Guido Meier
Imaging Spin Dynamics on the Nanoscale Using X-Ray Microscopy
The dynamics of emergent magnetic quasiparticles, such as vortices, domain walls and bubbles are studied by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM), combining magnetic (XMCD) contrast with about 25 nm lateral resolution as well as 70 ps time resolution. Essential progress in the understanding of magnetic vortex dynamics is achieved by vortex core reversal observed by sub-GHz excitation of the vortex gyromode, either by ac magnetic fields or spin transfer torque. The basic switching scheme for this vortex core reversal is the generation of a vortex-antivortex pair. Much faster vortex core reversal is obtained by exciting azimuthal spin wave modes with (multi-GHz) rotating magnetic fiel…
Evidence for metastable photo-induced superconductivity in K3C60
Far and mid infrared optical pulses have been shown to induce non-equilibrium unconventional orders in complex materials, including photo-induced ferroelectricity in quantum paraelectrics, magnetic polarization in antiferromagnets and transient superconducting correlations in the normal state of cuprates and organic conductors. In the case of non-equilibrium superconductivity, femtosecond drives have generally resulted in electronic properties that disappear immediately after excitation, evidencing a state that lacks intrinsic rigidity. Here, we make use of a new optical device to drive metallic K$_3$C$_{60}$ with mid-infrared pulses of tunable duration, ranging between one picosecond and o…