Dehbia Abed
Evidence for sex pheromones produced by males and females inBlatta orientalis (Dictyoptera, Blattidae).
Males and females ofBlatta orientalis produce a volatile sex pheromone attractive at a distance. The male initiates courtship behavior by adopting a calling posture while emitting his sex pheromone. He exposes the anterior region of his tergites by stretching his abdomen horizontally. Morphological observations show the existence of male tergal glands on the anterior region of tergites 1 to 8. Behavioral assays of females utilizing methylene chloride extracts of various male body parts reveal that extracts of the anterior region of tergites are highly attractive and induce more positive responses that any other body part. Once near the male, the attracted female opens widely her genital atr…
Production, regeneration and biochemical precursors of the major components of the defensive secretion of Eurycotis floridana (Dictyoptera, polyzosteriinae)
0965-1748 (Print) Journal Article; The defensive secretion of the cockroach Eurycotis floridana contains three main components, (E)-2-hexenal, (E)-2-hexenol and (E)-2-hexenoic acid, which represented about 98% of the organic phase. The quantity of the aldehyde, alcohol, and acid present in the defensive secretion increased rapidly for 60 days from the imaginal moult. Following artificial discharge, the males were able to regenerate their initial volume of secretion over a 30 day period. To investigate the possible routes of biosynthesis of the three components, E. floridana was injected with 14C-labeled fatty acids and acetate, and the incorporation of 14C into the three components were qua…
Pheromones inBlattella germanica andBlaberus craniifer (Blaberoidea): Glandular source, morphology and analyses of pheromonally released behaviours
Females ofBlattella germanica andBlaberus craniifer produce a volatile sex pheromone attractive at a distance for conspecific males. During the emission of the pheromone, females ofB. craniifer adopt a typical calling posture; we never observe such a stance inB. germanica females. For both species, the glandular structures responsible for pheromonal production are located on the female pygidium. InB. germanica, the thickness of the glandular epithelium is clearly correlated with the attractiveness of females, being maximum for 13 day old females. The functions of the pygidial glands are discussed in both species.
Calling behaviour of female Periplaneta americana: Behavioural analysis and identification of the pheromone source
Abstract The site for the production of Periplanone B, one of the components of the female sex pheromone of Periplaneta americana , was localized in glands situated in the genital atrium, and we have called these structures atrial glands. While emitting the sex pheromone, females adopt a characteristic calling posture during which time the atrial glands are exposed. Behavioural assays of males utilizing pentane extracts of various female body parts revealed that atrial gland extracts are highly attractive, and induced more wing-raising behaviour, than any other female body part. GC-MS analyses support these results by revealing that Periplanone B is only present in the atrial glands. We est…
Pheromonal emission during the mating behavior ofEurycotis floridana (Walker) (Dictyoptera: Blattidae)
The sexual behavior of males and females ofEurycotis floridana was investigated and the various associated behavioral sequences are described. Olfactometer data proved that the male produces a volatile sex pheromone attractive at a distance to conspecific females. The male initiates courtship behavior by exposing the glandular areas on the anterior parts of abdominal tergites 2, 7, and 8. This male calling behavior was observed throughout the day. The males can mate when 8 days old, whereas virgin females are sexually receptive 18 days after becoming adults. Once attracted near the male, the female opens her genital atrium and climbs on the back of the male, where she feeds on the glandular…