Francesco Sergi
Load match and grid interaction optimization of a net zero energy building through electricity storage: An Italian case-study
The study aims at applying of Load Match and Grid Interaction indexes to a Net Zero Energy Building in order to optimize the performances of its energy systems. The case study is a modular prefabricated house that uses solar energy (photovoltaic) and natural gas (Fuel Cell) as energy sources and equipped with an Energy Management System addressing the optimal energy use.
Analysis of the effects of climate change on the energy and environmental performance of a building with and without onsite generation from renewable energy
Climate Change is a priority, due to the large variety of implications and importance that it may cause in the next decades. In this context, the building sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, buildings should be designed in such a way that they are responsible for fewer GHG emissions. In this context, the paper analyses the potential impact of climate change on the energy performances of buildings, with and without onsite generation from renewable energy, using a prototype building located in Messina (Italy) as case study. The analysis is based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change RCP scenarios and the results confirm the already known ov…
Grid interaction and environmental impact of a net zero energy building
Abstract The concept of Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB), as a grid-connected building that generates as much energy as it uses over a given period, has been developing through policies and research agendas during the last decade as a contribution towards the decarbonization of the building sector. However, since the most applicable and widely used renewable energy supply options are non-programmable, the large-scale NZEBs diffusion into the existing power grids can seriously affect their stability having a relapse on operation costs and environmental impacts. In this context, the study aims at performing the design of the energy systems to be used in the case-study through a wide numbers of…
Analysis of Load Match in Nearly Zero Energy Buildings
The concept of load matching refers to the degree of agreement or disagreement of the on-site generation with the building load profiles: it can be increased and optimised with modifications on both the energy demand and generation. In this context, the paper presents the load match analysis of a case study: a modular housing construction (it has an area of 45 m 2 and S/V ratio equal to 2.75 m −1 ) built in Messina (Italy). Moreover, in order to optimize the design of the next test module to be built, a parametric analysis was performed considering different scenarios on the generation side, to explore the effectiveness of the solutions sets used in current design and plan different solutio…
A Review of Key Performance Indicators for Building Flexibility Quantification to Support the Clean Energy Transition
The transition to a sustainable society and a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 requires extensive deployment of renewable energy sources that, due to the aleatority and non-programmability of most of them, may seriously affect the stability of existing power grids. In this context, buildings are increasingly being seen as a potential source of energy flexibility for the power grid. In literature, key performance indicators, allowing different aspects of the load management, are used to investigate buildings’ energy flexibility. The paper reviews existing indicators developed in the context of theoretical, experimental and numerical studies on flexible buildings, outlining the current status a…
Implementation of a Management System for Prosumer Energy Storage Scheduling in Smart Grids
Scheduling of energy storage systems of distributed generation is a key element for optimal renewable energy sources (RES) exploitation in smart grids, demand side response strategies implementation and prosumers interaction with Distribution System Operators (DSOs). In this context, this paper presents the implementation of a management system for energy storage scheduling, which allows taking appropriate account of the storage system behavior in real cases. To properly consider the real system operation, the employed battery model is modified, in order to include also the hysteresis phenomena in state of charge estimation in both charging and discharging operation. The validation of the p…
Computer Fluid Dynamics Assessment of an Active Ventilated Façade Integrating Distributed MPPT and Battery
Ventilated Façades integrated with photovoltaic panels have become a popular way to improve both the thermal-physical performances of the existing built environment. The increased usage of not-programmable renewable energy sources implies the adoption of energy storage systems to mitigate the mismatch between the power generation and the building’s demand. Aiming at properly integrates a photovoltaic panel and a battery (Lithium based) as a module of an active ventilated façade, the prototype design has been carried out in terms of thermo-fluid dynamics performance. Based on experimental setup, a numerical study of flow through the air cavity of the active ventilated façade has been carried…
Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamic study of an active ventilated façade integrating battery and distributed MPPT
Ventilated Façades integrating photovoltaic panels are a promising way to improve efficiency and the thermal-physical performances of buildings. Due the inherent intermittence of the non-programmable renewable energy sources, their increasing usage implies the use of energy storage systems to mitigate the mismatch between power generation and the buildings’ load demand. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the thermo-fluid dynamic performances of a prototype integrating a photovoltaic cell and a battery as a module of an active ventilated façade. Based on an experimental setup, a numerical study in steady state conditions of flow through the air cavity of the module has been car…
A Monitoring and Management System for Energy Storage Integration in Smart Grids
The integration of distributed storage systems (DSSs) at users and prosumers level can significantly contribute to energy efficiency and increase profits from renewable energy exploitation, thanks to suitable scheduling of charging and discharging periods. On the other hand, to preserve network stability and secure operation, Distribution Systems Operators (DSOs) are interested in DSSs control and cooperation with the grid. In this framework this work proposes a simple monitoring and management system for DSSs scheduling and its integration in a distributed measurement and control system architecture for smart grids. In the paper the proposed algorithm is tested on a simple case study at ho…
Electrochemical energy storage mitigating impact of electric vehicle on the electric grid: Two Italian case studies
In the framework of the Italian R&D project i-Next two pilots plants were realized aiming at demonstrate benefits coming from the adoption of electrochemical energy storages (Lithium ion batteries and hydrogen) integrated with renewable energy sources. In the present study the preliminary results coming from the demo sites operations are reported paying attention to the impacts to the grid.
Towards an integrated design of renewable electricity generation and storage systems for NZEB use: A parametric analysis
Abstract Although nearly zero energy buildings have attracted growing research attention, literature analysis shows that only a limited number of researches try to couple load match/grid interaction issues and environmental impacts in early design stages. The study proposes a novel multidisciplinary design approach that allows to integrate these two conflicting aspects aiming to find trade-offs. The proposed approach has been applied to a building case study, equipped with a photovoltaics system without energy storage. The results show that even though on yearly basis the energy use (5,290 kWhe) is largely overcome by the on-site energy generation (8069 kWhe), an oversized PV system alone m…