Carmen Peiró-velert


Students’ perceptions on three-way pedagogical models hybridization: contributing to the development of active identities

The goal of the present study was to explore Primary Education students’ views on their involvement in a three pedagogical models’ hybridization (Health-Based Physical Education, Cooperative Learni...

research product

Screen time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity changes and displacement in adolescence: A prospective cohort study.

This paper determines longitudinal changes in the time Spanish adolescents devote to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and screen media activity (SMA). Moreover, it examines the displacement hypothesis between time spent on SMA and MVPA.A cohort of 755 adolescents participated in a prospective cohort study over a three-year period. Repeated measures ANOVA to highlight interaction effects among all variables and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques were employed.Age and gender-related variations in longitudinal changes in time spent on MVPA and SMA evolved in the inverse direction (decreased on MVPA/increased on SMA) according to the ANOVA. The potential displacement bet…

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Validación de una versión reducida en español del instrumento Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments

Objetivo. Validar una versión reducida en español del ins­trumento Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments (BPAQ-MI), aplicable a diferentes tipos de discapacidad. Material y métodos. El cuestio­nario fue aplicado a 791 universitarios con discapacidad. La estructura factorial se validó mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y, para valorar la validez criterial, se llevaron a cabo correlaciones de Spearman. La fiabilidad se evaluó mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Resultados. El modelo propuesto reveló buenos índices de ajuste y una ex­celente consistencia interna (α=0.920). Surgieron relaciones negativas entre las barreras experimentada…

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Screen media time usage of 12-16 year-old Spanish school adolescents: Effects of personal and socioeconomic factors, season and type of day.

Abstract This study examined screen media time usage (SMTU) and its association with personal and socioeconomic factors, as well as the effect of season and type of day, in a Spanish sample of 12–16 year-old school adolescents (N = 323). The research design was a cross-sectional survey, in which an interviewer-administered recall questionnaire was used. Statistical analyses included repeated measures analyses of variance, analysis of covariance and structural equation models. Results showed an average of 2.52 h per day of total SMTU and partial times of 1.73 h per day in TV viewing, 0.27 h per day in computer/videogames, and 0.52 h per day in mobile use. Four significant predictors of SMTU …

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Longitudinal changes in physical activity, sedentary behavior and body mass index in adolescence: Migrations towards different weight cluster

This study examined longitudinal changes in physical activity, sedentary behavior and body mass index in adolescents, specifically their migrations towards a different weight cluster. A cohort of 755 adolescents participated in a three-year study. A clustering Self-Organized Maps Analysis was performed to visualize changes in subjects' characteristics between the first and second assessment, and how adolescents were grouped. Also a classification tree was used to identify the behavioral characteristics of the groups that changed their weight cluster. Results indicated that boys were more active and less sedentary than girls. Boys were especially keen to technological-based activities while …

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Screen media usage, sleep time and academic performance in adolescents: clustering a self-organizing maps analysis.

Screen media usage, sleep time and socio-demographic features are related to adolescents' academic performance, but interrelations are little explored. This paper describes these interrelations and behavioral profiles clustered in low and high academic performance. A nationally representative sample of 3,095 Spanish adolescents, aged 12 to 18, was surveyed on 15 variables linked to the purpose of the study. A Self-Organizing Maps analysis established non-linear interrelationships among these variables and identified behavior patterns in subsequent cluster analyses. Topological interrelationships established from the 15 emerging maps indicated that boys used more passive videogames and compu…

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Las relaciones sociales y su papel en la motivación hacia la práctica de actividad física en adolescentes: Un enfoque cualitativo (Social relatedness and its role in adolescents’ motivation towards physical activity: a qualitative approach)

El presente estudio adopta un enfoque cualitativo para profundizar en el papel que juegan las relaciones sociales en la motivación hacia la práctica de actividad física (AF) de los adolescentes españoles. Para ello se desarrolló un estudio de casos a partir del análisis de contenido de las entrevistas a seis adolescentes españoles (tres chicas y tres chicos), provenientes de distintas regiones y habitantes tanto de contextos urbanos como rurales. Dicho análisis interpretativo permitió la obtención inductiva de cuatro principales categorías del conjunto total de datos. Los resultados, presentados mediante un relato realista muestran que, a lo largo de la adolescencia, la familia deja de ser …

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Does Sedentary Behavior Predict Academic Performance in Adolescents or the Other Way Round? A Longitudinal Path Analysis.

