Luigi Mundula
Institutional Entrepreneurship, Trust, and Regulatory Capture in the Digital Economy
In regard to the problem of the new markets' opening and their regulation, some scholars have introduced the concept of “institutional entrepreneur” in economic literature. This new definition of entrepreneur is important to highlight, albeit in informal and descriptive terms, the existence of functional relationships between activities typical of private market competition and those more specifically, of the public sector. Even if this new economic character can provide an interesting key to understanding what can really happen in the narrow zone that separates the public and private markets, it does not consider some conceptual components that are not minor for the purposes of complete ch…
Surveillance and control of African Swine Fever in free‐ranging pigs in Sardinia
SUMMARY African swine fever (ASF) is a notifiable infectious disease, caused by the ASF virus (ASFV), which is a DNA virus belonging to the family Asfarviridae, genus Asfivirus. This disease has gained importance in the last decade after its spread in several countries in Eastern and Central Europe, and more recently, in China. Despite the efforts made to eradicate it, ASF is still present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia (Italy) and has been since 1978. ASF risk factors on the island have been analysed in previous studies; the role of free‐ranging pigs in virus persistence has been suggested, but has not been fully elucidated. The most recent eradication plan provides more stringent…
Il contrasto al lavoro non dichiarato: un'analisi comparativa di policies (Tackling Undeclared Work: A Comparative Analysis of Policies)
La forte presenza del sommerso in molti paesi europei e l'evidenza dei suoi effetti negativi sul loro sviluppo rende rilevante l’analisi di quali siano gli strumenti piu efficaci per scoraggiare l'espansione di questo fenomeno negativo per lo sviluppo e la crescita di un paese. In questo quadro, l’articolo, utilizzando l'approccio delle frontiere stocastiche, esplora quanto possa essere efficace l'attuazione di politiche di contrasto al lavoro nero nel contesto dell’Unione Europea. I nostri risultati confermano sia l'analisi delle determinanti di Schneider et al (2010) sia l'importanza delle politiche di deterrenza e di incentivo per contrastare il lavoro non dichiarato.The strong presence …
Resilience, Smartness and sustainability. Towards a new paradigm?
The urbanization and the vulnerability of a city make challenging the ability of remaining along a sustainable development path. From a sustainability point of view, the smartness concept has been enlarged up to incorporate the definition of sustainable development with the so-called smart and sustainable cities. Another aspect is gaining importance in this debate: the growing challenges posed by climate change and by environmental issue at large. This issue has forced governments and in particular cities, which represent the main place for the prevention and the implementation of initiatives against negative environmental events, to develop flexible and resilient actions, initiatives and p…
Dai Bright Green Buildings alle Bright Cities
La crescente urbanizzazione e soprattutto la crescente richiesta di maggiore efficienza nel consumo energetico e nella gestione delle risorse naturali rende sempre più attuale affrontare in modo innovativo e sostenibile la costruzione degli edifici. In questa prospettiva, sono emerse alcune linee di ricerca che si riconducono ai concetti di smart, intelligent, e green/sustainable buildings. Partendo da questa analisi, l’articolo si propone di evidenziare come sia possibile sintetizzare gli aspetti di qualità ambientale e di controllo integrato di un edificio nel concetto di bright green buildings e come, sia quindi necessario delineare un quadro di riferimento concettuale più ampio. Questo …
More nature in the city
According to projects and practices that the Italian botanists and ecologists are carrying out for bringing “more nature in the city”, new insights for a factual integration between ecological perspectives and more consolidated aesthetic and agronomic approaches to the sustainable planning and management of urban green areas are provided.
