Alfred Dewald
Development of a new Recoil Distance Technique using Coulomb Excitation in Inverse Kinematics
We report on an experiment using Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics in combination with the plunger technique for measuring lifetimes of excited states of the projectiles. Aside from the investigation of E(5) features in 128Xe, the aim was to explore the special features of such experiments which are also suited to be used with radioactive beams. The measurement was performed at the JYFL with the Koln coincidence plunger device and the JUROGAM spectrometer using a 128Xe beam impinging on a natFe target at a beam energy of 525 MeV. Recoils were detected by means of 32 solar cells placed at extreme forward angles. Particle‐gated γ‐singles and γγ‐coincidences were measured at different t…
Preliminary results of lifetime measurements in neutron-rich $^{53}$Ti
To study the nuclear structure of neutron-rich titanium isotopes, a lifetime measurement was performed at the Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL) facility in Caen, France. The nucleiwere produced in a multinucleon-transfer reaction by using a 6.76 MeV/u 238U beam. The Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) was employed for the γ-ray detection and target-like recoils were identified event-by-event by the large-acceptance variable mode spectrometer (VAMOS++). Preliminary level lifetimes of the (5/2−) to 13/2− states of the yrast band in the neutron-rich nucleus 53Ti were measured for the first time employing the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method and the compact plunger …
Collectivity ofPo196at low spin
Absolute electromagnetic transition probabilities in $^{196}\mathrm{Po}$ have been measured using the recoil distance Doppler-shift technique. The lifetimes of the three lowest yrast states in $^{196}\mathrm{Po}$ were extracted from singles \ensuremath{\gamma}-ray spectra by using the recoil-decay tagging method. In addition, configuration mixing calculations of angular momentum projected mean-field states have been carried out for $^{196}\mathrm{Po}$. The present study sheds light on the onset of collectivity and mixing of competing structures in neutron-deficient Po nuclei.