M. Requardt
MR-Angiographie peripherer Gefäße mit automatischer Verschiebetisch-Technik bei 1.0 T im Vergleich zur i. a. DSA
PURPOSE Contrast-enhanced (CE) 3D-MR angiography of peripheral arteries was performed in 8 patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease by applying a new tracking technique on a 1.0 T system (Magnetom Harmony, Siemens). The studies were compared with intra-arterial digital angiography as gold standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS Imaging of the distal aorta, pelvis, upper and lower limb arteries was accomplished with a Flash-3D-sequence (TR/TE = 6.2/3.2 ms) within 26 s acquisition time of each region after a single bolus of 30 ml contrast agent. Individual circulation time was determined by a test bolus before each examination. RESULTS 112 vessel segments were evaluated. MR angiography ach…
Kontrastverstärkte MR-Angiographie abdomineller Gefäßean einem 1.0 T-System*
Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of breath-hold, three-dimensional, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography with a 1.0 T system for imaging the abdominal vessels in comparison to conventional arteriography (CA). Methods The abdominal aorta and visceral arteries were studied in 54 patients (60 examinations) on a 1.0 T scanner using an ultrafast gadolinium-enhanced gradient-echo sequence with the following parameters: TR/TE = 3.8/1.4 ms, flip angel 25 degrees, matrix 198 x 256, field 380-420 mm, pixel size 1.9 x 1.48 mm2, slice thickness 1.5-2.5 mm, acquisition time 22-26 sec. Individual circulation times were determined by a test bolus before each MR angiography. Conventional arteri…
Kontrastmittelgestützte 3D-MR-Angiographie der Becken- und Beinarterien mit automatischer Tischverschiebung bei 1,0 Tesla
PURPOSE Assessment of the value of contrast-enhanced MR angiography (ceMRA) using an automatic tracking technique at 1.0 Tesla in comparison with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) of the pelvic and lower limb arteries. MATERIALS AND METHODS In 15 patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease a ceMRA (3D FLASH, TR/TE = 6.2/2.3 ms, Flip angle alpha = 30 degrees, Matrix 170 x 256) using a new automatic tracking technique was accomplished. The reference method was DSA. Twenty-one vessel segments of each patient were graded as normal, stenosed (> 50%) or occluded. Image material was evaluated independently by two radiologists. RESULTS In comparison, the interobserver agreement showed a…
Kontrastverstärkte dreidimensionale MR-Angiographie der A. carotis bei 1,0 Tesla im Vergleich zuri.a. DSA - ist die Methode für die Diagnostik von Karotisstenosen geeignet?
Artery Disease? Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of three-dimensional, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) of the carotid artery with a 1.0 system in comparison to intra-arterial conventional angiography (i.a.CA) for the assessment of carotid artery disease. Method: 55 patients with suspected stenosis of the carotid artery were examined with a 3D-CE gradient-echo sequence on a 1.0 T scanner (TR/TE = 6.2/2.2 ms) and a selective DSA i.a. angiography. Image quality was evaluated by estimating the arterial contrast and venous enhancement. Morphological pathologies were registered for all arteries, stenoses of the internal carotid artery were graded by applying the NASCET …