This study examined whether adolescents’ time spent on sedentary behaviors (academic, technological-based and social-based activities) was a better predictor of academic performance than the reverse. A cohort of 755 adolescents participated in a three-year period study. Structural Equation Modeling techniques were used to test plausible causal hypotheses. Four competing models were analyzed to determine which model best fitted the data. The Best Model was separately tested by gender. The Best Model showed that academic performance was a better predictor of sedentary behaviors than the other way round. It also indicated that students who obtained excellent academic results were more likely t…

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Identidad deportiva en adolescentes españoles: propiedades psicométricas de la versión en español de la escala Athletic Identity Measurement Scale-E

ResumenEste estudio pretende determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Athletic Identity Measurement Scale en su versión traducida al español y la identidad deportiva (ID) de una muestra de adolescentes españoles. El cuestionario se administró a 441 adolescentes de 12-18 años, clasificados en: adolescentes del Programa de Especialización Deportiva (PED), adolescentes no-PED activos y adolescentes no-PED inactivos. El análisis factorial confirmatorio reveló una estructura jerárquica y multidimensional de tres factores de primer orden (identidad social, exclusividad y afectividad negativa) y uno de segundo orden, la ID. Los resultados apoyan la adecuación de los ítems en sus respectivas …

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Competing Effects Between Screen Media Time and Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls: Clustering a Self-Organizing Maps Analysis.

Background:Previous research shows contradictory findings on potential competing effects between sedentary screen media usage (SMU) and physical activity (PA). This study examined these effects on adolescent girls via self-organizing maps analysis focusing on 3 target profiles.Methods:A sample of 1,516 girls aged 12 to 18 years self-reported daily time engagement in PA (moderate and vigorous intensity) and in screen media activities (TV/video/DVD, computer, and videogames), separately and combined.Results:Topological interrelationships from the 13 emerging maps indicated a moderate competing effect between physically active and sedentary SMU patterns. Higher SES and overweight status were l…

research product

Brief report: Association between socio-demographic factors, screen media usage and physical activity by type of day in Spanish adolescents.

This study examined the relationship between socio-demographic factors, screen media time usage, and light, moderate and vigorous activities on weekdays and weekends. Cross-sectional data was collected from 323 Spanish adolescents (mean age 13.59 years) who completed an interview administered recall questionnaire. Structural equation models indicated that male and younger adolescents spent more time on vigorous activities at the weekend, while females and older adolescents showed a greater involvement in light activities both on weekdays and weekends. State school students reported engaging in light and vigorous activities for longer periods than private school students on weekends. TV view…

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El ejercicio físico y la promoción de la salud en la infancia y la juventud

SummaryThe «new health consciousness» that emerged in the developing countries in the 70s and 80s, has contributed to consider exercise as an element of health promotion. But it can establish simplistic relationships between exercise and health, particularly critical for professionals who develop promotion programmes. In this paper, five problematic aspects linked, to exercise and health relationships both in children and youngsters, are discussed and should be taken into account when promoting health programmes. We refer to: 1) the problematic role of exercise in health promotion and in physical education curriculum as an area of privileged action in children and youngsters; 2) the automat…

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Comparison of physical activity and sedentary behaviours between young haemophilia A patients and healthy adolescents

In recent studies, adolescent haemophilia A patients and healthy adolescents have been encouraged to participate in physical activity (PA) based on its many established health benefits. However, none of the studies to date has used objective measures of PA and sedentary behaviour. The aims of the current study included: (i) to determine the amount and intensity of habitual PA among haemophilia A and healthy adolescents, and in haemophilia A patients with and without bleeding episodes in the previous year, and (ii) to identify the type and determine the time spent in sedentary activities in which both groups participate to obtain a broadened view of their daily activities. A total of 41 adol…

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Athletic identity in Spanish adolescents: psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale-E

Este estudio pretende determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Athletic Identity Measurement Scale en su versión traducida al español y la identidad deportiva (ID) de una muestra de adolescentes españoles. El cuestionario se administró a 441 adolescentes de 12-18 años, clasificados en: adolescentes del Programa de Especialización Deportiva (PED), adolescentes no-PED activos y adolescentes no-PED inactivos. El análisis factorial confirmatorio reveló una estructura jerárquica y multidimensional de tres factores de primer orden (identidad social, exclusividad y afectividad negativa) y uno de segundo orden, la ID. Los resultados apoyan la adecuación de los ítems en sus respectivas subesca…

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Variability of Spanish adolescents’ physical activity patterns by seasonality, day of the week and demographic factors

Abstract In this study, we examined the variability of physical activity (and inactivity) patterns in relation to gender, age, type of school, day of the week, and season of the year among a sample of Spanish adolescents aged 12–16 years. Levels of physical activity engagement, “who” was active/inactive, and “when” they were active/inactive were addressed. A Spanish translation and modification of Cale's Four by One-Day Physical Activity Questionnaire was administered by interviewer to 323 participants to measure estimated energy expenditure. Activity was assessed for two weekdays and two weekend days on two occasions during the autumn and two occasions during the winter. In an effort to be…

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Do Adolescents Who Meet Physical Activity Recommendations on Weekdays Also Meet Them on Weekends? A Cross-Sectional Study in Colombia.

