Svetlana Asmuss

Upper and lower generalized factoraggregations based on fuzzy equivalence relation

We develop the concept of a general factoraggre-gation operator introduced by the authors on the basis of an equivalence relation and applied in two recent papers for analysis of bilevel linear programming solving parameters. In the paper this concept is generalized by using a fuzzy equivalence relation instead of the crisp one. By using a left-continuous t-norm and its residuum we define and investigate two modifications of such generalized construction: upper and lower generalized factoraggregations. These generalized factoraggregations can be used for construction of extensional fuzzy sets.

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Approximation properties of higher degree F-transforms based on B-splines

The paper deals with the F-transform with polynomial components with respect to a generalized fuzzy partition given by B-splines. We investigate approximation properties of the inverse F-transform in this case and prove that using B-splines allows us to improve the quality of approximation of smooth functions.

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Fuzzy Metric Approach to Aggregation of Risk Levels

In this paper we propose a special construction of a general aggregation operator. The construction allows to aggregate fuzzy sets taking into account the distance between elements of the universe. We consider the case when fuzzy sets to be aggregated represent the risk level evaluation by several experts. We describe how the proposed construction could be applied for risk level assessment in the case when a strong fuzzy metric is used to characterize the similarity of objects under evaluation.

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The paper deals with the generalized smoothing problem in abstract Hilbert spaces. This generalized problem involves particular cases such as the interpolating problem, the smoothing problem with weights, the smoothing problem with obstacles, the problem on splines in convex sets and others. The theorem on the existence and characterization of a solution of the generalized problem is proved. It is shown how the theorem gives already known theorems in special cases as well as some new results.

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On central algorithms of approximation under fuzzy information

We consider the problem of approximation of an operator by information described by n real characteristics in the case when this information is fuzzy. We develop the well-known idea of an optimal error method of approximation for this case. It is a method whose error is the infimum of the errors of all methods for a given problem characterized by fuzzy numbers in this case. We generalize the concept of central algorithms, which are always optimal error algorithms and in the crisp case are useful both in practice and in theory. In order to do this we define the centre of an L-fuzzy subset of a normed space. The introduced concepts allow us to describe optimal methods of approximation for lin…

research product

Splines in convex sets under constraints of two‐sided inequality type in a hyperplane

The problem of minimization of a smoothing functional under inequality constraints is considered in a hyperplane. The conditions of the existence of a solution are obtained and some properties of this solution are investigated. It is proved that the solution is a spline. The method for its construction is suggested. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010

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On smoothing problems with one additional equality condition

Two problems of approximation in Hilbert spaces are considered with one additional equality condition: the smoothing problem with a weight and the smoothing problem with an obstacle. This condition is a generalization of the equality, which appears in the problem of approximation of a histogram in a natural way. We characterize the solutions of these smoothing problems and investigate the connection between them. First published online: 14 Oct 2010

research product

Collocation Method for Linear BVPs via B-spline Based Fuzzy Transform

The paper is devoted to an application of a modified F-transform technique based on B-splines in solving linear boundary value problems via the collocation method. An approximate solution is sought as a composite F-transform of a discrete function (which allows the solution to be compactly stored as the values of this discrete function). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the described technique with numerical examples, compare it with other methods and propose theoretical results on the order of approximation when the fuzzy partition is based on cubic B-splines.

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Aggregation of Risk Level Assessments Based on Fuzzy Equivalence Relation

The paper deals with the problem of aggregation of risk level assessments. We describe the technique of a risk level evaluation taking into account values of the risk level obtained for objects which are in some sense equivalent. For this purpose we propose to use the construction of a general aggregation operator based on the corresponding fuzzy equivalence relation. Numerical example of the investment risk level aggregation using an equivalence relation obtained on the basis of different macroeconomic factors for countries of one region is considered.

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Adaptation of course of operations research to needs of engineering study programmes by including specific models and examples

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On another approach to the definition of an L-fuzzy valued integral

We continue to develop a construction of an L-fuzzy valued measure extending a crisp measure defined on a σ-algebra of crisp sets to an L-fuzzy valued measure defined on a T M -tribe. We describe two equivalent approaches to define an L-fuzzy valued integral of non-negative measurable functions.

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Optimization Under Fuzzy Max-t-Norm Relation Constraints

Fuzzy relation equations and inequalities play an important role in many tools of fuzzy modelling and have been extensively studied. In many practical applications they are used as constraints in optimization. Algorithms for specific objective functions have been proposed by many authors. In this paper we introduce a method to convert a system of fuzzy relation constraints with max-t-norm composition to a linear constraint system by adding integer variables. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the proposed method.

