Michael Gekle
Impact Of Hypoxic And Acidic Extracellular Conditions On Cytotoxicity Of Chemotherapeutic Drugs
In the microenvironment of solid growing tumors, pronounced hypoxia or extracellular acidosis is commonly found The aim of this study was the analysis of the cytotoxic effect of different chemotherapeutic agents (cisplatin, daunorubicin, docetaxel) under these conditions in vitro Prostate carcinoma cells (R3327-AT1) were exposed to hypoxia (pO 2 05 mmHg) or extracellular acidosis (pH=66) for 6h After 3h, cytotoxic drugs were added The cytotoxic effect was assessed by measuring caspase 3-activity (apoptosis), LDH release (necrosis) and repopulation of the cells after chemotherapy (cell death) Compared to aerobic control conditions, severe hypoxia over 6h per se led to a slight increase in ap…
Activity of Drug Efflux Transporters in Tumor Cells Under Hypoxic Conditions
Tumor cells exhibit mechanisms by which chemotherapeutic drugs can be actively pumped out of the cell (e.g., p-glycoprotein pGP, MRP1), resulting in a multidrug resistant phenotype. Many human tumors show pronounced hypoxia which can result in a local ATP depletion which in turn may compromise the efficacy of these transporters. The aim of this study was therefore to assess the transport activity and expression of drug transporters under hypoxic conditions. Prostate carcinoma cells (R3327-AT1) were exposed to hypoxia (pO2≶0.5 mmHg) for up to 24h and pump activity was determined by an efflux assay. The results showed that exposing cells to hypoxia for 3–6 h led to a moderate increase in pGP …
Hypoxia-Induced Extracellular Acidosis Increases p-Glycoprotein Activity and Chemoresistance in Tumors in Vivo via p38 Signaling Pathway
Due to inadequate perfusion, tumors develop hypoxia and extracellular acidosis. In vitro, this acidic environment (pH=6.6) has a strong impact on the acitvity of the p-glycoprotein (pGP) drug transporter responsible for multidrug resistance. This effect is most probably mediated via p38 and/or ERK1/2 signalling pathways. The aimof the studywas to analyzewhether these findings also play a role for chemosensitivity in solid growing tumors in vivo. Therefore, experimental R3327-AT1 tumors of the rat were exposed to an acidifying treatment leading to forced glycolysis. The intratumoral pO21 was determined polarographically and the extracellular pH was measured with needle electrodes. In additio…
Acidosis induces multi-drug resistance in rat prostate cancer cells (AT1) in vitro and in vivo by increasing the activity of the p-glycoprotein via activation of p38.
Because solid growing tumors often show hypoxia and pronounced extracellular acidosis, the aim of this study was to analyze the impact of an acidotic environment on the activity of the p-glycoprotein (pGP) and on the cellular content and cytotoxicity of the chemotherapeutic drug daunorubicin in the AT1 R-3327 Dunning prostate carcinoma cell line cultured in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, extracellular acidosis (pH 6.6) activated p38 and ERK1/2 and thereby induced daunorubicin resistance via a pronounced activation of pGP. De-novo protein synthesis was not necessary and analysis of transport kinetics indicated a fast and persistent pGP activation at pH 6.6 (when compared with 7.4). Intracellul…
Impact of Extracellular Acidity on the Activity of P-glycoprotein and the Cytotoxicity of Chemotherapeutic Drugs
AbstractThe expression and activity of P-glycoprotein (pGP) play a role in the multidrug resistance of tumors. Because solid-growing tumors often show pronounced hypoxia or extracellular acidosis, this study attempted to analyze the impact of an acidic environment on the expression and activity of pGP and on the cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents. For this, prostate carcinoma cells were exposed to an acidic extracellular environment (pH 6.6) for up to 24 hours. pGP activity was more than doubled after 3 to 6 hours of incubation in acidic medium, whereas cellular pGP expression remained constant, indicating that increased transport rate is the result of functional modulation. In paralle…
Direct determination of intracellular daunorubicin in intact confluent monolayers of AT1 prostate carcinoma cells using a multiwell–multilabel counter
The cytostatic drug daunorubicin exerts its toxic action by intercalating into the DNA. The efficacy of daunorubicin depends on the intracellular amount in the tumor cell. Here we have evaluated the use of a multiwell-multilabel reader for the direct determination of the fluorescent cytostatic drug daunorubicin in a prostate carcinoma cell line (AT1 R-3327 Dunning prostate carcinoma cells) grown on 24-well plates. We present evidence that this simple fluorescent parameter is a good measure for the toxicologically relevant amount of the drug intercalated into the DNA and, therefore, is a good predictor for the drug's cytotoxicity. The amount of cationic cytostatics in a tumor cell is primari…
Role of the tumor microenvironment in the activity and expression of the p-glycoprotein in human colon carcinoma cells.
The metabolic microenvironment of solid tumors is characterized by an oxygen deficiency and increased anaerobic glycolysis leading to extracellular acidosis and ATP depletion, which in turn may affect other energy-dependent cellular pathways. Since many tumors overexpress active drug transporters (e.g. the p-glycoprotein) leading to a multidrug-resistant phenotype, this study analyzes the impact of the different aspects of the extracellular microenvironment (hypoxia and acidosis) on the activity and expression of the p-glycoprotein (pGP) in the human colon carcinoma cell line LS513. For up to 24 h cells were exposed to hypoxia (pO2<0.5 mmHg), an acidic extracellular environment (pH 6.6), or…
Impact of Hypoxia-Related Tumor Acidosis on Cytotoxicity of Different Chemotherapeutic Drugs In Vitro and In Vivo
Extracellular acidosis in tumors leads to an activation of the p-glycoprotein (Pgp) drug transporter. In the present study the cytotoxicity of different chemotherapeutic drugs and its dependence on the Pgp activity during acidosis were analyzed in vitro and in vivo. Treating R3327-AT1, Pgp-positive tumor cells at pH 7.4 with daunorubicin, cisplatin or docetaxel led to marked apoptosis induction and cell death. Under acidic (pH 6.6) conditions cytotoxicity of daunorubicin or docetaxel was significantly reduced whereas cisplatin-induced cell death was almost pH-independent. Inhibiting Pgp with verapamil reversed the acidosis-induced chemoresistance against daunorubicin and docetaxel. The Pgp …
Acidic Environment Leads to ROS-Induced MAPK Signaling in Cancer Cells
Tumor micromilieu often shows pronounced acidosis forcing cells to adapt their phenotype towards enhanced tumorigenesis induced by altered cellular signalling and transcriptional regulation. In the presents study mechanisms and potential consequences of the crosstalk between extra- and intracellular pH (pH(e), pH(i)) and mitogen-activated-protein-kinases (ERK1/2, p38) was analyzed. Data were obtained mainly in AT1 R-3327 prostate carcinoma cells, but the principle importance was confirmed in 5 other cell types. Extracellular acidosis leads to a rapid and sustained decrease of pH(i) in parallel to p38 phosphorylation in all cell types and to ERK1/2 phosphorylation in 3 of 6 cell types. Furth…