Laura Gil Pelluch

Effects of personal epistemology beliefs, task conditions and prior knowledge on understanding of multiple texts.

One of the major challenges of a knowledge society is that students as well asother citizens must learn to understand and integrate information from multiple textualsources. Still, tasks and reader characteristics that may facilitate or constrain suchintertextual processes are not well understood by researchers. In four studies, wecompare the effects of summary and argument essay tasks when undergraduates readseven different texts on a particular scientific topic and we examine whether theseeffects are moderated by some characteristics of the reader.In the first study, we explore and compare the dimensionality of personalepistemology with respect to climate change across the contexts of Nor…

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‘Método de Evaluación Dinámica Automatizado’ de Competencias Lectoras para Educación Secundaria. (EdiLEC)

Se presenta un nuevo método de evaluación dinámica de la competencia lectora automatizado para Educación Secundaria (EdiLEC). Su diseño se ajusta al marco teórico propuesto por el Informe PISA-2009 (OCDE, 2010) y los principios de la evaluación dinámica (Sternberg y Grigorenko, 2002). Esta herramienta electrónica, proporciona automáticamente mensajes de retroalimentación adaptados a cada individuo sobre el proceso y ejecución a lo largo de la prueba, añadiendo a los resultados de la evaluación tradicional de la competencia lectora la posibilidad de explorar las potencialidades de aprendizaje del estudiante. El método ha sido baremado con una muestra de 1008 estudiantes de entre 11 y 14 años…

research product

TuinLEC, an intelligent tutoring system to improve reading literacy skills / TuinLEC, un tutor inteligente para mejorar la competencia lectora

AbstractThis study describes an intelligent tutoring system to improve reading literacy skills called TuinLEC and it presents the results of its application to a group of sixth grade students. TuinLEC adopts the reading literacy theoretical framework of PISA (Program for International Students Assessment, OECD, 2009). TuinLEC includes eight lessons distributed in two phases, one for modeling and guided practice, and the second for independent practice. TuinLEC interacts with every student and it provides help and feedback for the task in a game-like environment. Half of the students were taught with TuinLEC, whereas the other half served as the control group. Children in both groups were pa…

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