Emilio Laguna

Tipificación de dos nombres del género Verbascum incluidos en la subsect. Singuliflora (Scrophulariaceae)

Se designan los tipos nomenclaturales de Verbascum barnadesii y V. fontqueri (≡ Celsia valentina (Scrophulariaceae) a partir de especímenes conservados en los herbarios C y BC, respectivamente.

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A new polyploid species of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) from the Western Mediterranean basin

A new species of Plumbaginaceae, Limonium irtaensis, is described and illustrated from the Western Mediterranean basin (Iberian Peninsula). The new species is triploid (2n = 26) and shows a papillate stigma and pollen with a fine reticulate exine (B type). A detailed morphological description is given, and its main diagnostic characters are compared with the related species. Conservation status has been assessed according to the IUCN protocol.

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On the pyrophytism in the Mediterranean area

Authors briefly present some observations and reflections on the “seeding strategy” of some plant species (Cistus spp., Cistaceae, in particular) in the Mediterranean area in relation to fire: they conclude it does not seem a specific adaptation to wildfires (as suggested in a relevant part of the recent literature), but a generalistic adaptation to open, high energy and variable habitats with aleatory fluctuations. The difference is important both for theoretical and applied aspects, e.g. for the correct management of Cistus species and of other Mediterranean species and habitats. Fire is undoubtedly a major ecological factor in the Mediterranean area. Many botanists have postulated the re…

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Tipificación de dos nombres linneanos del género <em>Erigeron</em> L. (<em>Compositae</em>)

Se presenta la lectotipificación del nombre Erigeron glutinosus L., con una ilustración de Barrelier de 1714 y de E. tuberosus L., con un ejemplar del herbario UPS-BURSER.

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Sobre los tipos nomenclaturales de dos táxones de Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae) de la flora valenciana

Se designan los tipos nomenclaturales de dos taxones del género Rhamnus descritos de las comarcas valencianas. Por un lado, se lectotipifica el nombre Rh. lycioides var. pubescens Rouy −sinónimo de Rh. lycioides subsp. borgiae Rivas Mart. & J.M. Pizarro−, a partir del material original recolectado en las montañas de Játiva (Valencia). Por otro, se considera que el neótipo recientemente designado para el nombre Rh. valentina Willd. −sinónimo de Rh. pumila L.−, debería aceptarse realmente como un lectótipo. Nomenclatural types are designated for two taxa of the genus Rhamnus described from the Valencia Region (E of Spain). On the one hand, the name Rh. lycioides var. pubescens Rouy −a synonym…

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Un nuevo híbrido para el género <i>Teucrium</i> L. (sect. <i>Polium, Lamiaceae</i>) en la Comunidad Valenciana

A new hybrid is described for the genus Teucrium L. [sect. Polium (Mill). Schreb., Lamiaceae], Teucrium × guarae-requenae [ T. gnaphalodes L’Her. × T. homotrichum (Font Quer) Rivas Mart.] from Fontanars dels Alforins (Valencia Province, Spain). Morphological description and illustrations of the new hybrid are provided.

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Lectotypification of Arnica montana L. (Asteraceae)

A lectotype for Arnica montana L. (Asteraceae) is designated from Linnaeus’ original material preserved in the UPS-BURSER herbarium.

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<em>Centaurea inexpugnabilis</em>, una nueva especie de la sección <em>Acrocentron</em> para la flora ibérica

Se describe una nueva especie para el género Centaurea L. (sect. Acrocentron, Asteraceae): C. inexpugnabilis, sp. nov. Esta planta ha sido localizada al pie de los Mallos de Riglos (Riglos, Huesca) y su distribución se circunscribe por el momento al cuadrante nororiental de la península ibérica. Junto a su descripción y diagnosis, se aporta una lámina y varias tablas con los principales caracteres diagnósticos que la diferencian de las especies más próximas.

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Lectotypification of Three Linnaean Names in the GeneraPhillyreaandFraxinus(Oleaceae)

Lectotypes for the Linnaean names Phillyrea angustifolia, P. media and Fraxinus ornus (Oleaceae), are designated from original material conserved in LINN (Linnaean Herbarium) and BM (George Clifford Herbarium). A specimen at BM is designated here as the second-step lectotype of the name Fraxinus ornus.

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Tipificación de Inula montana L. (Asteraceae)

Ferrer-Gallego, P., E. Laguna, R. Rosello, J. Gomez & J. B. Peris (2014). Typification of Inula montana L. (Asteraceae). Candollea 69: 5–8. In Spanish, English and French abstracts.The name Inula montana L. (Asteraceae) is lecto- and epitypified. The designated lectotype corresponds to an icon from Robert Morison published in 1699 and the epitype to a plant specimen collected by Morison and conserved at OXF (Morisonian Herbarium).

