K. H. Steffens
The Møller Polarimeter for MAMI
The polarization of high-energy electrons can conveniently be measured by means of Moller scattering from polarized electrons in a magnetized ferromagnetic target. This process exhibits in the limit of high energies (E ≥ 100 MeV) still relatively large, energy independent and well known analysator strengths. Furthermore, the laboratory cross section in the kinematical range suitable for polarimeter applications is large $$ \frac{{d\sigma }}{{d\Omega }}({\Theta _{cm}} = 90^\circ ) = Z \cdot 0.18{\text{ }}barn/sr$$ and energy-independent.
Spin Physics at MAMI
Spinrotator for MAMI
A source of polarized electrons based on the photoemission of a GaAsP-cathode [1] has been set up to inject polarized electrons in the Mainz microtron MAMI. In order to compensate the spin precession in MAMI a spinrotator system has to be integrated in the 100 keV beamline from the source to the injector linac to achieve the required longitudinal spin direction at target position.