Ramon Wyss
The role of the shape driving neutron orbital in 108Cd
Abstract The nucleus 108Cd has been studied using a heavy-ion reaction and the NORDBALL multi-detector array. The yrast band has been extended to Ip = 24+, and nine quasi-rotational side bands have been identified. The n h 11 2 negative-parity orbital is found to play a dominant role both in the low-spin as well as in the high-spin structure of 108Cd. The first band crossing in the yrast band is caused by the h 11 2 neutrons. The 10+ state of the aligned n( h 11 2 ) 2 configuration decays strongly into a low-lying low-spin intruder-like positive-parity band. It is suggested that this intruder structure is dominated by a non-aligned n( h 11 2 ) 2 configuration. For the first time in this mas…
Collective rotational – vibrational transition in the very neutron-deficient nuclei Pt
Excited states have been identified for the first time in very neutron deficient Pt-171.172 nuclei using the recoil-or-decay tagging technique. The ground-state band in Pt-172 has been established up to I-pi = 8+. A similar level sequence, presumably built on the I-pi = 13/2(+) state, is observed for Pt-171. The data are compared with theoretical calculations based on the mean field approach and the random phase approximation and are put into the context of the systematics of platinum isotopes. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 56Co
Excited states of Co-56 were studied in the reaction Al-27(S-32,2p1n) Co-56. The NORDBALL array with a Neutron Wall and a Silicon Ball was employed. The excited states were interpreted in terms of ...
Shell structure and shape coexistence in195Pb
Pb-195 was investigated utilizing the reactions Dy-164(S-36, 5n)Pb-195 and Dy-164(S-34, 3n)Pb-195 at beam energies of 170 and 160MeV respectively. Two new dipole bands which feed into the yrast 25/2(+) state, were found in Pb-195. The connection between the bands and the spherical states was established and thus spins and energies of the involved collective states were determined. The deformation is understood as mainly due to excitations of protons across the Z = 82 shell gap. The observed backbends are interpreted as alignment of i(13/2) neutrons.
In-beam andα-decay spectroscopy of191Poand evidence for triple shape coexistence at low energy in the daughter nucleus187Pb
Prompt gamma rays have been observed for the first time from the neutron-deficient nucleus Po-191 using the recoil-decay tagging technique at the RITU gas-filled separator. In addition improved alp ...
Competing proton and neutron alignments in neutron-deficient Xe-nuclei
Abstract High-spin structures of the neutron-deficient 117,118,120 Xe isotopes have been studied by in-beam γ-ray spectroscopic techniques. The final nuclei have been identified by means of charged-particle detectors. Collective rotational bands based on the neutron d 5 2 , g 7 2 and h 11 2 configurations have been identified in 117 Xe. In the even 118 Xe and 120 Xe nuclei several new side bands were observed and the previously known bands were extended. The present level schemes include two positive-parity bands constructed to high spin in 118 Xe, whereas in 120 Xe three such bands were observed. In order to explain these bands, both proton and neutron ( h 11 2 ) 2 alignments, as well as t…
Alpha decay of the new isotopes 188,189Po
New neutron-deficient isotopes 188,189Po have been produced in the complete fusion reaction of 52Cr ions with a 142Nd target at the velocity filter SHIP. The evaporation residues were separated in-flight and subsequently identified on the basis of α-γ and α-conversion electron coincidence measurements and of α-α position and time correlations. In 189Po a ground state to ground state α decay with Eα1= 7540(20) keV, T1/2= 5(1) ms and two fine structure α-decays at Eα2= 7264(15) keV and Eα3= 7316(15) keV have been observed. In 188Po (T1/2= 400+200 −150μs) a ground state to ground state α decay at Eα= 7915(25) keV and a fine structure α decay at Eα= 7350(40) keV have been found. Improved data o…
High-spin studies of the neutron deficient nuclei 103In, 105In, 107In, and 109In
High-spin states of the isotopes In-103,In-105,In-107,In-109 have been investigated using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopic methods. Results from three different experiments are presented. Targets of Fe-54, Cr-50, and Mo-92 were bombarded by a 270 and 261 MeV Ni-58 beam and by a 95 MeV F-19 beam, respectively. Reaction channel separation was achieved with a charged-particle detector array and in the first two experiments also with a 1 pi neutron detector system. As a result of these experiments the level schemes of In-103,In-105,In-107,In-109 were significantly extended. Excited states of these odd-A indium isotopes are discussed within the framework of the nuclear shell model and the hole-co…
