Ferran Palero

Integrative taxonomy of crustacean y-larvae (Thecostraca: Facetotecta) using laboratory-rearing and molecular analyses of single specimens, with the description of a new vermiform species

AbstractFacetotecta, the taxon established for ‘y-larvae’, is the last major crustacean group for which the adult stage remains unknown. With only 14 described nominal species, all in the genus Hansenocaris, their incompletely known life cycle, small size and dearth of molecular data have hampered assessments of their true species diversity. Based on field studies during which > 11 000 y-larvae were sampled, a new integrative approach for studying the taxonomy of y-larvae is outlined. It focuses on last-stage nauplii and y-cyprids and includes methods for rearing lecithotrophic y-larvae for documenting the morphology of specimens with live photomicroscopy and scanning electron micros…

research product

A new Diplura species from Georgia caves, Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) imereti (Diplura, Campodeidae), with morphological and molecular data

A new dipluran species, Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) imereti Sendra & Barjadze sp. nov., from the deep zone in three caves in the Imereti region, Georgia, is described. This new troglobitic Plusiocampa is an addition to four others known Diplura from around the Black Sea region, two Dydimocampa and two Plusiocampa s. str. The present study also provides the first CO1 sequences for the Plusiocampinae taxa and the first molecular data for cave-dwelling Plusiocampa species. Although bootstrap values were low, the maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree grouped Plusiocampa (P.) imereti Sendra & Barjadze sp. nov. with two Plusiocampa s. str. species from Eastern Europe. Morphologically, P. (P.…

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A new species of Cypris (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with comments on the first ostracod named using the Linnean system

19 páginas, 9 figuras, 3 tablas.

research product

Teschoviruses and sapeloviruses in faecal samples from wild boar in Spain

Teschovirus and Sapelovirus are two genera of the Picornaviridae family, comprising highly variable and heterogeneous enteric viruses, commonly found in faecal samples from domestic pigs. Although both of them are also known to infect wild boar, studies on their presence in these wild suids are scarce. The present study aimed at determining the presence of porcine teschovirus (PTV) and sapelovirus (PSV) in free-living wild boar populations, as well as to study their relationships with similar viruses present in pigs. Fresh faecal samples (n = 63) from wild boar were collected in Doñana Biological Reserve (SW Spain) during 2007 and 2011, and analysed using multiplex RT-PCR for the simultaneo…

research product

Geographical and temporal structures of Legionella pneumophila sequence types in comunitat valenciana (Spain), 1998 to 2013

ABSTRACT Legionella pneumophila is an accidental human pathogen associated with aerosol formation in water-related sources. High recombination rates make Legionella populations genetically diverse, and nearly 2,000 different sequence types (STs) have been described to date for this environmental pathogen. The spatial distribution of STs is extremely heterogeneous, with some variants being present worldwide and others being detected at only a local scale. Similarly, some STs have been associated with disease outbreaks, such as ST578 or ST23. Spain is among the European countries with the highest incidences of reported legionellosis cases, and specifically, Comunitat Valenciana (CV) is the se…

research product

Revision of the west african species of scyllarus fabricius, 1775 (Decapoda: Achelata: Scyllaridae), with the description of three phyllosoma stages of S. caparti holthuis, 1952 and an updated identification key

West African species of Scyllarus Fabricius, 1775 (Achelata, Scyllaridae) are poorly known, mostly due to the difficulties of sampling Eastern Atlantic tropical waters. Recent expeditions carried out by the Universidad de Cádiz and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía collected phyllosoma larvae from Cape Verde Islands (CVI) and fresh Scyllarus adults from continental West Africa. Larval stages VII, IX, and X (final stage) of S. caparti Holthuis, 1952 are analyzed using DNA barcoding methods and described for the first time. A comprehensive identification key is provided, summarizing our current knowledge on the phyllosomas of Scyllarus. Together with a revision of museum collections, the …

research product

Estudios de epidemiología molecular en población inmigrante en España

Fundamentos: La epidemiología molecular es una nueva disciplina que permite la integración de la información sobre la variabilidad genética de patógenos infecciosos con su difusión en la población y subgrupos de la misma incluyendo, por ejemplo, las mutaciones de resistencia a antibióticos y antivirales. El objetivo es conocer qué posibles diferencias existe en las características genéticas de los agentes infecciosos que afectan a las poblaciones inmigrante y autóctoctona en España. Métodos: Se revisaron artículos originales publicados entre 1998-2013, con las palabras clave "epidemiología molecular", "tipado molecular", "secuenciación", "inmigrante", "España". Resultados: De un total de 26…

research product

Recombination in viruses: Mechanisms, methods of study, and evolutionary consequences