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Hydroperiod length as key parameter controlling seed strategies in Mediterranean salt marshes: The case of Halopeplis amplexicaulis

Abstract The comprehension of plant biology and the response to the environment is fundamental to achieve the optimal skills to manage and conserve the fine equilibrium between biotic and abiotic parameters regulating natural biodiversity in salt marshes. The behaviour of annuals living in these stressful conditions is poorly understood and constitutes a good model for a better understanding of this relationship. We thus identified the determinant environmental factors involved in population survival of Halopeplis amplexicaulis, a threatened annual species inhabiting salt marshes. To achieve this objective, maternal climatic parameters were analyzed in seeds collected in different years, an…

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Typification of two Linnaean names: Centaurea aspera and Centaurea isnardii (Asteraceae)

The typification of the names Centaurea aspera L. and C. isnardii L. (Asteraceae) is discussed. A lectotype for C. aspera is designated from original material conserved in UPS-BURSER (Joachim Burser Herbarium). Centaurea isnardii is typified by an illustration of Isnard (1719) confirming this name as a synonym of C. aspera subsp. aspera.

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Limonium albarracinense (Plumbaginaceae), una Nueva Especie para la Flora Ibérica (España)

Se describe una nueva especie de Limonium Mill.: L. albarracinense Pau ex P. P. Ferrer & R. Rosello. (Plumbaginaceae) para los substratos yesososalinos de las localidades de Royuela (Sierra de Albarracin) y Villarquemado (Comunidad de Teruel) en la provincia de Teruel (Espana). Se aporta una lamina y una tabla donde se compara con otros taxones muy proximos morfologicamente.

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Lectotipificación de "Cistus laevipes" L. ("Cistaceae")

La información actual sobre Cistus laevipes L., basiónimo de Fumana laevipes (L.) Spach, muestra que tal taxón no se encuentra tipificado. En el presente trabajo se designa como lectótipo el material original contenido en un pliego del herbario UPS-BURSER. The current information on basionyme of Fumana laevipes (L.) Spach, shows that this taxon is not typified. In this paper the original material enclosed in a herbarium sheet at UPS-BURSER is designated as lectotype.

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A revised typification of Jasione corymbosa and J. glabra (Campanulaceae) from the Western Mediterranean area

4 p., 1 imagen

research product

Typification of <em>Statice dichotoma</em> Cav. (Plumbaginaceae)

A lectotype and an epitype are here designated for Statice dichotoma Cav. (Plumbaginaceae), an endemic taxon from the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, which is currently named Limonium dichotomum (Cav.) Kuntze

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Geographical patterns of genetic variation in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) in the Mediterranean basin

Climate changes during the Quaternary had important effects on the evolution of European plant species. The distribution of genetic variability in rosemary, a strictly Mediterranean species of reputed Plio-Quaternary origin for which the diversification centre is hypothesized to be located in the western part of the Mediterranean basin, was investigated across the species range by using plastid microsatellites (plastid simple sequence repeat (cpSSR)) markers. Seven out of the 17 primer pairs screened were polymorphic, with up to four alleles, yielding a total of 17 size variants combined into ten haplotypes. A permutation test to investigate for geographical structure showed no significant …

research product

Alien Plant Diversity in Mediterranean Wetlands: A Comparative Study within Valencian, Balearic and Sardinian Floras

Although wetlands provide an important range of environmental, social and economic services, they are increasingly subjected to anthropogenic erturbations, amongst which invasion by alien plants is particularly alarming. This paper focuses on the alien flora of wetlands from three territories belonging to the western Mediterranean area: one continental (Valencian Community) and two insular (Balearic Islands and Sardinia), providing a complete checklist for the three territories and a general comparison. In total, 380 alien taxa from 89 families have been reported, being the Valencian Community the area richer in taxa (312), followed by the Balearic Islands (151) and Sardinia (134). The inva…

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Second-step typification of Statice insignis, basionym of Limonium insigne (Plumbaginaceae)

Cosson (1852: 177) described Statice insignis (Plumbaginaceae Juss.), providing a detailed description of this species, reporting several localities of provenance and indicating a pertinent gathering by the French traveler and plant collector Eugène Bourgeau: “In salsuginosis Hispaniae australioris, in regno Granatensi ad urbem Vera (E. Bourgeau, pl. Esp. n. 1442) et ad oppidula Santa-Fe et Roqueta (E. Bourgeau, 1851)”.

