Campisi G
Microbiota e HPV nel carcinoma orale
La carcinogenesi è un processo multifattoriale in cui sono coinvolti differenti fattori esogeni; tra questi, il microbiota sembra svolgere un ruolo attivo nei mec- canismi di sviluppo del carcinoma orale [1]. Nella presente trattazione saranno descritti i principali aspetti epidemiologici, clinici e patogenetici che vedono coinvolto il microbiota orale nel processo di carcinogenesi omodistrettuale. A tal proposito, per facilità di trattazione, è stata condotta una distinzione del microbiota orale in due gruppi: microbiota orale batterico e microbiota orale non batterico (i.e. Candida spp, Human Papilloma Virus). Fra i microrganismi appartenenti a quest’ultimo gruppo, verrà condotta una disa…
Determination of intra-cultivar variation among sicilian olive germplasm by using microsatellite markers
Chemical and sensorial characterization of monovarietal olive oils extracted from the sicilian cultivars collected in a germoplasm bank
Genetic relationships analysis among 70 olive cultivars (olea europaea L.) native of southern Italy using morphological and molecular markers
Variability of fruit Quality of the Sicilian Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) Germplasm
Oral dysphagia. An unique symptom for a wide spectrum of diseases
Dysphagia, defined as a difficulty in swallowing of fluids and/or solid foods, is one of the most frequent symptoms of esophageal, gastrointestinal, ear, nose and throat diseases. As such, it poses a diagnostic challenge and an interdisciplinary clinical problem. Of particular importance in diagnosis is to distinguish between esophageal and oropharyngeal dysphagia. Oropharyn-geal dysphagia is often associated with neuromuscular disorders and is treated with rehabilitative protocols, while esophageal dysphagia may be due to anatomical alterations and esophageal motility difficulties. While the former can be adequately treated with endoscopic or surgical therapy, the latter are currently trea…
Quality of life in erosive oral lichen planus patients treated with clobetasol mucoadhesive formulations – a pilot study
Si definisce osteonecrosi delle ossa mascellari associata a bisfo- sfonati e/o altri farmaci una “reazione avversa farmaco-correlata, caratterizzata dalla progressiva distruzione e necrosi dell’osso mandibolare e/o mascellare di soggetti esposti al trattamento con farmaci per cui sia accertato un aumentato rischio di malat- tia, in assenza di un pregresso trattamento radiante”. In Tabella. 1.1 sono riportati i relativi criteri di inclusione, di esclusione e di dubbio.
Preparation of drugs in matrices
Il trattamento di ONJ è, dalla sua comparsa in letteratura, argomen- to molto dibattuto, prima, come osteonecrosi delle ossa mascellari (BRONJ) associata a bisfosfonati (BP), recentemente un’ulteriore complessità si è aggiunta con l’identificazione di numerose molecole di nuova generazione, diverse dai BP, in grado di favorire lo sviluppo di ONJ (definite nel presente testo “non-BRONJ”); queste molecole, nei pazienti oncologici per lesioni scheletriche, sono prescritte più o meno in associazione o in sequenza con i BP stessi (e.g. denosu- mab, inibitori delle tirosin-kinasi, anticorpi monoclonali anti-VEGF, inibitori di mTOR)1–3.
The Concept of Knowledge Society and Health Awareness at the University of Palermo
In the last chapter of this volume, a series of activities and effects for the community will be illustrated in the Third University Mission (TM) context, namely those relating to knowledge society and health awareness. The TM of National Universi- ties includes traditionally the set of activities with which universities enter into direct interaction with society, providing a contribution that accompanies the two tradi- tional actions, such as research (in which mainly the interaction is with scientific communities) and teaching (in which an interaction takes place with the students). There are two possible forms of TM: 1) economic enhancement of knowledge (in order to encourage economic gr…
Oral squamous cell carcinoma and biological markers:an update on the molecules mainly involved in oral carcinogenesis
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common malignant cancer of the oral cavity encompassing at least 92.8% of all oral malignancies. Despite improved diagnostic and therapeutic methods over the 20 last years, this tumour is still characterized by a high rate of mortality. The latest advances of molecular biological methods have contributed to better understand the mechanisms involved in the oral carcinogenetic process. Deregulation of cell cycle, apoptosis and cell-cell/cell-matrix adhesions are considered the pathways mainly influencing this multistage event and scientific researches over the last decade have been performed in order to investigate the biological diagnostic and…
GERD patients: a risk group for xerostomia and oral lesions? A case-control syudy
Effect of desquamative gingivitis on periodontal status: a pilot study
OBJECTIVE: Desquamative gingivitis (DG) represents the gingival manifestation associated with several mucocutaneous disorders and systemic conditions. Little is known of whether or not DG could influence the onset or progression of plaque-related periodontitis. In this study, the potential impact of DG on plaque-related attachment loss and pocket formation has been evaluated. METHODS: A cross-sectional evaluation of 12 patients with DG [eight oral lichen planus (OLP), four mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP)], never treated for DG lesions or plaque-related periodontitis, was carried out. Probing depth (PD), clinical attachment loss (CAL), fullmouth plaque (FMPS), and bleeding (FMBS) scores wer…
L’osteonecrosi delle ossa mascellari (ONJ) farmaco-relata è stata de- finita nel capitolo I come “una reazione avversa farmaco-correlata, caratterizzata dalla progressiva distruzione e necrosi dell’osso man- dibolare e/o mascellare di soggetti esposti al trattamento con farmaci per cui sia accertato un aumentato rischio di malattia, in assenza di un pregresso trattamento radiante”1. Tale definizione sottolinea la consapevolezza di uno stato di allerta e di vigilanza sui fattori di ri- schio associati alla patologia, con la possibile progressiva inclusione di nuove popolazioni di soggetti potenzialmente a rischio, e in linea con la continua evoluzione delle conoscenze scientifiche in materia…
Demographic and behavioural profiles of patients with common oral mucosal lesions by a homogeneity analysis
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the main oral mucosal lesions (OMLs) within a hospital base and to provide an anamnestic, diagnostic model based on homogeneity analysis of some variables. Methods: The demographic and behavioural data (i.e. gender, age, smoking status, alcohol consumption and therapeutic drug usage) of 1753 patients with at least one OML were considered. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and multivariate tests of the simultaneous marginal homogeneity hypothesis (SMH) were used to analyse the evidence of any differences between the demographic and behavioural profiles relating to OMLs diagnoses. Statistical significance of P<0.05 was chosen. Results: With r…
A control of the crop load by NAA in relation to time of application and chemical concentration in Sicilian indigenous table olive cultivars
Validità diagnostica dell’ecografia Vs scialo endoscopia nelle patologie ostruttive delle ghiandole salivari maggiori. (Poster P405).
High prevalence of vulvar liche planus in a cohort of oral liche planus affected patients
Three-month interval after dental experimental treatment (surgical exodontia plus insufflation/injection ozone combined protocol) for prophylaxis of ONJ
A combined treatment regimen for chronic desquamative gingivitis in patients with oral lichen planus
Background: Chronic desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a condition characterized by erythema, ulceration, and desquamation of the free and attached gingiva, usually expression of a district-systemic disease, such as oral lichen planus (OLP). Methods: A combined protocol of oral hygiene and topic corticosteroid therapy was applied in 30 patients with DG associated with OLP. Plaque index (PI) and bleeding on probing (BoP) were evaluated at baseline and after 3 months. Results: PI scoring was significantly lower after treatment in anterior, posterior, and all sites (P < 0.0001) as well as in vestibular and lingual ones (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0001, respectively). BoP measures were found to be reduc…