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 103Cd
Excited states of Cd-103 were studied in the reaction Ni-58(Cr-50,4pn)Cd-103. The NORDBALL array with neutron and charged particle detectors was employed for the detection of gamma rays and light evaporated particles. The level scheme of Cd-103 was significantly extended. A strong cascade of E2 transitions connecting negative parity states was found, Shell model calculations were performed and positive parity excited states were interpreted in terms of neutron-particle and proton-hole excitations with respect to the doubly magic N = Z = 50 core. The negative parity band was well reproduced by the total routhian surface calculations. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Pronounced shape change induced by quasiparticle alignment
Mean lifetimes of high-spin states of Kr-74 have been determined using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The high-spin states were studied using the Ca-40(Ca-40, alpha 2p) reaction at a beam energy of 160 MeV with the GASP gamma-ray spectrometer. The ground-state band and negative parity side band show the presence of three different configurations in terms of transitional quadrupole deformations. A dramatic shape change was found along the ground-state band after the S-band crossing. The deduced quadrupole deformation changes are well reproduced by cranked Woods-Saxon Strutinsky calculations.
Structure of high-spin states in Pd
High-spin states of the neutron deficient (100)pd nucleus have been investigated via the Cr-50(Ni-58, 4p alpha) and Zn-70(S-36,6n) heavy-ion induced reactions. For the detection of evaporated particles and gamma rays the NORDBALL array equipped with ancillary detectors and the EUROGAM II detector system were utilized. By the use of in-beam spectroscopic methods 89 transitions belonging to (100)pd have been observed, 49 of which were identified for the first time. The level scheme has been extended up to E-X approximate to 16 MeV excitation energy and I approximate to 25h. The experimental results were compared with the predictions of cranked shell model calculations. Maximal spin alignments…
High-spin states in 121Ba and deformation-dependent alignments
The high-spin structure of 121Ba has been investigated by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques. Rotational bands based on the h11/2, g7/2 and tentatively d5/2 quasineutron configurations have ...
High spin band structures in104Cd
High spin states in Cd-104 have been investigated by means of heavy ion induced reactions using the Nordball detector array. The level scheme constructed from yy-coincidences is dominated by three ...
In-beam spectroscopy of 110Te
The neutron-deficient nucleus Te-110 has been investigated by in-beam spectroscopic methods using the NORDBALL multi-detector array. Except for the energy of one level observed in alpha-decay, exci ...
In-beam spectroscopy at the proton-drip line. First observation of excited states in 106Sb and 107Sb
Neutron deficient nuclei close to Sn-100 have been investigated in-beam using the NORDBALL detector array. A target of Fe-54 was bombarded with a beam of Ni-58 at 270 MeV. Evaporation residues were identified by detecting protons and alpha particles in a 4 pi charged particle multi-detector set-up and neutrons in a 1 pi neutron detector wall in coincidence with gamma rays. Excited states of the proton drip line nucleus Sb-106 and of Sb-107 were identified for the first time. The yrast level schemes constructed from gamma-gamma-particle coincidence and gamma-gamma angular correlation analysis are presented and discussed within the framework of the nuclear shell model.
Probing intruder structures in lead nuclei
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy measurements provide important information on coexisting normal and intruder configurations in lead nuclei. However, in these experiments the yrast states are preferentially populated so that in many cases nothing is known about non-yrast states that are essential for obtaining a fuller understanding. Complementary experiments designed to study fine structure in the a decays of polonium nuclei have led to the discovery of low-spin non-yrast states in the daughter lead nuclei, while higher-spin states can be identified through the γ decays of isomeric states. The α-decay studies have the additional benefit of allowing information on configuration mixing in the polo…
Identification of low-lying proton-based intruder states in189–193Pb
Low-lying proton-based intruder states have been observed in the odd-mass isotopes Pb-189,Pb-191,Pb-193 in experiments at the RITU gas-filled recoil separator. The identification has been performed ...
Spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient nuclide 171Pt
A number of previously unobserved gamma-rays emitted from the neutron-deficient nuclide Pt-171 have been identified using the recoil decay tagging technique. The level scheme has been updated using ...
α-decay of the new isotopePo187: Probing prolate structures beyond the neutron mid-shell at N = 104
The new neutron-deficient isotope $^{187}\mathrm{Po}$ has been identified in the complete fusion reaction $^{46}\mathrm{Ti}$+$^{144}\mathrm{Sm}$\ensuremath{\rightarrow}$^{187}\mathrm{Po}$+$3n$ at the velocity filter SHIP. Striking features of the $^{187}\mathrm{Po}$ \ensuremath{\alpha} decay are the strongly-hindered decay to the spherical ground state and unhindered decay to a surprisingly low-lying deformed excited state at 286 keV in the daughter nucleus $^{183}\mathrm{Pb}$. Based on the potential energy surface calculations, the $^{187}\mathrm{Po}$ ground state and the 286 keV excited state in $^{183}\mathrm{Pb}$ were interpreted as being of prolate origin. The systematic deviation of t…
Study of high spins in $^{173}$Os
High-spin states in 173Os have been studied by γγ-coincidence measurements following the 146Nd(32S, 5n)173Os reaction. Additional information has also been extracted from the reaction 144Sm(32S, 2pn)173Os. Four main sequencies have been identified as the two signature branches of the bands built on the [642]52+ and [523]52− Nilsson states. The band features have been analysed within the framework of the cranked shell model. The positive-parity band provides evidence for a v(i132)2 crossing at low frequency and a π(h112)2 and/or π(h92)2 cross In the negative-parity band the upbend starts at relatively low frequency indicating, presumably, an early v(i132)2 alignment. There is evidence for an…
A triplet of differently shaped spin-zero states in the atomic nucleus 186Pb
Understanding the fundamental excitations of many-fermion systems is of significant current interest. In atomic nuclei with even numbers of neutrons and protons, the low-lying excitation spectrum is generally formed by nucleon pair breaking and nuclear vibrations or rotations. However, for certain numbers of protons and neutrons, a subtle rearrangement of only a few nucleons among the orbitals at the Fermi surface can result in a different elementary mode: a macroscopic shape change. The first experimental evidence for this phenomenon came from the observation of shape coexistence in 16O (ref. 4). Other unexpected examples came with the discovery of fission isomers and super-deformed nuclei…
Global nuclear structure aspects of tensor interaction
A direct fit of the isoscalar spin-orbit and both isoscalar and isovector tensor coupling constants to the f5/2-f7/2 SO splittings in 40Ca, 56Ni, and 48Ca requires: (i) a significant reduction of the standard isoscalar spin-orbit strength and (ii) strong attractive tensor coupling constants. The aim of this paper is to address the consequences of these strong attractive tensor and weak spin-orbit fields on total binding energies, two-neutron separation energies and nuclear deformability.
Coexisting structures in 115Sn and 116Sn
Abstract Excited states up to I ≈ 20 in 115 Sn and 116 Sn, populated via the ( 18 O, αxn) reactions, have been studied using the DORIS Ge detector array in conjunction with charged particle detectors. In both nuclei, spherical as well as regular, deformed level structures were found. The spherical states are interpreted to arise from pure neutron configurations, while the deformed, intruder bands obviously involve proton 2p-2h excitations across the Z = 50 shell gap.
Identification of Excited States in theTz=1NucleusXe110: Evidence for Enhanced Collectivity near theN=Z=50Double Shell Closure
Gamma-ray transitions have been identified for the first time in the extremely neutron-deficient (N=Z+2) nucleus {sup 110}Xe, and the energies of the three lowest excited states in the ground-state band have been deduced. The results establish a breaking of the normal trend of increasing first excited 2{sup +} and 4{sup +} level energies as a function of the decreasing neutron number as the N=50 major shell gap is approached for the neutron-deficient Xe isotopes. This unusual feature is suggested to be an effect of enhanced collectivity, possibly arising from isoscalar n-p interactions becoming increasingly important close to the N=Z line.
