Nigel Warr
Development of a new Recoil Distance Technique using Coulomb Excitation in Inverse Kinematics
We report on an experiment using Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics in combination with the plunger technique for measuring lifetimes of excited states of the projectiles. Aside from the investigation of E(5) features in 128Xe, the aim was to explore the special features of such experiments which are also suited to be used with radioactive beams. The measurement was performed at the JYFL with the Koln coincidence plunger device and the JUROGAM spectrometer using a 128Xe beam impinging on a natFe target at a beam energy of 525 MeV. Recoils were detected by means of 32 solar cells placed at extreme forward angles. Particle‐gated γ‐singles and γγ‐coincidences were measured at different t…
Complete dipole response in [sup 208]Pb from high-resolution polarized proton scattering at 0°
At the Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka, Japan, the 208Pb(p,p´) reaction was measured at Ep=295 MeV and scattering angles Θlab= 0° - 10°. A high energy resolution of the order of ΔE/E ≈ 8x10^-5 was achieved, corresponding to ΔE=25-30 keV (FWHM). Cross sections were extracted by a multipole decomposition analysis of the angular distributions. Dominant contributions at very forward angles originate from E1 excitation due to Coulomb projectile-target interaction and spin M1 transitions caused by the spin-isospin part of the proton-nucleus interaction. A separation of these contributions was performed with two independent methods, viz. a multipole decomposition of the angular distribu…
Applications of the total absorption technique to improve reactor decay heat calculations: study of the beta decay of [sup 102,104,105]Tc
The decay heat of the fission products plays an important role in predicting the heat‐up of nuclear fuel after reactor shutdown. This form of energy release is calculated as the sum of the energy‐weighted activities of all fission products P(t) = ΣEiλiNi(t), where Ei is the decay energy of nuclide i (gamma and beta component), λi is the decay constant of nuclide i and Ni(t) is the number of nuclide i at cooling time t. Even though the reproduction of the measured decay heat has improved in recent years, there is still a long standing discrepancy at t∼1000 s cooling time for some fuels. A possible explanation for this disagreement can been found in the work of Yoshida et al. [1], who demonst…
Structure of N >= 126 nuclei produced in fragmentation of (238)U
The nuclear structure of neutron‐rich N⩾126 nuclei have been investigated following their production via relativistic projectile fragmentation of a E/A = 1 GeV 238U beam on a Be target. The cocktail of secondary beam products were separated and identified using the GSI FRagment Separator (FRS). The nuclei of interest were implanted in a high‐granularity active stopper detector set‐up consisting of 6 double sided silicon strip detectors. The associated gamma‐ray transitions were detected with the RISING array, consisting of 15 Euroball cluster Ge‐detectors. Time‐correlated gamma decays from individually identified nuclear species have been recorded, allowing the clean identification of isome…