Michael F. Mascolo
Beyond free will : The embodied emergence of conscious agency
Is it possible to reconcile the concept of conscious agency with the view that humans are biological creatures subject to material causality? The problem of conscious agency is complicated by the tendency to attribute autonomous powers of control to conscious processes. In this paper, we offer an embodied process model of conscious agency. We begin with the concept of embodied emergence – the idea that psychological processes are higher-order biological processes, albeit ones that exhibit emergent properties. Although consciousness, experience, and representation are emergent properties of higher-order biological organisms, the capacity for hierarchical regulation is a property of all livin…
Who Stole My Banana? Social Science as Intersubjective Corroboration
We are honored at the opportunity to exchange ideas with three scholars for whom we have deep respect and admiration. In what follows, we clarify our thinking in response to a series of erudite and...
The Phenomenology of Between: An Intersubjective Epistemology for Psychological Science
We outline the concept of intersubjective corroboration as an epistemology for psychological science. Psychological knowledge arises neither from subjectivity nor objectivity, but from intersubject...