Matthias Noske
Correlation between spin structure oscillations and domain wall velocities
Magnetic sensing and logic devices based on the motion of magnetic domain walls rely on the precise and deterministic control of the position and the velocity of individual magnetic domain walls in curved nanowires. Varying domain wall velocities have been predicted to result from intrinsic effects such as oscillating domain wall spin structure transformations and extrinsic pinning due to imperfections. Here we use direct dynamic imaging of the nanoscale spin structure that allows us for the first time to directly check these predictions. We find a new regime of oscillating domain wall motion even below the Walker breakdown correlated with periodic spin structure changes. We show that the e…
Coherent Excitation of Heterosymmetric Spin Waves with Ultrashort Wavelengths
In the emerging field of magnonics, spin waves are foreseen as signal carriers for future spintronic information processing and communication devices, owing to both the very low power losses and a high device miniaturisation potential predicted for short-wavelength spin waves. Yet, the efficient excitation and controlled propagation of nanoscale spin waves remains a severe challenge. Here, we report the observation of high-amplitude, ultrashort dipole-exchange spin waves (down to 80 nm wavelength at 10 GHz frequency) in a ferromagnetic single layer system, coherently excited by the driven dynamics of a spin vortex core. We used time-resolved x-ray microscopy to directly image such propagati…
Imaging Spin Dynamics on the Nanoscale Using X-Ray Microscopy
The dynamics of emergent magnetic quasiparticles, such as vortices, domain walls and bubbles are studied by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM), combining magnetic (XMCD) contrast with about 25 nm lateral resolution as well as 70 ps time resolution. Essential progress in the understanding of magnetic vortex dynamics is achieved by vortex core reversal observed by sub-GHz excitation of the vortex gyromode, either by ac magnetic fields or spin transfer torque. The basic switching scheme for this vortex core reversal is the generation of a vortex-antivortex pair. Much faster vortex core reversal is obtained by exciting azimuthal spin wave modes with (multi-GHz) rotating magnetic fiel…
Correlation between spin structure oscillations and domain wall velocities (presentation video)
Magnetic sensing and logic devices based on the motion of magnetic domain walls rely on the precise and deterministic control of the position and the velocity of individual magnetic domain walls. Varying domain wall velocities have been predicted to result from intrinsic effects such as oscillating domain wall spin structure transformations and extrinsic pinning due to imperfections. We use direct dynamic imaging of the nanoscale spin structure to directly check these predictions. We find a new regime of oscillating domain wall motion even below the Walker breakdown correlated with periodic spin structure changes and we show that the extrinsic pinning from defects in the nanowire only affec…
Direct observation of spin wave focusing by a Fresnel lens
Spin waves are discussed as promising information carrier for beyond complementary metal-oxide semiconductor data processing. One major challenge is guiding and steering of spin waves in a uniform film. Here, we explore the use of diffractive optics for these tasks by nanoscale real-space imaging using x-ray microscopy and careful analysis with micromagnetic simulations. We discuss the properties of the focused caustic beams that are generated by a Fresnel-type zone plate and demonstrate control and steering of the focal spot. Thus, we present a steerable and intense nanometer-sized spin-wave source. Potentially, this could be used to selectively illuminate magnonic devices like nano-oscill…