Comparison of cystatin C and creatinine-based glomerular filtration rate formulas with 51Cr-EDTA clearance in patients with cirrhosis
Renal function is an important predictor of survival in cirrhosis and liver transplantation. GFR estimates using serum cystatin C (CysC) are proposed as better predictors of renal function than ones on the basis of serum creatinine (Cr). Our aims were: (1) evaluate correlations between serum CysC and different methods of creatinine measurements; (2) compare CysC and Cr GFR formulas with (51)Cr-EDTA; and (3) evaluate liver-related parameters potentially influencing GFR.254 blood samples in 65 patients with cirrhosis correlating CysC with four Cr methods were used; another 74 patients comparing (51)Cr-EDTA GFR to Modification of Diet in Renal Disease and Larsson and Hoek formulas for CysC wer…