Ground-state properties of neutron-deficient platinum isotopes
The hyperfine structure splitting and the isotope shift in the λ=266 nm transition of Pt isotopes within the mass range 183 ≦A≦ 198 have been determined by Resonance Ionization Mass Spectroscopy (RIMS) in combination with Pulsed-Laser Induced Desorption (PLID). The Pt isotopes were obtained at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE-3/CERN as daugthers of the primarily produced Hg isotopes. Magnetic moments, quadrupole moments, and changes in the mean-square charge radii are deduced and compared with results of a particle-triaxial rotor model and mean field calculations. Good agreement with experimental data (including nuclear level schemes and transition probabilities) can only be obtained if…
Hindered (Δl=0) Alpha Decay and Shape Staggering in191Po
Two $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-decaying isomeric states were observed in ${}^{191}\mathrm{Po}$ with ${E}_{\ensuremath{\alpha}}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}7334(10)\mathrm{keV}$ and $\mathrm{T}{}_{1/2}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}22(1)\mathrm{ms}$ for ${}^{191g}\mathrm{Po}$ and $\mathrm{E}{}_{\ensuremath{\alpha}}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}7378(10)\mathrm{keV}$ and $\mathrm{T}{}_{1/2}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}98(8)\mathrm{ms}$ for ${}^{191m}\mathrm{Po}$. Evidence was found for fine-structure decay to excited levels in the ${}^{187}\mathrm{Pb}$ daughter nucleus. The tentative interpretation of these new lev…
Probing structural changes in the very neutron-deficient Os isotopes with recoil-decay tagging
In recent years, the exploitation of the iecoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique with,large arrays of germanium detectors has revealed much information about the structure of heavy nuclei approaching the proton drip line. The yrast bands of the N <= 93 osmium isotopes have been identified in a campaign of tagging experiments using various spectrometer arrays coupled to the RITU gas-filled separator based at the University of Jyvaskyla. Trends in the yrast state excitation energies have indicated a transition from gamma-soft triaxial to near-spherical shapes with decreasing neutron number. Recent experimental results for Os-162 obtained with the JUROGAM and GREAT spectrometers also indicate the…
Collectivity in ‘‘spherical’’Eu143,144nuclei
Long cascades of stretched E2 transitions have been observed in $^{143}\mathrm{Eu}$ and $^{144}\mathrm{Eu}$ nuclei which at low excitation exhibit spherical shape. Lifetime experiments demonstrate high collectivity values up to B(E2)\ensuremath{\approxeq}100 W.u. among these E2 cascades. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate many crossing rotational bands of the nucleus with triaxial shape at ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\beta}}}_{2}$\ensuremath{\approxeq}0.25 and \ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{\approxeq}30\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}. The E2 cascades in $^{143}\mathrm{Eu}$ are proposed to represent the \ensuremath{\nu}${\mathit{h}}_{11/2}^{2}$\ensuremath{\pi}${\mathit{h}}_{11/2}…
Recoil decay tagging ofγrays in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleusOs162
The neutron-deficient nucleus $^{162}\mathrm{Os}$, produced in the $^{106}\mathrm{Cd}(^{58}\mathrm{Ni},2n)$ reaction, has been studied using the JUROGAM $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectrometer in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator and the GREAT focal plane spectrometer. $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray transitions in $^{162}\mathrm{Os}$ have been assigned for the first time through the application of the recoil decay tagging technique. The excitation energy of the ${2}^{+}$ state and the tentative energy of the ${8}^{+}$ state are discussed in terms of the systematic energy trends as the $N=82$ shell gap is approached.
Fine structure in theαdecay ofPo188,192
The alpha decay of Po-188,Po-192 has been reexamined in order to probe the 0(+) states in the daughter nuclei Pb-184,Pb-188 that can be associated with coexisting spherical, oblate, and/or prolate ...
Shape-changing particle decays ofBi185and structure of the lightest odd-mass Bi isotopes
Proton and alpha decay of the proton-rich nuclide Bi-185 has been restudied in more detail in the complete fusion reaction Nb-93(Mo-95, 3n)Bi-185 at the velocity filter SHIP. The observed decay pat ...
