Umair Ahmed
A Feasible Framework for Maintenance Digitalization
The entire industry is changing as a result of new developments in digital technology, and maintenance management is a crucial procedure that may take advantage of the opportunities brought about by industrial digitalization. To support digital innovation in maintenance management, this study intends to meet the cutting-edge necessity of addressing a transformation strategy in industrial contexts. Setting up a customized pathway with adequate methodologies, digitalization tools, and collaboration between the several stakeholders involved in the maintenance environment is the first step in this process. The results of a previous conference contribution, which revealed important digitalizatio…
Food waste reduction and taking away leftovers: Interplay of food-ordering routine, planning routine, and motives
The hospitality literature is quite deficient in insights on consumer behaviour towards food waste generation and its mitigation in out-of-home dining. The present study addresses this gap by undertaking a mixed-method study to examining a broad spectrum of diners’ behaviour, beginning from planning the meal and ending with bringing the leftovers home. To this end, it utilises the Stimulus-Organism-Response theory to conceptualise the association of planning routine, food-ordering routine, motives, attitude, and behaviour of taking away leftovers and throwing away leftovers. The results of analysis of the data collected from 276 diners in the United States confirm a positive association of …
An integrated methodological approach for optimising complex systems subjected to predictive maintenance
Abstract The present paper addresses the relevant topic of maintenance management, widely recognised as a fundamental issue involving complex engineering systems and leading companies towards the optimisation of their assets while pursuing cost efficiency. With this regard, our research aims to provide companies with a hybrid methodological approach based on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) capable to deal with the main failures potentially involving complex systems subjected to predictive maintenance. Such an approach is going to be integrated within the framework of traditional Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), whose strengths and weaknesses are considered. In pa…
Nell'era digitale, la tecnologia è in continua evoluzione, con enormi progressi nell'automazione che consentono una gestione della manutenzione più efficiente ed economica. Le tecnologie digitali stanno convergendo e avanzando insieme alle industrie, determinando progressi significativi nella gestione della manutenzione. La tradizionale strategia di manutenzione preventiva gestita dall'uomo lascia progressivamente spazio alla manutenzione predittiva, che rappresenta un’ottima opportunità per migliorare significativamente la pianificazione della manutenzione del sistema, in particolare per i sistemi più complessi e dal significativo valore monetario. Tuttavia, l’implementazione di tecniche d…