Raquel Cerdán Otero
The role of perspective on students’ use of multiple documents to solve an openended task
Resumen basado en el de la publicación Título, resumen y palabras clave en inglés y español McCrudden & Schraw (2007) muestran cómo las instrucciones de perspectiva asignada promueven a los lectores a utilizar el conocimiento previo cuando interaccionan con un texto. Se demuestra que los lectores otorgan relevancia a segmentos del texto que son consistentes con la perspectiva asignada (Pichert y Anderson, 1977). Se ponen a prueba los efectos de la perspectiva cuando se lee información contradictoria de múltiples documentos, al igual que si la fiabilidad de una fuente ejerce alguna influencia en la decisión de los estudiantes de cara a utilizarla información de un documento en particular. Lo…
Integration information processes form multiple documents
Nowadays, students are frequently exposed to different and multiple sources of information, from which they may be asked to perform a variety of tasks such as writing essays, answering comprehension questions or locating specific units of information. Although a significant amount of research has been conducted on how students integrate information from multiple historical texts (ie., Wineburg, 1991; Perfetti, Britt & Georgi, 1995; Rouet, Britt, Mason & Perfetti,1996; Rouet, Favart, Britt & Perfetti, 1997; Britt & Aglinskas, 2002), little has been studied so far on the mental processes involved in integrating information from multiple expository texts, which are the focus of our attention i…
TuinLEC, an intelligent tutoring system to improve reading literacy skills / TuinLEC, un tutor inteligente para mejorar la competencia lectora
AbstractThis study describes an intelligent tutoring system to improve reading literacy skills called TuinLEC and it presents the results of its application to a group of sixth grade students. TuinLEC adopts the reading literacy theoretical framework of PISA (Program for International Students Assessment, OECD, 2009). TuinLEC includes eight lessons distributed in two phases, one for modeling and guided practice, and the second for independent practice. TuinLEC interacts with every student and it provides help and feedback for the task in a game-like environment. Half of the students were taught with TuinLEC, whereas the other half served as the control group. Children in both groups were pa…