© 2014 Elsevier B.V. Recombination is a pervasive process generating diversity in most viruses. It joins variants that arise independently within the same molecule, creating new opportunities for viruses to overcome selective pressures and to adapt to new environments and hosts. Consequently, the analysis of viral recombination attracts the interest of clinicians, epidemiologists, molecular biologists and evolutionary biologists. In this review we present an overview of three major areas related to viral recombination: (i) the molecular mechanisms that underlie recombination in model viruses, including DNA-viruses (Herpesvirus) and RNA-viruses (Human Influenza Virus and Human Immunodeficien…

research product

The emergence of lobsters: phylogenetic relationships, morphological evolution and divergence time comparisons of an ancient group (decapoda: achelata, astacidea, glypheidea, polychelida).

Lobsters are a ubiquitous and economically important group of decapod crustaceans that include the infraorders Polychelida, Glypheidea, Astacidea and Achelata. They include familiar forms such as the spiny, slipper, clawed lobsters and crayfish and unfamiliar forms such as the deep-sea and "living fossil" species. The high degree of morphological diversity among these infraorders has led to a dynamic classification and conflicting hypotheses of evolutionary relationships. In this study, we estimated phylogenetic relationships among the major groups of all lobster families and 94% of the genera using six genes (mitochondrial and nuclear) and 195 morphological characters across 173 species of…

research product

Flourishing in subterranean ecosystems: Euro-Mediterranean Plusiocampinae and tachycampoids (Diplura, Campodeidae)

Este artículo contiene 138 páginas, 213 figuras, 14 tablas.

research product

The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics

Progress in genome sequencing now enables the large-scale generation of reference genomes. Various international initiatives aim to generate reference genomes representing global biodiversity. These genomes provide unique insights into genomic diversity and architecture, thereby enabling comprehensive analyses of population and functional genomics, and are expected to revolutionize conservation genomics.

research product

Revision of the taxonomic position ofPseudocyprettaKlie, 1932 (Ostracoda: Cyprididae), with a redescription ofP. maculataKlie, 1932

AbstractPseudocypretta maculata Klie, 1932, type species of the genus, is redescribed based on new material from Thailand. The main diagnostic features of the species are the presence of marginal septa, presence of Wouters organ on the first antenna, strongly serrated claw G2 of the second antenna (A2), small β seta on the mandibular palp, elongated terminal segment of the maxillular palp, smooth and large bristles on the third endite of the maxillula, undivided penultimate segment of the second thoracopod (T2), absence of d1 seta on the T2, completely separated terminal segment of the third thoracopod, absence of a pincer organ, and reduced caudal ramus with a triangular base. The taxonomi…

research product

The ‘giant phyllosoma’ are larval stages of Parribacus antarcticus (Decapoda : Scyllaridae)

Early reports on larval distributions are frustratingly obscure due to ambiguous identification of plankton samples. A particularly striking case is posed by the so-called ‘giant phyllosoma’ which attain 80 mm in total length and are among the largest larvae known in marine invertebrates. Based on the supposition that these giant larvae are produced by local species, Philip Robertson (1968) assigned them to Parribacus. In the present study, 12 phyllosoma larvae collected in the Coral Sea and corresponding to intermediate stages VI to IX are described in detail. The identity of these freshly caught specimens was confirmed as belonging to Parribacus antarcticus (Lund, 1793) by using DNA barco…

research product

Updated distribution and first description of Scyllarus subarctus (Crustacea: Scyllaridae) decapodid stage

