Miguel Gallach
Fast comparison of DNA sequences by oligonucleotide profiling
Provisional abstact and full-text PDF files correspond to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted PDF and final abstract will be made available soon.
A sequence motif enriched in regions bound by the Drosophila dosage compensation complex
Abstract Background In Drosophila melanogaster, dosage compensation is mediated by the action of the dosage compensation complex (DCC). How the DCC recognizes the fly X chromosome is still poorly understood. Characteristic sequence signatures at all DCC binding sites have not hitherto been found. Results In this study, we compare the known binding sites of the DCC with oligonucleotide profiles that measure the specificity of the sequences of the D. melanogaster X chromosome. We show that the X chromosome regions bound by the DCC are enriched for a particular type of short, repetitive sequences. Their distribution suggests that these sequences contribute to chromosome recognition, the genera…
Global patterns of sequence evolution in Drosophila.
This article is available from: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/8/408
UVPAR: fast detection of functional shifts in duplicate genes.
Abstract Background The imprint of natural selection on gene sequences is often difficult to detect. A plethora of methods have been devised to detect genetic changes due to selective processes. However, many of those methods depend heavily on underlying assumptions regarding the mode of change of DNA sequences and often require sophisticated mathematical treatments that made them computationally slow. The development of fast and effective methods to detect modifications in the selective constraints of genes is therefore of great interest. Results We describe UVPAR, a program designed to quickly test for changes in the functional constraints of duplicate genes. Starting with alignments of t…