The purpose of this study was to examine whether Colombian adolescents fulfill physical activity (PA) recommendations by type of day depending on several variables. A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 2624 adolescents from Neiva (Colombia) using the Seven Day PA Recall and the Family Affluence Scale II self-reported questionnaires. Statistical analyses were performed to find any differences by gender, socioeconomic status, PA recommendations accomplishment, participation in organized and non-organized PA, parents&rsquo

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Exploring socio-ecological factors influencing active and inactive Spanish students in years 12 and 13

This paper explores socio-ecological factors and their interplay that emerge from a qualitative study and influence adolescents' physical activity and sport participation. A total of 13 boys and 7 girls active and inactive adolescents, from years 12 and 13 and different types of school (state and private), participated in semi-structured interviews. It followed a purposeful sampling selection from participants who participated in a previous larger study on physical activity levels. Findings highlight the influence of personal and social interplay, such as perceived competence, obesity and teasing from peers, and new social demands and personal preferences in adolescents' (dis)engagement in …

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Selection of printed curriculum materials in physical education: Recontextualizing pedagogical knowledge

This paper examines how teachers select printed curriculum materials in PE in Spanish secondary schools through Bernstein’s theory of the pedagogic device. The sample recruited were 310 secondary school PE teachers (210 male and 100 female) belonging to the Valencian community in Spain. The mean age of participants was 37.7 (SD 8.7) and the average of PE teaching years was 11.8 (SD 8.87). Teachers responded individually to an interview-administered questionnaire. Results showed teachers were highly involved in choosing the curriculum materials they use, and a slight predominance for teachers to prepare the PE lesson first and then to choose appropriate materials to develop it. Main selecti…

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Realidad de la Educación Física en la Escuela Rural: una revisión sistemática (Reality of Physical Education in the Rural School: a systematic review)

I: Esta revisión pretende analizar la investigación publicada a nivel nacional e internacional en el ámbito de la EF en el contexto educativo rural.  M: El procedimiento de investigación se centró en la revisión de los artículos publicados en las bases de datos WoS, Scopus, ERIC, Sportdiscus y Dialnet. Los artículos contaron con los siguientes criterios de inclusión y exclusión para asegurar la relevancia y el ajuste temático de la revisión área de conocimiento, fecha de publicación, idioma y tipo de documento. Además, se combinaron diferentes términos de búsqueda vinculados con el campo de estudio: rural school, physical education and sport. Tras aplicar los criterios de selección, se anal…

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La colaboración científica en el campo de las ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte en España

Este estudio examina la colaboración científica a través de los patrones de coautoría en una muestra de revistas españolas de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (CCAFD). También analiza los principales grupos de investigación y disciplinas del campo multidisciplinar de las CCAFD. Se analizaron la frecuencia y porcentaje de los artículos en colaboración y el número de autores por artículo. Se revisaron las redes de colaboración de los autores más productivos para identificar grupos de investigación y se calculó la densidad para conocer su cohesión. La producción científica fue analizada también por disciplinas. Los artículos en colaboración superan a los artículos de autor único en…

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The influence of body discourses on adolescents’ (non)participation in physical activity

ABSTRACTDrawing on semi-structured interviews with older adolescents, this article examines how healthism, ideal body discourses and performative body discourses influence their (non)participation in physical activity (PA) and their identity construction concerning exercise, sport and physical education. We illustrate that body transformation through PA, and related slim body desire and the fear of masculinised female bodies, affect adolescents’ decisions to engage in or drop out of sport. Also, a non-hegemonic body shape combined with a display of low physical competence triggers classmate and teachers’ rejection and marginalisation, affecting adolescents’ construction of embodied identiti…

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When Physical Activity Participation Promotes Inactivity

This article analyses negative experiences in physical education and sport reported during qualitative interviews of a group of inactive adolescent Spanish boys and girls. The purpose of this analysis is twofold. First and most important, it seeks to give voice to these young people reporting negative experiences and connect them to contexts of physical activity and sport in which they occurred in order to show how, ironically, inactivity is an unintended consequence. Second, the authors attempt to connect inactivity through negative experiences by drawing on conceptual notions of a gendered performativity culture, and symbolic violence. The authors conclude by commenting on how these insi…

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Involvement in sedentary activities and academic performance in adolescents: differences according to sociodemographic variables /Implicación en actividades sedentarias y rendimiento académico en adolescentes: diferencias según variables sociodemográficas

AbstractThis study provides a first-time analysis of the differences in the time dedicated each day to different sedentary activities (SA) (productive, technology-based recreation and social activities) and their relation with the academic performance of Spanish adolescents according to sex, school year and socioeconomic status (SES). The sample was made up of 681 participants (50.2% girls), between 12 and 18 years old, who completed self-reported questionnaires. The likelihood of obtaining lower levels of academic success increase in adolescents who spend two or more hours on social SAs and have a lower SES. With boys, this increases further if they spend four or more hours on SAs involvin…

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