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Modified F-transform Based on B-splines

The aim of this paper is to improve the F-transform technique based on B-splines. A modification of the F-transform of higher degree with respect to fuzzy partitions based on B-splines is done to extend the good approximation properties from the interval where the Ruspini condition is fulfilled to the whole interval under consideration. The effect of the proposed modification is characterized theoretically and illustrated numerically.

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On usage of visualization tools in teaching mathematics at universities

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On Extensional Fuzzy Sets Generated by Factoraggregation

We develop the concept of a general factoraggregation operator introduced by the authors on the basis of an equivalence relation and applied in two recent papers for analysis of bilevel linear programming solving parameters. In the paper this concept is generalized by using a fuzzy equivalence relation instead of the crisp one. We show how the generalized factoraggregation can be used for construction of extensional fuzzy sets and consider approximations of arbitrary fuzzy sets by extensional ones.

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Extremal problems of approximation theory in fuzzy context

Abstract The problem of approximation of a fuzzy subset of a normed space is considered. We study the error of approximation, which in this case is characterized by an L -fuzzy number. In order to do this we define the supremum of an L -fuzzy set of real numbers as well as the supremum and the infimum of a crisp set of L -fuzzy numbers. The introduced concepts allow us to investigate the best approximation and the optimal linear approximation. In particular, we consider approximation of a fuzzy subset in the space L p m of differentiable functions in the L q -metric. We prove the fuzzy counterparts of duality theorems, which in crisp case allows effectively to solve extremal problems of the…

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An Analysis of Bilevel Linear Programming Solving Parameters Based on Factoraggregation Approach

We introduce the notion of factoraggregation,which is a special construction of general aggregation operators, and apply it for an analysis of optimal solution parameters for bilevel linear programming problems. The aggregation observes lower level objective functions considering the classes of equivalence generated by an objective function on the upper level. The proposed method is illustrated with numerical and graphical examples.

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Optimal Control Under Fuzzy Conditions for Dynamical Systems Associated with the Second Order Linear Differential Equations

This paper is devoted to an optimal trajectory planning problem with uncertainty in location conditions considered as a problem of constrained optimal control for dynamical systems. Fuzzy numbers are used to incorporate uncertainty of constraints into the classical setting of the problem under consideration. The proposed approach applied to dynamical systems associated with the second order linear differential equations allows to find an optimal control law at each \(\alpha \)-level using spline-based methods developed in the framework of the theory of splines in convex sets. The solution technique is illustrated by numerical examples.

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General aggregation operators based on a fuzzy equivalence relation in the context of approximate systems

Our paper deals with special constructions of general aggregation operators, which are based on a fuzzy equivalence relation and provide upper and lower approximations of the pointwise extension of an ordinary aggregation operator. We consider properties of these approximations and explore their role in the context of extensional fuzzy sets with respect to the corresponding equivalence relation. We consider also upper and lower approximations of a t-norm extension of an ordinary aggregation operator. Finally, we describe an approximate system, considering the lattice of all general aggregation operators and the lattice of all fuzzy equivalence relations.

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Upper and lower approximations of general aggregation operators based on fuzzy rough sets

Our paper deals with constructions of upper and lower general aggregation operators which act on fuzzy sets. These constructions are based on fuzzy rough sets and provide two approximations (upper and lower) of the pointwise extension and the t-extension of an ordinary aggregation operator. Considering two lattices of corresponding general aggregation operators we describe two approximate systems with respect to a lattice of fuzzy equivalence relations.

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Higher Degree F-transforms Based on B-splines of Two Variables

The paper deals with the higher degree fuzzy transforms (F-transforms with polynomial components) for functions of two variables in the case when two-dimensional generalized fuzzy partition is given by B-splines of two variables. We investigate properties of the direct and inverse F-transform in this case and prove that using B-splines as basic functions of fuzzy partition allows us to improve the quality of approximation.

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A choice of bilevel linear programming solving parameters: factoraggregation approach

Our paper deals with the problem of choosing correct parameters for the bilevel linear program- ming solving algorithm proposed by M. Sakawa and I. Nishizaki. We suggest an approach based on fac- toraggregation, which is a specially designed general aggregation operator. The idea of factoraggregation arises from factorization by the equivalence relation generated by the upper level objective function. We prove several important properties of the factorag- gregation result regarding the analysis of param- eters in order to find an optimal solution for the problem. We illustrate the proposed method with some numerical and graphical examples, in particu- lar we consider a modification of the m…

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On spline methods of approximation under L-fuzzy information

This work is closely related to our previous papers on algorithms of approximation under L-fuzzy information. In the classical theory of approximation central algorithms were worked out on the basis of usual, that is crisp splines. We describe central methods for solution of linear problems with balanced L-fuzzy information and develop the concept of L-fuzzy splines.

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