Este artículo contiene 8 páginas, 4 figuras, 2 tablas.

research product

Siguiendo el ejemplo fenicio: colonización del Mediterráneo occidental por Spirobranchus cf. tetraceros (Annelida: Serpulidae)

A newly established population of the fouling polychaete Spirobranchus cf. tetraceros is reported from the western Mediterranean (Valencia Port). Despite previous intensive surveys, this is the first record for the taxon in the Iberian Peninsula. Molecular analyses revealed that S. cf. tetraceros from Valencia are genetically identical to specimens from Heraklion, Crete, but different from those collected in the Red Sea and S. tetraceros sensu stricto from the type locality in Australia. Mediterranean and Red Sea S. cf. tetraceros form a well-supported monophyletic clade but are clearly distinct from New South Wales specimens of S. tetraceros. Our new molecular evidence supports the hypothe…

research product

Mislabeling and nomenclatorial confusion of Typhlotanais sandersi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1985 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) and establishment of a new genus

Re-examination of historical collections allowed us to resolve the taxonomic status of Typhlotanais sandersi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1985, originally described based on a single specimen from Great-Meteor Seamount. The holotype of this species was considered lost and the species redescribed based on a second specimen from the type locality by Błażewicz-Paszkowycz (2007a), who placed Ty. sandersi on a newly established genus Typhlamia. Thorough morphological analysis of Typhlamia and Typhlotanais species and recently obtained genetic data of typhlotanaids from N Atlantic and NW Pacific waters allow us to conclude that the redescription of Ty. sandersi by Błażewicz-Paszkowycz (2007a) was based on…

research product

Diplura in caves : diversity, ecology, evolution and biogeography

Abstract Diplurans (Hexapoda) are considered the ‘ideal cavernicolous animal’ having one of the highest ratios of cave-adapted vs. non-cave-adapted species. They are successful colonizers of subterranean habitats, thriving in all cryptic, dark, terrestrial environments. Diplurans play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter below the ground and are sensitive to anthropogenic pressures. We present the first comprehensive review about cave Diplura diversity, ecology, evolution, distribution and biogeography. We provide a roadmap for research questions regarding the ecology, aimed at stimulating the pursuit of new studies on this fascinating group. Filling these current knowle…

research product

DNA barcoding the phyllosoma of Scyllarides squammosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) (Decapoda: Achelata: Scyllaridae)

Scyllarides has the largest number of species with commercial importance within the Scyllaridae family. As for other achelate lobsters, however, little is known of the unique long-lived planktonic phyllosoma stages of any of these tropical and temperate species. Recently, a large and diverse collection of Scyllaridae phyllosoma, compiled from cruises along the Coral Sea and spanning several years, has been analysed. Molecular evidence from DNA-barcoding and phylogenetic analyses is provided here on the identity of S. squammosus phyllosoma larvae, including stages that were previously undescribed or poorly known. As a consequence, the growth and morphological changes that occur during the mi…

research product

A new Northeast Asian Lynceus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Laevicaudata) with uniquely modified thoracopods and an evaluation of DNA barcoding for clam shrimp species identification

A new species of smooth clam shrimp (Branchiopoda: Laevicaudata) from Mongolia and China is described here based on both morphological and genetic differences. The new species, Lynceus grossipedia n. sp., has unique features, including asymmetrically modified male thoracopods (left side thoracopods III-VI), male claspers “movable finger” (=endopod) with delicate setation, and broad, bicarinate male and female rostrum. Lynceus grossipedia n. sp. is compared with the genera Paralimnetis Gurney, 1931 and Lynceiopsis Daday, 1912 and a recently described Lynceus Müller, 1776 from China, also showing modified male thoracopods. Lynceus mandsuricus Daday, 1927 is declared nomen inquirendum. DNA bar…

research product

A new cryptic species of Inachus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Inachidae) from European waters and an updated identification key to the species of Inachus with two protogastric tubercles

Abstract Integrative taxonomy studies have allowed us to clarify some taxonomic problems in cryptic species within species of InachusWeber, 1795 with two protogastric tubercles found in European waters. Several morphotypes of Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1775) are recognized, and a new species is described from the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, for which distribution data are provided. Furthermore, two Inachus cf. thoracicus specimens with a unique sternal morphology were collected from Málaga Spain, but their preservation in formaldehyde prevented molecular analyses. Specimens of I. guentheri (Miers, 1879) have been re-examined and the validity of previous reports from tropica…

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The systematic position of Ergasticus (Decapoda, Brachyura) and allied genera, a molecular and morphological approach

13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

research product

Phylogeographic patterns of decapod crustaceans at the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition.

