R. Morreale Bubella
Risultati del trattamento ortottico in bambini di età inferiore ai 10 anni con ambliopia anisometropica.
The oculomotor nucleus is divided into: 1. somatic medial column innervating the superior rectus muscle and somatic lateral column, further subdivided into a lateral column innervating the inferior rectus, inferior oblique and medial rectus muscles; 2. central nucleus innervating the levator palpebrae superioris muscle; 3. visceral nucleus innervating the pupillary sphincter muscle, consisting of the following two groups of neurons: cholinergic, preganglionic neurons supplying the ciliary ganglion, termed the Edinger- Westphal preganglionic (EWpg) neuron population, and the centrally projecting, peptidergic neurons, termed the Edinger-Westphal centrally projecting (EWcp) population. A detai…
Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measurements in myopia by optical coherence tomography
Aim: Our study aimed to evaluate through OCT, in a homogeneous group of subjects with various degrees of myopia, the macular thickness and that of the RNFL with the purpose of highlighting the possible presence of a correlation between their impairment and the degree of myopia. Material and Methods : 83 students of the Faculty of Medicine were considered, distinguished into 4 groups, 3 of them according to the degree of myopia and the last group (control group) was made of emmetropic subjects. Each subject was submitted to a determination of visual acuity and refractive defect and evaluation of the thickness of the macular fibres and of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) through OCT (Stra…
Optic neuropathy caused by type A botulinic toxin
Purpose To report the development of an optical neuropathy after injection of type A botulinic toxin in a subject with blepharospasm. Methods Optical neuropathy was evaluated through a complete ophthalmologic examination consisting of bio-microscopy, tonometry and study of visual sharpness, colour test, visual field, OCT, fluorangiography and determination of VEPs. Results Intravenous therapy was begun with Metilprednisolone (20 mg/Kg/day) and Vitamin B6 associated with oral Citicoline, and there was a clear improvement down to normalization of the symptoms. After 6 months the Humphrey computerized visual field with central 30-2 program threshold test emphasised in ODx an upper half-field a…
Retinal myelinated nerve fibers associated with macular pseudohole
We report the case of a 24-year-old woman who presented unilateral extensive peripapillary myelinated nerve fibers associated with macular pseudohole and bilateral low myopia. Visual acuity, slit lamp biomicroscopy, automated perimetry, fundus color photography, and optical coherence tomography (Stratus® OCT) were performed. We discuss the clinical findings and diagnostic details of unilateral extensive peripapillary myelinated nerve fibers associated with macular pseudohole.
Occult non-metallic intraocular foreign body causing recurrent anterior uveitis
Purpose To describe the case of textile worker with recurrent anterior uveitis following the traumatic penetration of nylon thread into the anterior segment of the eye. Methods Examination by slit-lamp of the affected eye B-scan ultrasonography during the inflammatory episode and after the resolution of the uveitis. Visual Acuity Measurement during the inflammatory episode and after the resolution of the uveitis. Results The use of topical therapy together with antibiotic systemic therapy led to the regression of the inflammatory symptoms (intense epibulbar and tarsal hyperemia with perikeratic reaction, corneal sub-oedema with some folds in the Descemet's membrane, Tyndall 2+ and a layer o…
Array-CGH and clinical characterization in a patient with subtelomeric 6p deletion without ocular dysgenesis
Subtelomeric terminal 6p deletion has been recognized as a clinically identifiable syndrome including facial dysmorphism, malformation of the anterior eye chamber, hearing loss, heart defect and developmental delay. Genotype –phenotype correlations of previously published patients have been strongly suggested anterior eye segment anomalies as one of major malformation of the syndrome if the critical 6p25 region containing the FOXC 1 gene. In addition it has been hypothesized the presence in this region of one or more genes involved in hearing loss. We report on a case of terminal 6p deletion in a 47, XYY karyotype. Further characterization of the deletion with array comparative genome hybri…