Lola Peris
Impulsivity, sensation seeking and aggressiveness in patients with bipolar I and II disorder
Abstract Objective Although impulsivity may seem to be strongly linked to bipolar disorder, few studies have directly measured this phenomenon. To determine its implications for the prognosis of this illness, we studied the relationship between impulsivity and other aspects that are probably related, such as sensation seeking and aggressiveness, and different clinical variables of bipolar disorder. Method Sixty-nine (type I, n = 42; type II, n = 27) outpatients from a unit specifically for bipolar patients in remission completed the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS), the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS), the Buss–Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI) and the Bipolar Eating Disorder Scale (BEDS). S…
Impulsividad, búsqueda de sensaciones y agresividad en pacientes bipolares tipo I y II
Resumen Introduccion Aunque la impulsividad puede aparecer fuertemente relacionada con el trastorno bipolar, pocos estudios han medido directamente este fenomeno. Con el objetivo de conocer sus implicaciones pronosticas, estudiamos la relacion entre la impulsividad y otros aspectos probablemente relacionados con ella, como son la busqueda de sensaciones y la agresividad y diferentes variables clinicas del trastorno bipolar. Metodos 69 pacientes ambulatorios en remision (tipo I, n = 42; tipo II, n = 27) de una unidad especifica de trastornos bipolares completaron la Escala de Impulsividad Barratt (BIS), la Escala de Busqueda de Sensaciones (SSS), el Inventario de Hostilidad de Buss-Durkee (B…
Rethinking Dual Disorders/Pathology
Objective:Comorbidity of addictive disorders and other psychiatric disorders is very common. The optimal treatment of patients with addiction disorders requires awareness of their comorbid mental disorders and vice versa. The operational and contextual definitions of the different terms used vary si
Treatment Needs and Service Delivery for Patients with Dual Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From the WADD Survey
Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a great challenge for the existing health systems. The restrictions imposed across countries on the movement of people and the realignment of health care services in response to the pandemic are likely to negatively affect the health status and delivery of mental health services to persons with dual disorders (PWDD). Methods: An online survey was conducted among mental health professionals involved in providing care to PWDD to better understand the problems encountered and identify potential solutions in providing continued treatment for PWDD during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: The findings confirmed significant disruption in the delivery of tre…