9 páginas, 4 figuras, 3 tablas.

research product

Possible amphi-Atlantic dispersal of Scyllarus lobsters (Crustacea: Scyllaridae): molecular and larval evidence

14 pages, 6 figures, 1 table

research product

Following the Phoenician example: western Mediterranean colonization by <em>Spirobranchus</em> cf. <em>tetraceros</em> (Annelida: Serpulidae)

A newly established population of the fouling polychaete Spirobranchus cf. tetraceros is reported from the western Mediterranean (Valencia Port). Despite previous intensive surveys, this is the first record for the taxon in the Iberian Peninsula. Molecular analyses revealed that S. cf. tetraceros from Valencia are genetically identical to specimens from Heraklion, Crete, but different from those collected in the Red Sea and S. tetraceros sensu stricto from the type locality in Australia. Mediterranean and Red Sea S. cf. tetraceros form a well-supported monophyletic clade but are clearly distinct from New South Wales specimens of S. tetraceros. Our new molecular evidence supports the hypothe…

research product

Multilocus phylogenetics of smooth clam shrimps (Branchiopoda, Laevicaudata)

International audience; Laevicaudatan branchiopods, also called ‘smooth clam shrimps’ or ’pea shrimps’, are rare crustaceans found exclusively in temporary, small freshwater bodies, which stay dry most of the year. Only 42 laevicaudatan species have been described so far, 90% of which belong to the genus Lynceus. The first multilocus phylogeny of the group is provided here, based on 15 Lynceus species from North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Caledonia and using nine molecular markers (two mitochondrial and seven nuclear genes, including newly designed primers). Genetic data suggest populations of Lynceus brachyurus from Europe and North America to represent a co…

research product

Following the Phoenician example: western Mediterranean colonization by Spirobranchus cf. tetraceros (Annelida: Serpulidae)

Este artículo contiene 10 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.

research product

New evidence for an Anatolian bridge: Colonization of Euromediterranean lands by cave-adapted Plusiocampinae (Diplura, Campodeidae), with establishment of a new genus

A new genus of Plusiocampinae (Diplura, Campodeidae), Anatoliacampa diclensis Sendra, Tusun & Satar gen. et sp. nov., is described from specimens found in the Southeastern Anatolian Peninsula in Dicle cave (Bozaba village, Dicle district, Diyarbakır province, Turkey). Based on its morphological characteristics and molecular analysis, the new taxon undoubtedly belongs to the well-established subfamily Plusiocampinae and occupies, like most species of the subfamily, cave habitats. Anatoliacampa diclensis has two important features: its unique pretarsus and the abundant distribution of urosternal macrosetae. The finding of this new taxon is of high palaeogeographic interest, as it provides new…

research product

Data from: The emergence of the lobsters: phylogenetic relationships, morphological evolution and divergence time comparisons of an ancient group (Decapoda: Achelata, Astacidea, Glypheidea, Polychelida)

Lobsters are a ubiquitous and economically important group of decapod crustaceans that includes the infraorders Polychelida, Glypheidea, Astacidea and Achelata. They include familiar forms such as the spiny, slipper, clawed lobsters and crayfish and unfamiliar forms such as the deep-sea and “living fossil” species. The high degree of morphological diversity among these infraorders has led to a dynamic classification and conflicting hypotheses of evolutionary relationships. In this study, we estimated phylogenetic relationships amongst the major groups of all lobster families and 94% of the genera using 6 genes (mitochondrial and nuclear) and 195 morphological characters across 173 species o…

research product