Eigo Shintani
SU(3) gauge theory with 12 flavours in a twisted box
We present preliminary result for the step-scaling study of the coupling constant with the Yang-Mills gradient flow, in the twelve-favour SU(3) gauge theory. In this work, the lattice simulation is performed using unimproved staggered fermions and the Wilson plaquette gauge action, from which the gradient flow is also implemented. Imposing twisted boundary condition a'la t'Hooft and Parisi, our calculation is performed at zero fermion mass. The renormalised coupling constant is extracted via the computation of the energy density. In order to examine the reliability of the continuum extrapolation, we investigate this coupling constant using two different lattice discretisations. Our result s…
Initial nucleon structure results with chiral quarks at the physical point
We report initial nucleon structure results computed on lattices with 2+1 dynamical M\"obius domain wall fermions at the physical point generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations. At this stage, we evaluate only connected quark contributions. In particular, we discuss the nucleon vector and axial-vector form factors, nucleon axial charge and the isovector quark momentum fraction. From currently available statistics, we estimate the stochastic accuracy of the determination of $g_A$ and $_{u-d}$ to be around 10%, and we expect to reduce that to 5% within the next year. To reduce the computational cost of our calculations, we extensively use acceleration techniques such as low-eigenmode def…
Nucleon matrix elements from lattice QCD with all-mode-averaging and a domain-decomposed solver: An exploratory study
We study the performance of all-mode-averaging (AMA) when used in conjunction with a locally deflated SAP-preconditioned solver, determining how to optimize the local block sizes and number of deflation fields in order to minimize the computational cost for a given level of overall statistical accuracy. We find that AMA enables a reduction of the statistical error on nucleon charges by a factor of around two at the same cost when compared to the standard method. As a demonstration, we compute the axial, scalar and tensor charges of the nucleon in $N_f=2$ lattice QCD with non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson quarks, using O(10,000) measurements to pursue the signal out to source-sink sepa…
Progress of lattice calculation of light-by-light contribution to muon g−2
Abstract In this proceedings, I review a progress of lattice calculation of muon g-2, in particular for the next-to-leading order of hadronic contribution from light-by-light diagram. I present the lattice computation method of which the light-by-light diagram is decomposed into three-point function having two-vector and one-pseudoscalar currents, or direct muon form factor calculation including lattice QED+QCD in Monte-Carlo simulation. I also discuss the recent result with those strategy and prospective precision we will reach in the future.
Covariant approximation averaging
We present a new class of statistical error reduction techniques for Monte-Carlo simulations. Using covariant symmetries, we show that correlation functions can be constructed from inexpensive approximations without introducing any systematic bias in the final result. We introduce a new class of covariant approximation averaging techniques, known as all-mode averaging (AMA), in which the approximation takes account of contributions of all eigenmodes through the inverse of the Dirac operator computed from the conjugate gradient method with a relaxed stopping condition. In this paper we compare the performance and computational cost of our new method with traditional methods using correlation…
Accelerating Ab Initio Nucleon Structure Calculations with All-Mode-Averaging on Gordon
The composition of nucleons has long been known to be sub-atomic particles called quarks and gluons, which interact through the strong force and theoretically can be described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Lattice QCD (LQCD), in which the continuous space-time is translated into grid points on a four-dimensional lattice and ab initio Monte Carlo simulations are performed, is by far the only model-independent method to study QCD with controllable errors. We report the successful application of a novel algorithm, All-Mode-Averaging, in the LQCD calculations of nucleon internal structure on the Gordon supercomputer our award of roughly 6 million service units through XSEDE. The application …
Position space formulation for Dirac fermions on honeycomb lattice
We study how to construct Dirac fermion defined on the honeycomb lattice in position space. Starting from the nearest neighbor interaction in tight binding model, we show that the Hamiltonian is constructed by kinetic term and second derivative term of three flavor Dirac fermions in which one flavor has a mass of cutoff order and the other flavors are massless. In this formulation the structure of the Dirac point is simplified so that its uniqueness can be easily shown even if we consider the next-nearest neighbor interaction. We also show the chiral symmetry at finite lattice spacing, which protects the masslessness of the Dirac fermion, and discuss the analogy with the staggered fermion f…