G. Ducros
Infrared Spectroscopy of Ruthenium Tetroxide and High-resolution analysis of the v3 band
International audience
Sensing ruthenium tetroxide Emissions : a spectroscopic study
International audience; After the Fukushima accident, it became essential to have a way to monitor in real time the evolution of a nuclear reactor during a severe accident, in order to react efficiently and minimize the industrial, ecological and health consequences of the accident. Ruthenium is a low volatile fission product but in case of the rupture of the vessel lower head by the molten corium, the air entering into the vessel oxidizes Ru into a gaseous form RuO$_4$. To monitor the presence of RuO4 allows making a diagnosis of the core degradation and quantifying the potential release into the atmosphere. RuO$_4$ is of prime importance since it can have a significant radiological impact…
On-Line Measurement of Gaseous Iodine Species During a PWR Severe Accident
International audience; Iodine is a highly radio-toxic element, due to its affinity to the thyroid, and represents the major part of the radioactivity released during a nuclear accident. In the context of nuclear safety and radio-protection, we are interested in identifying the iodine gaseous species which are released, in the nuclear power plants, under molecular (I$_2$) and organic (CH$_3$I) forms. Therefore, we are working on providing a spectroscopic database for both species. While the infrared spectrum of the ν6 band of methyl iodide was previously studied, only 4000 lines were assigned. We present the rovibrational analysis of a high quality experimental spectrum, of this band, recor…
On-line measurements of RuO$_4$ during a PWR severe accident
International audience; After the Fukushima accident, it became essential to have a way to monitor in real time the evolution of a nuclear reactor during a severe accident, in order to react efficiently and minimize the industrial, ecological and health consequences of the accident. Among gaseous fission products, the tetroxide of ruthenium RuO$_4$ is of prime importance since it has a significant radiological impact. Ruthenium is a low volatile fission product but in case of the rupture of the lower head by the molten corium, the air entering into the vessel oxidizes Ru into gaseous RuO$_4$, which is not trapped by the Filtered Containment Venting Systems. To monitor the presence of RuO$_4…