Olivier Segut
Etude électrochimique de molécules aminées aliphatiques et hétéroaromatiques. Application aux microcapteurs de pH.
The first part describes the state of the art (electrochemical synthesis, developed applications and electrochemical reaction mechanisms) of the molecules used in his work: pyrrole and ethylenediamine. A second part is dedicated to the evolution of pH measurement processes. Thus, after an explanation of the pH concept, a presentation of both conventional pH measurement technique and of recent pH measurements methods is given.Then, thin polymer films are deposited on platinum surfaces by anodic electropolymerization of pyrrole and ethylenediamine. Then, we tested different electrolyte composition to determine the influence of solvent, salt and monomer concentrations on the electro-oxidation …
Elaboration of ammonia gas sensors based on electrodeposited polypyrrole - cobalt phthalocyanine hybrid films
The electrochemical incorporation of a sulfonated cobalt phthalocyanine (sCoPc) in conducting polypyrrole (PPy) was done, in the presence or absence of LiClO4, in order to use the resulting hybrid material for the sensing of ammonia. After electrochemical deposition, the morphological features and structural properties of polypyrrole/phthalocyanine hybrid films were investigated and compared to those of polypyrrole films. A gas sensor consisting in platinum microelectrodes arrays was fabricated using silicon microtechnologies, and the polypyrrole and polypyrrole/phthalocyanine films were electrochemically deposited on the platinum microelectrodes arrays of this gas sensor. When exposed to a…