Tiina Rantio
The M74 syndrome of baltic salmon (Salmo salar) and organochlorine concentrations in the muscle of female salmon
Abstract Organochlorine concentrations in the muscle of female Baltic salmon (Salmo salar), ascending for spawning in the Simojoki River on the north-eastern coast of the Gulf of Bothnia from 1988 to 1992 are given in this paper in relation to reproduction success, monitored as viability of offspring. In spring 1992 and 1993 all the yolk-sac fry of 52 % and 75 % of the females, sampled in autumns 1991 and 1992 respectively, died due to the M74 syndrome, i.e., heavy mortality of yolk-sac fry (YSM). The TEOs of the most frequently detected polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs: 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF and 2,3,7,8-TeCDF) and those of coplanar PCBs (CB77, CB126 and CB169) were about twi…
Chlorinated phenolic compounds in coniferous needles. Effects of metal and paper industry and incineration
Abstract Pine needles were analyzed for their contents of chlorinated phenolic compounds. Altogether about 30 samples from surroundings of a metal scrap plant, a pulp and paper mill, a hazardous waste incinerator and reference samples outside of the immediate influence of these were analyzed by GC/ECD and GC/MS. Most phenolic compounds in the needles were found to be bound to the plant material and were not extractable as such by organic solvents. The concentrations of some bound chlorinated phenolic compounds were on level of 1–300 ng/g in dried needle. For many compounds the concentrations were remarkably higher in the three years old needles compared to the concentrations in the one and …
Chlorohydrocarbons, PCB congeners, polychlorodioxins, furans and dibenzothiophenes in pine needles in the vicinity of a metal reclamation plant
Abstract Chlorohydrocarbons, PCB congeners, polychlorodioxins, furans and dibenzothiophenes in pine needles in the vicinity of a metal reclamation plant were analyzed by GC/ECD and GC/MS. Wax and the rest of the needles were analyzed separately. As a rule the concentrations of α-HCH (0.5–13.6 ng/g), γ-HCH (0.4–7.3 ng/g), HCB (0.2–3.4 ng/g), PCB congeners (0.2–67 ng/g), PCDDs and PCDFs were higher in the older needles. The ratio of the concentration in the wax to the concentration in the rest of the needles was higher in the younger needles. The concentrations of PCB congeners, TeCDDs and TeCDFs were higher in the needles collected in the area nearest to the plant. The samples, obviously, co…
Estimation of vapor pressures, solubilities and Henry's law constants of selected persistent organic pollutants as functions of temperature
Abstract An internally consistent set of temperature dependent physical-chemical property data was derived for 73 persistent organic pollutants, including polychlorinated biphenyls, diphenylethers, dibenzo-p-dioxins, and dibenzofurans, organochlorinated pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Measured data reported in the literature were expanded by different estimation and regression methods. Temperature dependent vapor pressures were estimated from relative gas chromatographic retention times and by a modified Watson equation. Temperature dependent water solubilities were estimated by equations based on mobile order theory modified from Ruelle and Kesselring. The temperature depe…
Fate of pulp mill effluent compounds in a finnish watercourse
Chloroorganic chemicals emitted from the pulp and paper mill at nekoski in central Finland were monitored for several years. Concentration time series are used for evaluating the environmental fate and the applicability and validity of an exposure models. Fitted elimination rates of 3,4,5-Tri-, 4,5,6-Tri-, Tetrachloroguaiacol and 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol are approx. 0.22 d(-1), or rather the half-lives are approx. 3 days. The elimination is most likely by biodegradation and transport-controlled. For 2,3,6-trichloro-p-cymene, fate simulations indicate significant volatilization and sedimentation. Good agreement is achieved with a one-dimensional steady-state box model, except for concentrations…
Chlorinated acetic and propionic acids in pine needles from industrial areas
Abstract Concentrations of chlorinated acetic and propionic acids in pine needles from the surroundings of a pulp and paper mill and a metal reclamation plant were measured. Different ways of extraction and chromatographic separation were tried. Ultrasonic extraction with water of the powdered needles was found to be efficient. The acids were analysed as their pentafluorobenzyl esters with GC-ECD. The ECD sensitivity of the pentafluorobenzyl derivatives was good. The detection limit was below 1 ng/g for the chlorinated acetic and propionic acids. The concentrations of dichloroacetic acid and 2,2-dichloropropionic acid in fresh needles were on the 0–4 ng/g level. Monochloroacetic acid, 2-chl…
Estimation of the environmental hazard of organochlorines in pulp mill biosludge used as soil fertilizer
Abstract Contents of total organic chlorine and polychlorinated phenols, guaiacols, catechols, benzenes, cymenes, cymenenes, naphthalenes, toxic dibenzodioxins, toxic dibenzofurans, toxic PCB congener 77, alkylated dibenzofurans, alkylated bibenzyls and alkylated phenanthrenes in spent biosludges from activated sludge treatment plants of chlorobleaching kraft pulp mills are reported. Some estimations of hazard caused by these organochlorines to humans and wildlife from the use of biosludge as soil fertilizer are constructed and discussed.
Chlorocymenes, cymenenes and other chlorohydrocarbons in pulp mill effluents, sludges and exposed biota
Abstract Polychlorinated cymenes (PCYMS) and cymenenes (PCYMD) were analyzed by GC/LRMS/SIM in effluents and sludges of three different pulp mills and in fish and mussels exposed to pulp mill effluents. The levels of PCYMS+PCYMD were 0.3–4.8 μg/l in total effluents,
Chloroterpenes and other organochlorines in Baltic, Finnish and Arctic wildlife
Abstract Chloroterpene mixtures were analyzed as toxaphene (TOX) in Baltic, Finnish and Arctic fish, seal and bird samples together with DDT residues, hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCBz), chlordanes, hexachloronaphthalenes (HxCN), PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs. TOX was found to be the most globally (evenly) distributed organochlorine compound in Scandinavia, thus far. TOX seemed to bioaccumulate significantly in fish but not in predatory birds in Finland.
Chlorinated cymenes in effluents of two Finnish pulp mills in 1990–1993
Abstract Seven chlorocymenes (CYMS) and 2,3,6-trichloro-p-cymenene (236CYMD) were determined in effluents of biological purification plants of two Finnish pulp mills during the years 1990–1993. Both pulp mills changed their bleaching process and consequently, a steep decreasing trend in emitted amounts of the studied compounds was noticed.