J. Schmeck
Clonidine increases membrane-associated phospholipase A2
Background and objective: An anti-inflammatory effect of α 2 -adrenoreceptor agonists has been suggested. Phospholipase A 2 is a key enzyme in the production of precursors of inflammatory lipid mediators. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of clonidine on phospholipase A 2 activity in an established in vitro model. Methods: Human being platelet membranes containing active phospholipase A 2 were exposed to buffer control or to three increasing concentrations of clonidine. Phospholipase A 2 was measured by a radioisotope technique. Results: A massive increase in phospholipase A 2 activity was measured after clonidine exposure leading to final values of 92.5 ′ 3.1 pmol …
Prozessoptimierung und Qualitätsmanagement in der Anästhesie
Die gesellschaftspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen haben die Krankenhauser in den vergangenen Jahren zu einer drastischen Korrektur ihrer Unternehmenspolitik gezwungen, wobei der Fokus auf einem wirtschaftlichen Ressourceneinsatz und der Umsetzung gesicherter Qualitatsstandards lag.
Microbial contamination of anesthetic syringes in relation to different handling habits.
This single-center study prospectively assessed the microbial contamination of anesthetic syringes handled perioperatively under different conditions. We documented high rates of bacterial contamination, with strong but statistically nonsignificant differences between handling groups. Our results identify skin contact as the main source of contamination, and thus we emphasize the impact of proper hand hygiene.