Tim Harrison

Overall asthma control: the relationship between current control and future risk.

Background Asthma guidelines emphasize both maintaining current control and reducing future risk, but the relationship between these 2 targets is not well understood. Objective This retrospective analysis of 5 budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy (Symbicort SMART Turbuhaler ∗ ∗Symbicort SMART and Turbuhaler are trademarks owned by AstraZeneca. Neither the Symbicort SMART posology nor the dry powder formulation Turbuhaler are currently approved in the United States.) studies assessed the relationship between asthma control questionnaire (ACQ-5) and Global Initiative for Asthma-defined clinical asthma control and future risk of instability and exacerbations. Methods The perc…

research product

Development and validation of a novel risk score for asthma exacerbations: The risk score for exacerbations.

BACKGROUND: Identifying patients at risk of future severe asthma exacerbations, those whose asthma might be less treatment responsive, or both might guide treatment selection. OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate predictors for failure to achieve Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)-defined good current asthma control and severe exacerbations on treatment and to develop a simple risk score for exacerbations (RSE) for clinical use. METHODS: A large data set from 3 studies comparing budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy with fixed-dose inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting ?2-agonist therapy was analyzed. Baseline patient characteristics were investigated to determine dominant pre…

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