Salvatore Polito


Is intravesical instillation of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate useful in preventing recurrent bacterial cystitis? A multicenter case control analysis.

Abstract Objective Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in the female population and, over a lifetime, about half of women have at least one episode of UTI requiring antibiotic therapy. The aim of the current study was to compare two different strategies for preventing recurrent bacterial cystitis: intravesical instillation of hyaluronic acid (HA) plus chondroitin sulfate (CS), and antibiotic prophylaxis with sulfamethoxazole plus trimethoprim. Materials and methods This was a retrospective review of two different cohorts of women affected by recurrent bacterial cystitis. Cases (experimental group) were women who received intravesical instillations of a sterile solution of high concen…

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Diagnostic tools for female urethral diverticulum: Current perspectives

Although once considered quite a rare condition in the past, female urethral diverticulum (UD) would now appear to have a higher frequency, perhaps due to greater attention from physicians. To date, there is no agreement on which is the best method for diagnosis of female UD. Traditionally, the approach was based on quite invasive techniques, such as voiding cystourethrography, and double-balloon urethrography, with satisfactory results but relevant limitations. More recent high-resolution imaging techniques, such as 2D-3D ultrasonography (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have also been applied in the study of the abnormalities of the female urethra. US had the advantage of the outp…

research product

Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder in a Patient with Six Previous Caesarean Deliveries: Step by Step Management

The definition placenta accreta spectrum disorders (PAS) introduced by FIGO (International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics) indicates an abnormal, pathological adherence or invasion of the placenta. The growing worldwide incidence of this pathological entity, and the possible serious correlated surgical risks, has caused a significant increase in attention among the scientific community. Previous caesarean delivery and presence of placenta previa are the main risk factors for the onset of PAS. Here, we present the intriguing case of a 39-year-old woman, at the 33rd week of gestation, with six previous caesarean sections and with a diagnosis of placenta previa accreta. At our referr…

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