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Plastid DNA Homogeneity in Celtis australis L. (Cannabaceae) and Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae) throughout the Mediterranean Basin

International audience; Premise of research. Riparian plants are highly dependent on water sources; consequently, general climatic conditions are less important to these taxa relative to woodland and shrubland species. This leads to interesting research questions regarding riparian plant taxa. Research on phylogeography of Mediterranean riparian tree and shrub species is scarce. In this article, we investigated the plastidial genetic diversity in Celtis australis L. (hackberry) and Nerium oleander L. (oleander) throughout the Mediterranean Basin. Both species are distributed in gullies, rivers, and stream banks under warm temperate climates. Methodology. Eighteen cpSSR loci and three noncod…

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A new subspecies of Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae) from the eastern sector of the Iberian Peninsula

Rosmarinus officinalis subsp. valentinus (Lamiaceae) is described as a new subspecies in the flora of the Iberian Peninsula. The diagnostic characters for the subsp. valentinus include several morphological differences, mainly based on a distinctly prostrate habit, a reduced leaf size, smaller calyx and corolla, and white flower. A comparative table with diagnostic morphological features to distinguish among the three subspecies of the R. officinalis is provided. Habitat, ecology, greenhouse cultivation and phenolic profile are also considered.

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(2704) Proposal to conserve the name Teucrium polium ( Labiatae ) with a conserved type

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Sobre la presencia de <i>Teucrium pumilum</i> y <i>Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae)</i> en la provincia de Valencia

Teucrium pumilum and T. libanitis have been cited from Valencia province (Spain) since the middle of the XXth Century from the gypsic soils in the Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes shire. The analysis of specimens and labels is not conclusive; no specimen would certify the presence of any of these taxa. The field identification and their inclusion in a phyotosociological table ( releve ) by Rivas Goday are the only basis of their presence in the territory in a particular moment of the recent Spanish botanical history. Additionally, the unique herbarium specimen from Valencia, impossible to assign a concrete geographic locality, which was traditionally assigned to T. pumilum by some authors, is actua…

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Precisiones nomenclaturales en <em>Phlomis</em> × <em>composita</em> Pau <em>(Lamiaceae)</em>

Se revisan algunos aspectos relacionados con la nomenclatura de Phlomis × composita. Se tipifica el nombre P. × composita Pau (Lamiaceae) a partir de material original de Pau, recolectado por Bourgeau en 1849 y conservado en el herbario del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Se rechaza la anterior propuesta de tipificación de Mateu (1986) por ser incorrecta. Se propone un nuevo estatus taxonómico para el híbrido entre P. crinita subsp. crinita y P. lychnitis, bajo el rango de notosubespecie: P. × composita nothosubsp. trullenquei (Pau) P. P. Ferrer, Guara & E. Laguna, stat. nov.

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Typifications of the Linnaean name Equisetum hyemale and E. ×moorei (Equisetaceae)

The lectotypes of the names Equisetum hyemale Linnaeus (1753: 1062) and E. ×moorei Newman (1854: 19) (Equisetaceae) are designated. Previously, a neotype for E. hyemale was selected by Hauke in 1962 from a specimen kept at LINN. However, this typification is rejected since there are two original elements that may contribute to a correct lectotypification of the name. Therefore this choice is ineffective and should be rejected. An illustration from Mattioli (1586) is designated as the lectotype. On the other hand, in order to avoid any ambiguity in the interpretation of the lectotype, an epitype is also selected. A lectotype for E. ×moorei, the putative hybrid between E. hyemale and E. ramos…

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Limonium albuferae (Plumbaginaceae), a new polyploid species from the Eastern Iberian Peninsula

A new species from Limonium (Plumbaginaceae), L. albuferae sp. nov., is described from the saline-sandy soils in the saltmarshes of the Eastern Iberian Peninsula (Devesa Albufera, Valencia province, Spain). The new species is triploid (2n = 26) and is closely related to the Western Mediterranean L. girardianum from which it morphologically differs by the major robustness, and overall dimensions of leaves, inflorescences, spikes and spikelets, and by the comparative smaller size of the outer and middle bracts.

