Yaiza M. Arenas
Differential role of interleukin-1β in neuroinflammation-induced impairment of spatial and nonspatial memory in hyperammonemic rats.
Activated microglia and increased brain IL-1β play a main role in cognitive impairment in much pathology. We studied the role of IL-1β in neuroinflammation-induced impairment of the following different types of learning and memory: novel object recognition (NOR), novel object location (NOL), spatial learning, reference memory (RM), and working memory (WM). All these processes are impaired in hyperammonemic rats. We assessed which of these types of learning and memory are restored by blocking the IL-1 receptor in vivo in hyperammonemic rats and the possible mechanisms involved. Blocking the IL-1 receptor reversed microglial activation in the hippocampus, perirhinal cortex, and prefrontal cor…
Chronic hyperammonemia alters extracellular glutamate, glutamine and GABA and membrane expression of their transporters in rat cerebellum. Modulation by extracellular cGMP.
Trafficking of glutamate, glutamine and GABA between astrocytes and neurons is essential to maintain proper neurotransmission. Chronic hyperammonemia alters neurotransmission and cognitive function. The aims of this work were to analyze in cerebellum of rats the effects of chronic hyperammonemia on: a) extracellular glutamate, glutamine and GABA concentrations; b) membrane expression of glutamate, glutamine and GABA transporters; c) how they are modulated by extracellular cGMP. Hyperammonemic rats show increased levels of extracellular glutamate, glutamine, GABA and citrulline in cerebellum in vivo. Hyperammonemic rats show: a) increased membrane expression of the astrocytic glutamine trans…