Sylvain Crovisier
IFS attractors and Cantor sets
Abstract We build a metric space which is homeomorphic to a Cantor set but cannot be realized as the attractor of an iterated function system. We give also an example of a Cantor set K in R 3 such that every homeomorphism f of R 3 which preserves K coincides with the identity on K.
The centralizer of a C1 generic diffeomorphism is trivial
In this announcement, we describe the solution in the C1 topology to a question asked by S. Smale on the genericity of trivial centralizers: the set of diffeomorphisms of a compact connected manifold with trivial centralizer residual in Diff^1 but does not contain an open and dense subset.
Tame dynamics and robust transitivity chain-recurrence classes versus homoclinic classes
Pseudo-rotations of the closed annulus : variation on a theorem of J. Kwapisz
Consider a homeomorphism h of the closed annulus S^1*[0,1], isotopic to the identity, such that the rotation set of h is reduced to a single irrational number alpha (we say that h is an irrational pseudo-rotation). For every positive integer n, we prove that there exists a simple arc gamma joining one of the boundary component of the annulus to the other one, such that gamma is disjoint from its n first iterates under h. As a corollary, we obtain that the rigid rotation of angle alpha can be approximated by homeomorphisms conjugate to h. The first result stated above is an analog of a theorem of J. Kwapisz dealing with diffeomorphisms of the two-torus; we give some new, purely two-dimension…
Recurrence and genericity
We prove a C^1-connecting lemma for pseudo-orbits of diffeomorphisms on compact manifolds. We explore some consequences for C^1-generic diffeomorphisms. For instance, C^1-generic conservative diffeomorphisms are transitive. Nous montrons un lemme de connexion C^1 pour les pseudo-orbites des diffeomorphismes des varietes compactes. Nous explorons alors les consequences pour les diffeomorphismes C^1-generiques. Par exemple, les diffeomorphismes conservatifs C^1-generiques sont transitifs.