Signature inversion in 120Cs: Evidence for a residual pn interaction
Abstract High-spin states have been observed in the odd-odd isotope 120Cs in 32S-induced reactions. The previously known band is extended to higher spin and several new bands are identified. Band-head configurations have been inferred by comparing the band properties with known bands in the odd nuclei 121Cs and 121Ba. A remarkable signature inversion is observed in the π h 11 2 ⊗ν h 11 2
High spin states of120Ba
The very neutron deficient nucleus120Ba has been investigated in a high-spin γ-spectroscopic study. The yrast band of120Ba is extended up to spin 22ħ and one tentatively assigned negative-parity side band is observed up to spin 15ħ. The experimental results are compared with Total Routhian Surface calculations.
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 190Po: First observation of a low-lying prolate band in Po isotopes
Gamma rays from excited states of 190Po have been observed using the Jurosphere Ge-detector array coupled to the RITU gas-filled separator. They were associated with a collective band which from spin 4 onwards resembles the prolate rotational bands known in the isotones 188Pb and 186Hg. This indicates that in 190Po the prolate configuration becomes yrast above I = 2. The experimental results are interpreted in a two-band mixing calculation and are in agreement with α-decay data and potential energy surface calculations.
First observation of gamma-rays from the proton emitter 171Au
Gamma-rays from the alpha- and proton-unstable nuclide 171Au have been observed for the first time. The gamma-rays were correlated with both a proton- and an alpha-particle decay branch, confirming that the nucleus decays by alpha and proton emission from a single (11/2-) state. The measurement confirms the previously determined half-lives for these particle decays but the present values are of higher precision. In addition, a longer half-life than determined in previous work was measured for the proton-unstable tentative ground state. The results are discussed in relation to structures in neighbouring nuclei and compared with a Strutinsky-type TRS calculation.
New microsecond isomers in 189, 190Bi
New microsecond isomers in the neutron-deficient isotopes 189g, 190Bi have been identified after in-flight separation by the velocity filter SHIP. The evaporation residues were identified on the basis of delayed recoil-γ/X-ray, recoil-γ/X-ray-α and excitation function measurements. The systematics of the [ π1i 13/2]13/2+ excited states in the odd-mass Bi nuclei is discussed.
High-spin studies near 100Sn with NORDBALL: New results on 102In, 104In and 108Sb
The NORDBALL detector array has been used in a gamma-ray spectroscopic study of neutron deficient nuclei close to 100Sn. A beam of 270 MeV 58Ni ions was used to bombard a target of Fe-54. Reaction channel separation was achieved with a 4pi charged particle Si-ball together with a 1pi neutron detector wall. Altogether 29 final nuclei were identified and excited states were observed for the first time in 8 of them. The weakest identified channel was 100Cd which represented 4.10(-3) % of the observed total yield. Level schemes Of 102In, 104In and 108Sb constructed from gamma-gamma-particle-coincidence and gamma-gamma-angular correlation analyses are presented. The observed structures are discu…
Identification and spectroscopy of the108Te nucleus
Excited states of 108 Te were populated in the 54 Fe + 58 Ni (270 MeV) reaction using the NORDBALL detector array equipped with charged-particle and neutron detector systems for reaction channel separation. Gamma rays belonging to the neutron deficient nucleus 108 Te were identified for the first time. On the basis of γγ-coincidence and angular correlation relations a level scheme was constructed with tentative spin and parity assignments. The structure of the nucleus is discussed in the framework of systematics of heavier Te nuclei.
First observation of excited states in 108Sb
A spectroscopic study of Sb-108 has been carried out as a part of a larger experiment where in total twenty-nine different residual nuclei were identified. This study gives the first information on excited levels in this nucleus. A low-lying two-quasi-particle multiplet together with some of the higher lying levels are discussed within the framework of the nuclear shell model. A rotational, strongly coupled, band is identified as, most likely, being built on the deformed pig9/2(-1) nuh11/2 configuration in accordance with total routhian surface calculations. Tentative spins and parities are presented as well as B(M1)/B(E2) ratios for some of the transitions in the strongly coupled band.
Lifetime measurement of the first excited2+state in108Te
The lifetime of the first excited 2(+) state in the neutron deficient nuclide (108)Te has been measured for the first time, using a combined recoil decay tagging and recoil distance Doppler shift t ...