Guarino Francesco
Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil: a case study in Southern Italy
The paper describes the results of a specific LCA based analysis of the production of oil in the region of Calabria, in southern Italy. The goal of the study is to assess the energy and environmental impacts of different scenarios involving conventional and organic cultivations, plains and hills cultivations and involving different operating techniques. The study also aims at assessing the share of each life cycle step on the total of energy and environmental impacts. The functional unit chosen for the comparative analysis is a glass bottle of 0.75 l of extra-vergine oil. A “from cradle to gate” perspective was chosen. The analysis was developed according to the LCA standards of the ISO 140…
The Application of the Life-Cycle Assessment in the Building Sector: An Italian Case Study
The building sector is one of the most relevant in terms of generation of wealth and occupation, but it is also responsible for significant consumption of natural resources and the generation of environmental impacts, mainly greenhouse gas emissions. In order to improve the eco profile of buildings during their life-cycle, the reduction of the use of resources and the minimization of environmental impacts have become, in the last years, some of the main objectives to achieve in the design of sustainable buildings. The application of the life-cycle thinking approach, looking at the whole life cycle of buildings, is of paramount importance for a real decarbonization and reduction of the envir…
Optimal Design of Grid Integration of a Net Zero Energy Building trough Electrochemical Energy Storage and Fuel Cell Utilization
The integration of electrochemical energy storage, renewable energy production, and fuel cell systems can play a key role in the development of more efficient eco-friendly systems, spanning all sectors of energy management, from stationary to mobile. In particular, residential sector consumed 19% of worldwide energy production in 2015, resulting the third energivorous sector after transport and industry. Distributed energy systems, which efficiently use local resources, can reduce problems in regions with lack of a stable network and more in general help the growth of a sustainable development. In this case, the impact of PV-Lithium Batteries-SOFC integration in a NZEB (Net Zero Energy Buil…