Giustino Varrassi
Chronic non-cancer pain in primary care: an Italian cross-sectional study
Chronic non-cancer pain is a complex health condition that affects more than a quarter of the Italian population who mainly refers to general practitioners and primary care for their treatment. There are little information on the epidemiological and clinical characteristics and types of treatments for these patients who suffer from chronic pain. The aim of the study was to provide epidemiological and clinical information about patients with chronic non-cancer pain who refers to GPs for their treatment. An observational, multicentre, cross-sectional study was carried out using retrospectively reviewed clinical records from 29 GPs. Some pharmacoeconomic aspects were also investigated. A total…
Quality of life and disability of chronic non-cancer pain in adults patients attending pain clinics: A prospective, multicenter, observational study
What do we already know about this subject? • Chronic pain can have negative effects on quality of life. It is associated with a reduced ability to work, quality of life and disability, conditions that should be treated in specialized pain management clinics. In Italy very little information on clinical outcomes after chronic pain treatments is provided. What does our study add to the already existing information • This study is the first to provide clinical data about the impact of chronic pain in terms of quality of life and disability on patients who attended pain management clinics in Italy. • Chronic pain has a negative impact on quality of life and disability and causes presenteeism. …
Chronic Non-cancer Pain Management in a Tertiary Pain Clinic Network: a Retrospective Study
Introduction: Chronic pain is a distressing condition that should be treated in specialized pain clinics. Pain clinics offer a holistic, evidence-based approach, including pharmacological, complementary, and invasive treatments. This study aimed to provide preliminary information regarding chronic pain treatments and identify reasons for accessing an important hub-spoke pain clinic network. Methods: A retrospective multicenter cross-sectional study was carried out. A total of 1606 patients’ records were included. Patients were selected from the 26 pain clinics of a single region in Italy. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used. Results: Multivariate models showed t…
Combination of Rehabilitative Therapy with Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide for Chronic Low Back Pain: An Observational Study
Abstract Introduction Chronic low back pain (LBP) caused by intervertebral disc herniation was reported in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study to be the main reason for years lived with disability. It causes significant personal, social, and economic burdens. Many of those who suffer from LBP find conventional medical treatments to be unsatisfactory for treating their pain, so they are increasingly resorting to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. Given that the population is aging, there is an urgent need to characterize the combinations of complementary therapies that yield the best outcomes and treatments, even for prolonged periods. This observational study aimed …
Evaluation of Psychometric and Linguistic Properties of the Italian Adolescent Pain Assessment Scales: A Systematic Review
Introduction: Adolescents’ pain experiences are complex and multidimensional, and evaluating pain only from a sensory and affective point of view may be in many instances limiting and inadequate; this is the reason why it is of paramount importance to identify the tools which can better assess the pain experienced by young patients. A person-oriented approach is highly encouraged, as it may better investigate the cognitive and behavioral development typical of this age group. The aim of this review paper is to describe the available tools which are able to adequately assess pain intensity in adolescents, in particular those validated in Italian. Methods: We conducted a systematic review usi…
Combination of Rehabilitative Therapy with Ultramicronized Palmitoyletanolamide for Chronic Low Back Pain: An Observational Study
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