Henri Vieille-grosjean

Contextes scolaires africains : de l'influence française à l'autodétermination ?

Cet article propose une typologie de l'offre de scolarisation en Afrique francophone, à partir d'un postulat qui l'appréhende comme un ensemble réunissant en lui plus de permanences et de similitudes que de singularités. Cette unicité cimentée par le partage d'une histoire commune (colonisation, mode de mise en place de l'école) permet l'analyse des postures enseignantes et parentales face à un choix possible d'école. Conduite essentiellement dans trois pays africains, le Burkina Faso, Djibouti et le Tchad, la recherche présentée dans ce texte s'appuie d'une part sur les résultats de différentes observations, enquêtes et entretiens approfondis menés dans ces trois pays et référés à des prat…

research product

The social mediators: limits and challenges of a system

Following a study aimed at measuring the limits and challenges of the social mediation system, the authors put forward an examination in this article of the mutual expectations of the social mediator and its employer, the urban community. This sociological study is comprehensive: it uses the method of the individual interview and focus group. The analysis of the results is supported by contributions from Boltanski and Thévenot in order to compare the reference “worlds” of both types of actor. It is supplemented by the analysis of notions of “system” (Foucault) and “professionalisation” (Hainaux et al., Bartoli). The authors try to understand the extent to which the actors understand involve…

research product

The children's instruction in Sub-Saharan Africa

This article deals with the various schooling of three francophone African countries. This article presents the resultants of three field surveys, during which ethnographic and participant observations, but also over 150 in depth interviews were led. After having described the educational provision in the three countries concerned, the article shed some light on the representations of school for parents of pupils. A specific focus is made on the schooling model corresponding to each school. That's how was measured the leeway of parents face to the schooling choice which is imposed, face to a plural educational provision which herald historic connations and hierarchical organisation.

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