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Remarks on the type material of Linaria cavanillesii Chav. (Antirrhineae, Veronicaceae)

ABSTRACT Some aspects concerning the type material of Linaria cavanillesii Chav. (Antirrhineae, Veronicaceae), which are conserved in different herbaria, are discussed. This name had previously been lectotypified on Tournefort's collections that are kept at the herbarium P, though they had been regarded erroneously as syntypes. Evidence is shown on the existence of a duplicate of the lectotype (isolectotype), which is conserved among the Salvador herbarium at BC (Institut Botanic de Barcelona), as well as of syntypes deposited in MA on which the illustration by Cavanilles cited in the protologue was drawn. Historical data are reported on collection sites and dates for all cited syntypes of …

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Situación actual de Dictamnus hispanicus Webb (Rutaceae) en la provincia de Alicante: distribución y aspectos etnobotánicos

El tarraguillo (Dictamnus hispanicus) es un endemismo de la mitad oriental de la Península Ibérica que posee notable relieve por sus usos tradicionales en la provincia de Alicante (Comunidad Valenciana, España), donde forma parte de los ‘herberos’ o licores de hierbas silvestres. Sin embargo, existe aún poca información sobre el resto de usos de la planta en esa provincia. Para incrementar dicho conocimiento, se han realizado encuestas semiestructuradas (n=90) y se ha completado la información sobre su distribución mediante el empleo de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, localizándose referencias para 27 cuadrículas UTM de 1×1 km. Se han recogido 5 fitónimos en valenciano (74,44 % de los i…

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Typification of the Linnaean name Centaurea seridis (Asteraceae)

The genus Centaurea Linnaeus (1753: 909) (Asteraceae) comprises a large number of taxa mainly occurring in the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia (Susanna & Garcia-Jacas 2007). Centaurea seridis Linnaeus (1753: 915) is distributed from south Europe (Spain incl. Balearic Islands, Italy incl. Sicily, France, Albania and Greece) to northwest Africa (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia). From a nomenclatural standpoint, Centaurea seridis has not been typified (Jarvis 2007: 402). This paper proposes the designation of a lectotype for this Linnaean name, based on the analysis of the protologue and original material.

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Acerca del híbrido <em>Sideritis ×pertegasii</em>, nothosp. nov. <em>(Labiatae)</em>

Se describe el híbrido Sideritis ×pertegasii recolectado por Pau, interpretando su origen como producto del cruzamiento entre S. spinulosa subsp. subspinosa y S. tragoriganum subsp. juryi (Labiatae). Se presenta una descripción morfológica, una tabla con los principales caracteres diagnósticos del híbrido frente a sus progenitores, una fotografía del pliego con el holotipo y dos ilustraciones con iconografía del híbrido y sus progenitores.

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Sobre el lectótipo de <em>Limonium aragonense (Plumbaginaceae)</em>

Se discute y clarifica la tipificación realizada por Erben en 1978 del nombre Statice aragonensis [≡ Limonium aragonense]

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Plant micro-reserves in Valencia (E. Spain): A model to preserve threatened flora in China?

The Valencian Community (eastern Spain) was the pioneer territory establishing plant micro-reserves (PMRs). Its model to protect small sites for endemic and endangered plants has been exported to several countries around the globe. This paper highlights 1) the role of PMRs to complement the protection provided by large protected areas, 2) how the establishment of PMRs fosters the increase of floristic knowledge, and 3) the fact that continuous monitoring of PMRs also yields new records of endangered species found within the same PMRs. The flexibility of the PMR approach -it can be adapted to other national and regional legislations- allows its transfer to other rich-biodiversity regions and…

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Corema album archaeobotanical remains in western Mediterranean basin. Assessing fruit consumption during Upper Palaeolithic in Cova de les Cendres (Alicante, Spain)

[EN] Information about plant gathering by Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers in Europe is scarce because of the problems of preservation of plant remains in archaeological sites and due to the lack of application of archaebotanical analysis in many of them. Botanical macroremains wood charcoal, seeds, fruits, leaves, etc. - provide information not only about palaeoeconomy of hunter-gatherers, but also about climate, landscape and vegetation dynamics. In Gravettian and Solutrean levels of Cova de les Cendres (Alicante, Spain), Corema album pyrenes (Empetraceae or crowberries family) have been identified. On the contrary, wood charcoal of this species has not been documented among the remains of f…

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Nuclear rDNA instability in in vitro-generated plants is amplified after sexual reproduction with conspecific wild individuals

Using micropropagation through tissue culture has become the most used approach worldwide for mass production for the conservation of endangered species. However, the screening of somaclonal variations generated using in vitro culture is usually restricted to the first generation of micropropagated plants, when they have not yet been released in the field. Accordingly, the fate of genetically modified regenerants after sexual reproduction is usually not assessed and changes in the genetic structures of species are unknown. In this work, we assess the cytogenetic stability of two rDNA gene families in the offspring of experimental crosses between accessions generated after in vitro culture a…

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