or negatively selected at the territory scale. GLMM were used to explain the occurrence of territories in 11 wetlands. Fourteen variables with four vegetation dominance categories were analysed with respect to habitat composition, while occupancy of seven vegetation classes and 12 reed structural parameters were analysed with respect to habitat structure. The proportion of reed-cattails (Typha) measured by t…
Effects of migratory status and habitat on the prevalence and intensity of infection by haemoparasites in passerines in eastern Spain
Efectos del estatus migratorio y del tipo de habitat sobre la prevalencia y la intensidad de la infeccion por hemoparasitos en paseriformes en el este de Espana La peninsula iberica es un sitio idoneo para estudiar los efectos de la condicion migratoria en la prevalencia de hemoparasitos en comunidades de aves, dado que convergen poblaciones residentes locales con especies migratorias y abundantes poblaciones de vectores. En este trabajo examinamos la incidencia de hemoparasitos presentes en aves de tres localidades de la region mediterranea (este de Espana), con respecto del estatus migratorio. Examinamos 333 frotis sanguineos de 11 especies, y encontramos una prevalencia global del 9,6%. …
Habitat preference of endangered Eastern Iberian Reed BuntingsEmberiza schoeniclus witherbyi
Capsule Careful management is required to maintain or create habitats with the correct proportions of rush with reeds that are preferred by this subspecies. Aims To determine the habitat requirements of Eastern Iberian (Western Iberian Reed Buntings were not included in the study) Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi, a subspecies endemic to a few marshes in France, Spain and Morocco, with a population of 254–360 breeding pairs. Methods Twenty-five wetlands in Spain were surveyed and presence/absence of Iberian Reed Buntings was deteremined together with data on 41 environmental variables. The relationships between the birds and habitat data were investigated using glm. Results Prop…
Restoration of two small Mediterranean lagoons: The dynamics of submerged macrophytes and factors that affect the success of revegetation
Abstract Two small, shallow lagoons newly created from former rice fields in the Mediterranean coast (Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, Spain) were restored by planting several species of submerged macrophytes (Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton spp., Zannichellia peltata and Ranunculus peltatus) in 2008. Charophytes also appeared spontaneously. M. spicatum was the species that dominated both lagoons and almost completely covered their surface. M. spicatum reached a high biomass and displayed a seasonal pattern, declining during the cold season and reappearing in the spring. No submerged vegetation was observed in the lagoons from 2011 onward. The major purpose of t…