Bernard Duval
Long-term efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine, booster policy, and impact of hepatitis B virus mutants
The long-term efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine, long-term effectiveness of hepatitis B immunisation programmes, immune memory induced by hepatitis B vaccine, current booster policies, and impact of hepatitis B virus mutants on immunisation programmes were reviewed at the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB) meeting in Sevilla, Spain, March 2004. The main focus was on universal vaccination programmes with data being presented from Italy, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, The Gambia, and USA (Alaska).
Chapter 22: Assuring the quality, safety and efficacy of HPV vaccines: The scientific basis of regulatory expectations pre- and post-licensure
The potential of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines will only be realized if the vaccine candidates under development prove to be safe and effective and can be consistently produced to define quality standards. Whilst the responsibility for delivering a safe and effective product rests with the vaccine producer, a vaccine requires a license to allow it to be placed on the market. Licensure is based on an evaluation of the safety and efficacy profile of a vaccine candidate by national regulatory authorities, ideally on the basis of internationally agreed, science-based specifications and procedures. For vaccines, these international specifications are developed by the World Health Organizat…