Guillermo Machuca-portillo

Prevalence of apical periodontitis and frequency of root canal treatments in liver transplant candidates

Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) and endodontic treatment in liver transplant candidates and control healthy subjects. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Forty two liver transplant candidates (LTC) (study group) and 42 control subjects. Digital panoramic radiographs where used. Periapical status was scored according to the periapical index (PAI). Results were analysed statistically using the Chi-squared test and logistic regression. Results: Radiographic signs of AP in one or more teeth was found in 79% of patients in the study group and in 50% of control subjects (p = 0.008; OR = 3.7; C. I. 95% = 1.4 - 9.5…

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Determination of periodontopathogens in patients with cri du chat syndrome

Objectives: Cri du chat syndrome is a genetic alteration associated with some oral pathologies. However, it has not been described previously any clinical relationship between the periodontal disease and the syndrome. The purpose of this comparative study was to compare periodontopathogenic flora in a group with Cri du chat syndrome and another without the síndrome, to assess a potential microbiological predisposition to suffer a periodontitis. Study Design: The study compared nineteen subjects with Cri du chat Syndrome with a control group of nineteen patients without it. All patients were clinically evaluated by periodontal probing, valuing the pocket depth, the clinical attachmente level…

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Analysis of different therapeutic protocols for osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with oral and intravenous bisphpsphonates

Introduction Chemotherapy-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw caused by bisphosphonates is an exposure of necrotic bone with more than eight weeks of evolution that is attributable to bisphosphonates and no prior radiation therapy. Its etiopathogenesis remains unknown, although there are two hypotheses that may explain it: the drug’s mechanism of action, and the risk factors that can lead to osteonecrosis. There is a wide range of treatment options for managing chemotherapy-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw, from conservative treatments to surgical procedures of varying levels of invasiveness, which are sometimes supplemented with adjuvant therapies. Objectives The objective of this artic…

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Dental treatment for handicapped patients: sedation vs general anesthesia and update of dental treatment in patients with different diseases

Dental treatment on Handicapped Patients is often difficult because many people with a wide range of ages (from children to the elderly) with different pathologies that can affect the oral cavity and differ widely are included in this group. This situation creates some controversy, because according to pathology, each patient will be treated differently depending on collaboration, general health status, age or medication used to treat this pathologies. Ac - cording to this situation we can opt for an outpatient treatment without any kind of previous medication, a treat - ment under conscious or deep sedation or a under general anesthesia treatment. With this systematic review is intended to…

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Influence of marginal bone loss on peri-implantitis : systematic review of literature

Background The marginal bone of dental implants is subjected to slight load modifications over time, conditioning implant survival. Objective: Perform a systematic review of the literature analyzing the factors that contribute to marginal bone loss (MBL) and the subsequent development of peri-implantitis. Material and methods Bibliographic research in the databases PubMed, Medline and Scopus between 2010 and 2018 was performed. The inclusion criteria were articles published in the last 10 years and that were in English or Spanish, that were carried out on humans, that were cohort studies, that included cases and controls or that used randomized clinical trials. Exclusion criteria removed ar…

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Effectiveness of salivary stimulation using xylitol-malic acid tablets as coadjuvant treatment in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease : early findings

[Background] Besides dental erosion syndrome, other oral syndromes could benefit from the stimulation of sali-vary secretion, in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Our aims is evaluate the improvement of oral extra-oesophageal manifestations in patients with GORD using xylitol–malic acid tablets to stimulate salivary secretion.

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Dental implants placement in paranoid squizofrenic patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case report

Background Paranoid schizophrenia is a mental illness that involves no observable anatomical alteration. Main characteristic affects the personality of the individual, as well as areas of his own psychology. Case report A 33-year-old man with paranoid schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder in treatment with Haloperidol, Oxcarbazepine, Olanzapine and Seroquel is presented. Dental exploration showed widespread decay mostly cervical with numerous root fragments, agenesis of lateral incisors, impacted wisdom teeth, missing teeth and malocclusion. Treatment plan included restoration of teeth decay, extractions of root fragments and implant-supported prostheses in bilateral upper lateral…

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Cardiovascular effect of dental anesthesia with articaine (40 mg with epinefrine 0,5 mg % and 40 mg with epinefrine 1 mg%) versus mepivacaine (30 mg and 20 mg with epinefrine 1 mg%) in medically compromised cardiac patients:A cross-over, randomized, single blinded study.

Objectives: The aim of the present study is to compare cardiovascular safety profiles of two dental anesthetics: articaine versus two standard mepivacaine solutions used during etiological periodontal treatment in cardiovascular patients. Study Design: Using a cross-over study design, ten cardiovascular patients were randomly assigned to dental treatment with 1.8mL of a local anesthetic injected on each quadrant of the mouth: Articaine (40mg with Epinephrine 0.5mg % and 40mg with Epinephrine 1mg %) or Mepivacaine (30mg and 20mg with Epinephrine 1mg %). A computer programme enabled continuous longitudinal data collection: O2 saturation, blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Results: No se…

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Cri du chat syndrome: A critical review

A new syndrome was identified in 1963, when Lejeune et al. reported a genetic disease resulting from a partial or total deletion on the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p-) and named it the cri du chat syndrome (CdCS). This term makes reference to the main clinical feature of the syndrome, a high-pitched monochromatic cat-like crying, that usually disappears in the first years of life. CdCS is one of the most common chromosomal deletion syndromes in humans, with an incidence of 1:15.000-1:50.000 live-births. Our purpose was to review different aspects of this syndrome (concept, epidemiology, aetiology, clinical features,diagnostic methods and prognosis) emphasizing both: the breakthrough in this…

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Impact of rare diseases in oral health

Background Rare diseases (RD) are those that present a lower prevalence than 5 cases per 10.000 population. The main objective of this review was to study the effect on oral health in rare diseases, while the secondary objective of the study is theme upgrade. Material and Methods Comparative observational case-control studies were analysed and a systematic review was conducted in PubMed. Each rare disease listed on the statistical data record of the Health Portal of the Ministry of Equality, Health and Social Policies Board of Andalusia was associated with “oral health”. The variables studied included dental, oral mucosa and occlusion alterations, oral pathologies (caries, periodontal disea…

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Descriptive retrospective study analyzing relevant factors related to dental implant failure

Background The objective of this retrospective descriptive study was to analyze the characteristics of incident reports provided by dentists while using a specific brand of dental implants. Material and Methods The study was carried out in collaboration with Oxtein Iberia S.L.®, with the company providing access to the incident database in order to evaluate the characteristics of incidents from January 2014 to December 2017 (a total of 917 over four years). The data sheet recorded different variables during each of the stages of implant treatment, from initial implant placement to subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation. These variables included age, sex, systemic pathologies, smoking habits, …

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Bone loss around narrow implants versus standard diameter implants: Retrospective 2-years case-control study

Background The objectives were to evaluate the bone loss (BL) around narrow diameter implants (3.3 mm) 2 years after implant loading and compare with the bone loss around conventional-diameter implants (4.1 mm), as well as with clinical and anatomical variables. 2-years follow-up. Material and Methods Cases: 20 patients either gender-age, narrow implants (Straumann TM-SLA, diameter 3.3 mm); Control: 20 patients matching for gender-age, conventional implants (Straumann TM-SLA, diameter 4.1). Total 82 implants (31 narrow implants and 51 conventional implants) in 40 patients. To avoid statistical bias, a cluster of one implant per patient was randomly selected (20 narrow implants and 20 conven…

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