Luana Filogamo
Analisi delle prestazioni energetiche degli edifici residenziali sulla base del confronto tra dati di consumo calcolati e misurati
Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni sono costantemente impegnate a valutare la realizzabilità di interventi di riqualificazione energetica del comparto edilizio esistente, al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi di efficienza energetica fissati dalle direttive europee. Come noto, il comparto edilizio rappresenta un settore ad alto potenziale in tal senso. Tale potenziale, però, può essere verificato solo a partire da un conoscenza del reale consumo energetico degli edifici esistenti, compito non sempre facile in quanto la domanda di energia, e i relativi consumi energetici, dipendono da fattori di difficile standardizzazione. Allo scopo di evidenziare le possibili differenze tra una valutazione dei c…
Strumenti incentivanti per l’efficienza energetica in edilizia.
A bottom-up method for evaluating the whole energy demand of large residential building stocks: an application to a regional scale
In this paper a method is described, originally conceived during the compilation of the Energy and Environmental Regional Plan of Sicily, aimed to: a) set up a lay-out model of an overall regional residential estate into a certain number of different building and heating system types; b) calculate the energy needs of every single type according to the procedures established by the national and European regulations; The method is particularly designed to evaluate the possible energy savings from the implementation of different interventions concerning the envelope and the HVAC systems to the various building types. The method, although based on several assumptions, shows to be reliable enoug…
A Method for Analysing Heating Demand and Energy Saving Actions for Regional Residential Building Stocks
In this paper a method is described, originally conceived during the compilation of the Energy and Environmental Regional Plan of Sicily, aimed to: a) set up a lay-out model of an overall regional residential estate into a certain number of different building and heating system types; b) calculate the energy needs of every single type according to the procedures established by the national and European regulations; The method is particularly designed to evaluate the possible energy savings from the implementation of different interventions concerning the envelope and the HVAC systems to the various building types. The method, although based on several assumptions, shows to be reliable enoug…
On the classification of large residential buildings stocks by sample typologies for energy planning purposes
Local and central administrations are often called to properly allocate economic resources intended for the territorial energy planning, on the basis of the performances achieved by implementing energy conservation measures. Particularly in the residential sector, that represents one of the most relevant sector for the energy demand, effective and reliable evaluation tools are required for this aim. Unfortunately, building stocks are characterized by a very large number of buildings that are referred to different construction periods and are equipped with a variety of appliances and tools, other than with different heating and cooling systems. This means that the whole energy consumption of…
The applicability of the indicators proposed by the European and national regulatory framework for the verification of the advancement of the plans: the case of the Energy and Environmental Masterplan of the Sicilian Region.
Indicators are essential operational tools for the preparation of plans, to monitor their progress and for the ex-post verification of the results achieved. As it is known, there is a large corpus of indicators, both at Community and national Italian level, to which designers and planners can refer. However, it remains to verify the effectiveness of general validity parameters in describing the progress of the implementation of plans, which must be necessarily compared with more limited territorial situations. This paper addresses this problem, with reference to the Energy and Environmental Plan of the Sicilian Region (PEARS), comparing the themes proposed at European (Eurostat) and the Ita…
I piani energetici ambientali regionali. Applicabilità degli indicatori proposti a scala nazionale (ISPRA) ed europea (EUROSTA).
As it is well known, indicators represent effective tools in the aim of designing, monitoring and verifying energy and environmental Masterplans. At this regard, a large number of indicators do exist both at European and country Italian levels which designers can usefully apply to. Anyway, being such indicators released at a general European level, their actual verifiability should be properly checked when them are applied to the local level of a given territory. In the present work this issue is approached by referring to the Sicilian Energy and Environmental Masterplan (PEARS): on purpose, the themes proposed at European (Eurostat) and country Italian (ISPRA) levels have been compared wit…