P. Marti
Adaptive-threshold neural spike detection by noise-envelope tracking
A new method for adaptive threshold setting is implemented and used in two threshold-based spike detectors: simple threshold and nonlinear energy operator. Detection quality assessment is performed using both a set of artificially generated signals and a real neural recording. Receiver operating curves are obtained and results show that, compared to fix threshold, adaptive threshold setting yields performance improvement.
Improvement of Temperature Based ANN Models for ETo Prediction in Coastal Locations by Means of Preliminary Models and Exogenous Data
This paper reports the application of artificial neural networks for estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) as a function of local maximum and minimum air temperatures and exogenous relative humidity and evapotranspiration in twelve coastal locations of the autonomous Valencia region, Spain. The Penman-Monteith model for ETo prediction, as been proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as the standard method for ETo forecast, has been used to provide the ANN targets. The number of stations where reliable climatic data are available for the application of the Penman-Monteith equation is limited. Thus, the development of more precise predicting tools…
UWB Channel Measurements for Hand-Portable Devices: A Comparative Study
On-body UWB signal propagation is analyzed using two different types of UWB antennas. For the study, measurements of the frequency response by means of a VNA (vector network analyzer) are performed at 2001 discrete frequency points in the 3 to 6 GHz range. Separated measures are taken for four different transmitter positions on the head and six receiver positions on the body. Channel estimation parameters, such as mean excess delay, delay spread and path loss are obtained. Results are similar for both types of antennas regarding path loss exponent and average power delay profiles.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Continuum of Care in 11 European Union Countries at the End of 2016 Overall and by Key Population: Have We Made Progress?
Abstract Background High uptake of antiretroviral treatment (ART) is essential to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission and related mortality; however, gaps in care exist. We aimed to construct the continuum of HIV care (CoC) in 2016 in 11 European Union (EU) countries, overall and by key population and sex. To estimate progress toward the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 target, we compared 2016 to 2013 estimates for the same countries, representing 73% of the population in the region. Methods A CoC with the following 4 stages was constructed: number of people living with HIV (PLHIV); proportion of PLHIV diagnosed; proportion of those diagnosed …
UWB Channel Measurements for Measures for Hand-Portable and Wearable Devices
On-body UWB signal propagation is analyzed for propagation channels surrounding the body in an usual office environment for an application requiring the transmission of signals recorded from the head to a device such as a mobile phone or a PDA carried by the subject or also from the transmitter on the head to other devices located along the body. For the study, measurements of the frequency response by means of a VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) are performed at 2001 discrete frequency points in the 3 to 6 GHz range. Channel estimation parameters, such as mean excess delay, delay spread and path loss are obtained. Results show that for the transmitter located on top of the head best average pe…