Proposal to measure the hidden face of the values of the social economy : Its impulse to environmental and social transformation. From a stakeholders driven to a territorial driven approach
En los últimos lustros, la literatura ha buscado métodos más precisos para evaluar la importancia socioeconómica de la Economía Social y Solidaria (ESS). Sobre esa base, este artículo ofrece una nueva forma de evaluar el impacto de la ESS, mejorando la comprensión del potencial de la ESS para la transformación socioeconómica. Se desarrolla un marco teórico evolutivo micro-meso-macro y territorial, mediante el cual, con el apoyo de una metodología cualitativa, se estudia la transformación impulsada por la ESS en el clúster cañero de Veracruz (México). El artículo muestra la necesidad de un "enfoque territorial" del impacto de la ESS, en comparación con el "enfoque impulsado por las partes in…
Knowledge management in developing regions: the case of Valle de Aburrá, Colombia
This study aims to identify the components of a knowledge management (KM) model to support innovation governance in a Colombian cosmetics cluster. The inter-organisational management of knowledge applied to innovation governance, and the perspective of endogenous economic development emphasises the structural specificities of developing countries. In line with this objective, the community-based participatory research (CBPR) and Delphi methods were combined to collect information from the cluster's different stakeholders, among them dependent shareholders who expressed their views through spokespersons. In an initial stage, a knowledge management model was built. After a second stage with a…
Fragmentación de las redes de innovación y dinámica de los sistemas territoriales de producción y de innovación en sectores tradicionales
International audience; Para competir en la globalización, los sistemas territoriales de producción en sectores tradicionales deben convertirse en sistemas territoriales de producción y de innovación. Esto supone urdir redes de innovación más complejas entre actores heterogéneos (empresas, universidades, centros tecnológicos, etc.), lo que genera una tensión política de integración/fragmentación de dichas redes. Para contrastar esta hipótesis se combinan los enfoques evolucionista y del actor-red con el enfoque de la proximidad. La construcción de redes de innovación más amplias exige desarrollar nuevas comunidades de práctica. Este proceso puede generar una dinámica de fragmentación por me…
How to boost clusters and regional change through cooperative social innovation
The aim of this paper is to illustrate how social innovation is promoted and spread by cooperative clusters in order to develop regional change. This paper focuses on the main drivers of the spreading and exaptation processes of social innovation. The cooperative cluster model, the exaptation concept, the top-down approach, the meso-institutions concept and the meso-level perspective are used to capture the strategic approach of spreading social innovation. The study analyses two successful clusters: Mondragon, made up of industrial SMEs, and Anecoop, an agricultural cooperative group, both leading clusters in their respective region. Qualitative methodology is used to compare both case stu…
Los valores de la Economía Social como impulsores del cambio en clústeres con fuerte fragmentación del conocimiento : el caso de la caña de azúcar de Veracruz (México)
La literatura evolucionista sobre innovación tecnológica se ha desarrollado bastante independientemente de la investigación sobre innovación social. El presente artículo intentará evidenciar que en los clústeres de América Latina la innovación social constituye una precondición para poner en valor los conocimientos locales. Este reconocimiento permite enfrentar la tensión dialéctica fragmentación/integración del conocimiento existente en estos clústeres. Se esboza un marco teórico evolucionista en el que la innovación social, y en especial los nuevos valores, constituyen el vehículo de la entrada en escena de los motores de la transformación sectorial y territorial en los clústeres agroindu…
Transformative Policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy: The New Generation of Public Policies Fostering the Social Economy in Order to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The European and Spanish Cases
The United Nations Agenda 2030 has recognized that Social Economy (SE) entities play an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In order to maximize the impact of the SE, governments have recently deployed new policies regarding these entities. The objective is to understand the context of policy change that has allowed these policies to emerge, their main characteristics and the critical factors in their construction and implementation. Successful policy cases in Europe and Spain have been studied. Qualitative data have been collected through key policy documents, experts, and focus groups. As a main finding, the study shows that this new model of policies exhi…
Rebuilding a Cluster while protecting knowledge within Low-medium-tech supplier SMEs: A Spanish and French comparison
International audience; Most of SMEs are engaged in open innovation practices, but they do not benefit from open innovation or from patenting in the same way as larger firms do. At the same time SMEs, as territorialized suppliers, play a crucial role within evolving regional specialization. In this context the purpose of our study is to examine how low and medium technology supplier SMEs learn and organize themselves at a territorial level to address the challenge of IP protection in an open innovation paradigm. We used a qualitative method with a longitudinal multi-case study involving 27 companies with a historical lance to compare the territorial dynamics of knowledge protection within c…
Innovation cooperative systems and structural change: An evolutionary analysis of Anecoop and Mondragon cases
International audience; In a globalized world, clusters, or territorial production systems, need to evolve into innovation systems to retain their competitive advantages and be able to develop. This study analyzes the cooperative entrepreneurship model as a means of structural change for these clusters, constituting a third way between the private business way and the government-oriented way. Building on an evolutionist approach and a qualitative comparative methodology, the study analyzes two successful cooperatives: Mondragon and Anecoop. As a novelty, this article explains the innovation process from an institutional perspective, combining micro–meso–macro levels. The results confirm tha…
A Territorial-driven approach to capture the transformative momentum of the Social Economy especially from the agricultural cooperatives
In the last few lustrums, the literature has searched for more precise methods to assess the socio-economic importance of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). On that basis, this article offers a new way of assessing the SSE impact, enhancing the understanding of the SSE potential for socio-economic transformation. An evolutionary micro–meso–macro and territorial theoretical framework is developed, utilizing, along with the assistance of a qualitative methodology, studies on the transformation promoted by the SSE on the sugar cane cluster of Veracruz (Mexico). The main results of the article are that the SSE boost beneficiaries, while the protagonists of the transformation c…
El modelo cooperativo de sistemas agroalimentarios de innovación: el caso ANECOOP y el sistema citrícola valenciano
English title: The cooperative model of agri-food innovation systems: ANECOOP and the Valencian citrus industry; International audience; Globalisation brings pressure on regional production systems to become regional production and innovation systems in order to maintain their competitiveness. However, the heterogeneity of the companies in these systems makes it difficult to respond to these challenges and obliges the response to be collective and mesoeconomic. To date, there has been a defence of the leadership of some private companies and other intermediaries such as business associations as vehicles of this process, but the part that cooperatives play in it has barely been studied. This…