Smart Cities. Luci e ombre di una visione di futuro
L’epoca che stiamo attraversando è caratterizzata da grandi trasformazioni. I sistemi urbani permangono al centro del cambiamento, confrontandosi sempre più con sfide e minacce alla loro sostenibilità. Ormai circe metà della popolazione mondiale vive nelle città e il processo di inurbamento è inarrestabile. Agli inizi del ’900 si pensò che città con 8 o 10 milioni di abitanti fossero inimmaginabili e in ogni caso ingestibili. Sociologi e urbanisti dell’epoca ritennero che la crescita delle città dovesse essere bloccata e che dovessero essere offerte soluzioni alternative. Tesi del genere non hanno avuto, evidentemente, riscontro nella realtà e la crescita delle città è continuata. In Euro…
La misura delle smart cities e gli obiettivi della strategia EU 2020: una riflessione critica
Il dibattito sul concetto di smart city è stato ampliato in questi ultimi anni. Per identificare i fattori della smart city, alcuni studiosi sottolineano il ruolo di alcuni elementi, tra cui lo sviluppo economico, il contesto favorevole alle imprese, la sostenibilità ambientale, l’innovazione sociale, il processo di informazione e conoscenza e infine il capitale umano e sociale. Da questo punto di vista, il concetto di smart city è relazionato sia all’efficienza urbana che al benessere dei cittadini sotto l’ombrello comune dell’uso di tecnologie appropriate. Anche le imprese e le istituzioni hanno contribuito a questo dibattito. Queste ultime hanno unito il concetto di smartness con la capa…
Institutional Entrepreneurship, Trust and Regulatory Capture in the Digital Economy
In regard to the problem of the new markets’ opening and their regulation, some scholars have introduced the concept of “institutional entrepreneur” in economic literature. This new definition of entrepreneur is important to highlight, albeit in informal and descriptive terms, the existence of functional relationships between activities typical of private market competition and those more specifically, of the public sector. Even if this new economic character can provide an interesting key to understanding what can really happen in the narrow zone that separates the public and private markets, it does not consider some conceptual components that are not minor for the purposes of complete ch…
Smart Cities and a Stochastic Frontier Analysis: A Comparison among European Cities
The level of interest in smart cities is growing, and the recent literature on this topic (Holland, 2008; Caragliu et al., 2009, Nijkamp et al., 2011 and Lombardi et al., 2012) identifies a number of factors that characterise a city as smart, such as economic development, environment, human capital, culture and leisure, and e-governance. Thus, the smartness concept is strictly linked to urban efficiency in a multifaceted way. A seminal research for European policy conducted by Giffinger et al. (2007) defines a smart city on the basis of several intangible indicators, such as a smart economy, smart mobility, smart environment, smart people, smart living, and smart governance. These authors’ …
Institutions and Innovation as Driving Forces Towards a Smart City and Sustainable Territorial Development
The aim of the chapter is the analysis of innovation and institution as key-elements for reaching a higher social welfare and for improving environmental quality. To determine a social optimum or a Pareto improvement, we consider the interaction between institution and firm in the short and in the medium/long run. Using a static comparative analysis, the interaction of these two agents, institution and market, is examined. Within the market an entrant and an incumbent firm are present, and the entrant firm radically innovates. Even if in the short run results show that the market alone is able to realize a Pareto improvement, an institution action through an innovation adoption is a prefera…
Smartness, City Efficiency, and Entrepreneurship Milieu
The definition of smart city and its measurement are not shared. Different characteristics define a city as smart, which is strictly linked to urban efficiency and to entrepreneurship spirit in a multifaceted way as well as to citizens' well-being. On the basis of the comparison between city and entrepreneur behaviour and on the definition of Giffinger et al. (2007) of smart city, this chapter verifies the efficiency of a sample of European cities using a stochastic frontier approach. Departing from this analysis, the chapter develops the relative smartness definition based on the efficient use of its own resources and related to the different context. Moreover, as a city becomes close to t…
Bright Cities and City Information Modeling
The increasing urbanization and above all the increasing demand for more efficiency in energy consumption and in the management of natural resources makes ever more urgent to tackle the construction of buildings and the planning of cities in an innovative and sustainable way. In this perspective, some research lines have emerged referring to the concepts of smart, intelligent, and green/sustainable buildings. Starting from this analysis, the article aims to highlight how it is possible to synthesize both the environmental quality aspects and the integrated control of a building in the concept of bright green buildings, and how thus a wider conceptual reference framework is necessary: identi…
Smartness, Sustainability and Resilience: Are They Related?
In the imminent future, cities have to face not only an increasing urbanization but also the negative consequences of natural and human disasters. From this point of view, a city should be considered as vulnerable to climate change and other natural negative events. Thus, the challenge of a city consists in remaining on a sustainable development path. To reach this object the concepts of smartness, sustainability and resilience for a city should be intertwined. Starting from the analysis of a bright city as an integrated approach, the aim of this study consists in propose a first framework of an index which should include sustainable, smartness and resilient indicators. Integrating and meas…