E. Antonino
UWB Channel Measurements for Hand-Portable Devices: A Comparative Study
On-body UWB signal propagation is analyzed using two different types of UWB antennas. For the study, measurements of the frequency response by means of a VNA (vector network analyzer) are performed at 2001 discrete frequency points in the 3 to 6 GHz range. Separated measures are taken for four different transmitter positions on the head and six receiver positions on the body. Channel estimation parameters, such as mean excess delay, delay spread and path loss are obtained. Results are similar for both types of antennas regarding path loss exponent and average power delay profiles.
High resolution in currents reconstruction applying the extrapolation matrix and spectrum replies
A faster method for the reconstruction of currents has been proposed. For this a new algorithm has been used which extrapolates a 2D signal in less time than the iterative method of Papoulis. Results exposed in this paper show the likeness of the reconstructed currents with the new algorithm with those of the iterative method and the improvement that might be obtained in these new currents with regard to the iterative one. Furthermore, results show the higher speed of the new matrix method.